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Aidphar HR Questionares (2001)

Job analysis interview method list of questions.

(1) What is the objective of the position?

     What is the ultimate outcome of this position?

     What is the significance of this position from the company's perspective?

     Why this position?

     What are the benefits of spending money on this work?

 (2) What is the meaning of work?

    Calculate the annual expenses for this position, such as operating budget, sales, and employee expenses.

    Can this supervisor achieve significant savings for the department or organization?And can it do so every year?

    Can the position supervisor create a good profit for the company?And can you maintain performance?

 (3) What is the position of the position in the organization?

     Who does he work for directly?

     Which positions are in the same department as him?

     What are his most frequent internal and external contacts?

     What committee does he serve on?

     Is he on business?Go to where?Because of the counting?

  (4) What assistants does he usually have?

      What work is he in charge of?

      Briefly explain the scope of each subordinate's work: size, scope, and why they exist.

      What types of employees do they report to: are they competent, experienced, etc.?

      How does he manage his subordinates?

      What information management system is used?

      Which subordinates do you often have direct contact with?

      Does he need to have the same professional or technical knowledge as his subordinates?Why?

      (5) What technical, management and interpersonal coordination skills are required?

       What are the basic requirements of the position?

       What is the technical, professional, and financial status of the supervisor's work environment?

       List the required expertise in order of importance.Ask him to give an example of his work in the order in which it happened.

      How to master technical knowledge, off-job training or on-the-job training?

      Does the company have other channels to provide similar technical knowledge?Does he have access to that knowledge?

      What is his effect on the morale of his subordinates?

      Do subordinates support his management and direction, and do they need his cooperation?

      Does he have much difficulty convincing others ----- of his rank or higher, -------, to accept his advice in this field or any other?

     How well does he work with his subordinates?

     Who can he turn to for help?

     How much autonomy does he have?

     What level of supervisor does he report to?

     What does he do most of the time?

     How important are interpersonal skills compared with technical knowledge in everyday work?

   (6) What are the key problems to be solved in the management work?What aspects are involved?

      What does he see as the biggest challenge in the job?

      What are your most and least satisfying aspects?

      What is the most concerned or cautious issue in your work?

      What is the basis for dealing with these difficult or important issues?

      In what way does his boss direct him?

      How often he asks for help from his boss;Or does the boss constantly check on or direct his work?

      What kind of issues does he have autonomy over?

     What kind of problems should he refer to his superiors?

     How does he rely on policy or precedent to solve problems?

      Are the problems different?What are the differences?

     To what extent is the outcome of the problem predictable?

     Is there any guidance or precedent for dealing with the problem?

     Is precedent the only way to solve the problem?

     Does he have a chance to take a fresh approach to the problem?

     Can he solve the problems that are given to him, or does he know how to solve them?

     Does he or his boss do the analysis of a problem before starting to solve it?

      Ask him to give examples of who and how the problem was solved?

   (7) How are his actions or decisions controlled?

     What principles, rules, precedents and personnel systems does he operate under?

     Does he see his boss often?

     What problem did he discuss with his boss?

     Did he change the structure of his department?

     Ask him to give an example of a major decision or action he has taken.

     What powers does he have in respect of:

     A. Hiring and firing employees

     B. Use of funds

     C. Decide on immediate expenses

     D. Determine the price

     E. Change the method

     F. Change job designs, policies and salaries.

   (8) What important results will the management ultimately achieve?

     Besides solving problems, what else is he directly responsible for?

     Is he specifically responsible for dealing with something or is he responsible for supervising others to deal with it?

     What is the measure of the outcome?

     Does he define the task or does he organize it?

     Is he decisive in the success or failure of the matter?

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