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Brief Investment Analysis of ### Land Reclaiming Engineering

I just received an email this morning. I learned about the latest communication progress of ## Island project and made a simple analysis which is to communicate the situation with numbers to make a statement,. it may be inaccurate, and just take it as a drafted  summary

In general, ### project, as a characteristic large-scale tourism and commercial and residential real estate project, is undoubtedly promising.However, for specific investors, it is necessary to do what one can. The cooperation is not a pure "capital cooperation", and the project also selects investors within a limited range, which limits the progress of the project to some extent and increases investment risks.Therefore, the strength of the target investors and financing capacity is crucial.This is also what I am most worried about at present, so I have made a preliminary analysis of the project operation in the past five years for your reference.Since I don't know much about this industry, there are inevitably some inappropriate places.

Starting from the entry of new shareholders, based on the construction of three residential projects totaling 300,000 square meters within five years, the investment risks and benefits of new shareholders are simply analyzed.Through the presentation of the possible cash flow situation in five years, the possible benefits and risks of medium, optimistic and pessimistic situations are analyzed.(See attached table for details)

Through a simple analysis, I still feel that this project is a big burden and difficult compared with our strength……

Original Files Download:

STR6001CN_Brief Investment Analysis of ### Land Reclaiming Engineering

STR6001EN_Brief Investment Analysis of ### Land Reclaiming Engineering