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Small Pharmaceutical Business Development Plan (2002)

Research status of new drugs in Domestic pharmaceutical enterprises:

  1. New drug research and development is out of step with production.Many new drug research and development institutions are weak in basic research, poor research conditions, and limited investment.In particular, the current combination of research institutions and production units is not close, you are you, I am I, in a relatively loose state, product and market can not be well combined.The market power of the product is not strong.

  2. The research and development institutions of pharmaceutical enterprises are not sound.The vast majority of pharmaceutical enterprise research and development institutions themselves do not have the ability of research and development, especially the ability to select new drug topics, prescription screening, decision-making only by their own feelings, without drug economic evaluation, effective financial analysis, income analysis, development, economic benefits are doomed to failure.

  3. The research and development of new drugs in pharmaceutical enterprises is weak, and the low-level repetition of new products is quite serious.

At present, many pharmaceutical enterprises have entered a misunderstanding of new drug research and development. They do not regard new drug research as an important part of marketing strategy, and spend a lot of money on marketing, desperately advertising, reducing prices, and even fraud.

    1. The technical independent intellectual property rights of new drugs of pharmaceutical enterprises are almost zero (chemical drugs).The door of WTO has been opened, the only competitive advantage of western medicine has been lost.In the future, the focus of competition in China's pharmaceutical industry will turn to the modernization of Traditional Chinese medicine. Whoever can make a breakthrough in the research and development of traditional Chinese medicine and occupy the commanding heights will survive.Of course, there is still room for OTC and the rural market remains profitable.

    2. The development of new technology, new technology and new materials lags behind foreign enterprises.At present, another mistake in the development of new drugs is to blindly invest in the research and development of new products, manufacturers do not pay attention to the technological transformation of existing products, lost the competitiveness of products.

    3. The research and development of new drugs is not prominent.The vast majority of research and development institutions have a broad scope of research and have not formed core competitiveness.At present, domestic development agencies do not have their own strategies……

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      STR0007CN_Small Pharmaceutical Business Development Plan

      STR0007EN_Small Pharmaceutical Business Development Plan