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Japanese medical expert: body temperature determines your health and immunity

About Tsukihara Ishihara, MD:

Ishihara, whose ancestors are all the ancient Japanese tanegashima vassal physician, is now Japanese No.1 doctor of natural medicine.Tsukihara graduated from Nagasaki University School of Medicine, specializing in hematology, and received his DOCTOR of Medicine degree from the same university.Dr. Ishihara served at the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Hospital and came into contact with many patients who cannot be cured by modern medicine.In 1985, Dr. Ishihara opened a break food sanatorium in Izu and ITO area, and implemented the break food therapy based on "carrot & apple juice", "exercise" and "hot spring therapy". The original Chinese medicine food therapy is highly respected by Japanese celebrities

Lai,, including former Prime ministers Haneda and Morihiro Hosokawa.Ishihara was formerly the director of Ishihara Clinic (⺲), participated in the dry broadcast and TV health festival ⺲, and gave 50 to 60 lectures in Japan every year.He is the author of "Health assurance class of Japan's No.1 naturalist" and "Good Food.

"Classics", "Don't Hurry to Eat Three Meals", "Body temperature Determines Life, Age, Illness and Death", "The Way to Live Without Illness" and other books.(Source: Baidu Baike)

Japanese doctor Tsukihara ishihara mentioned the idea that cancer cells are afraid of heat.Now, he thought, medicine has been very progress, also more and more doctors, cancer is still unabated, one of the big factors, is the modern people generally low body temperature, because when the body temperature drop to 35 degrees, the time when the cancer cells most active breeding, on the other hand, when the temperature reached 39.6 degrees above, cancerous cells will all die.

Human body temperature has dropped by 0.4 degrees Celsius over the past 170 years, which means that our immune system has weakened, greatly increasing the incidence of viral and bacterial infections and cancer.

Heat cures cancer

In the 19th century, a German doctor Named Busch published several cases of cancer that were cured naturally. In other words, cancer patients got pneumonia and erysipelas (a skin infection) and had a high fever for one or two weeks. Unexpectedly, cancer was cured.In addition, in 1900, Dr. Collet of New York City Hospital in the United States also published an example of cancer patients cured after sustained high fever caused by pneumonia and erysipelas.In other words, western medicine has learned that cancer cells are afraid of high temperatures.

Cancer is a disease that can strike from head to toe, but the heart, spleen, and small intestine (duodenum) are less likely to develop cancer.That's because the heart, though only 1/200th of our body weight, provides 1/9 of our body temperature.The spleen, where the red blood cells are concentrated, is also a high-temperature organ.From the fact that the small intestine is responsible for digestion and must be constantly active and naturally warm, cancer is less likely to develop in warm organs.

Cancer prone organs such as esophagus, lung, stomach, large intestine, rectum, ovary, and ovary

Palace...Organs with cavities in the middle have fewer cells and lower body temperature, so they are more prone to cancer.As for the breast because of protruding outside the body, it is also a relatively low temperature organ, so the incidence of breast cancer is also higher.

Generally speaking, cancer is formed because of decreased immunity, of course, related to the blood, but also can say that its occurrence and poor blood circulation have close relations.According to Oriental medicine, the source of all diseases is dirty blood. Fever occurs when the body cleans the blood by burning out waste from the body.On one level, fever actually boosts immunity, which is the ability of white blood cells to function, and it actually only takes one degree of temperature rise to boost immunity

Five to six times higher.

Just a month ago, on January 7, Julie Parsonnet, a professor at Stanford University School of Medicine, and her team published a study showing that the average body temperature of adults has been dropping steadily since the 19th century, dropping 0.4 degrees Celsius in less than 200 years, from 37 degrees Celsius to 36.6 degrees Celsius.

Once the body is cold, blood circulation is poor and the metabolism of cells in the body is also poor. For every 1 degree drop in body temperature, metabolism decreases by about 12 percent and immunity decreases by 30 percent.The lowest body temperature is usually the time when the death rate is the highest. The lowest body temperature is at 3-5 in the morning, which is also the time when asthma, severe abdominal pain of ulcerative colitis and paraxycardia are most likely to occur.

About 1/4 of the body's calm body temperature comes from muscles, but modern people do not walk as often as people in the past, nor work as hard as people in the past, they began to use machines to clean and wash clothes instead of hands, the result of this lack of exercise, is a major cause of hypothermia.In addition to the modern common pressure problem, a big pressure, adrenal gland will secrete adrenaline, make blood vessel contraction, resulting in poor blood circulation, lasting for a long time, will naturally let the temperature drop.In summer, most people will stay in air-conditioned rooms all day long, and they usually eat too much food which causes cold body temperature.Not only cancer, but also lifestyle diseases (including high blood fat, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high uric acid and other diseases) must be prevented by raising body temperature. The methods are as follows:

1, sports

Muscles account for about 45% of the body weight and are the largest organ in the human body. Therefore, as long as you exercise, muscles produce more heat, even reaching half of body temperature.Temperature rising helps promote metabolism, white blood cells of operation will be active, sports after the body will feel very light, even feel comfortable mood, the main reason is the temperature rise, to waste and excess nutrients in the blood in the body is burning, even converted into sweat and urine, and breathe out through expelled, equal to do cleaning one times in the body.To solve the trouble that busy modern people do not exercise enough, the simplest way is "walking".

2, the bath

The simplest and most effective way to warm up your body in daily life is to take a bath.The whole body is soaked in the bath tub, so that the water temperature helps to dilate blood vessels, promote blood circulation, so that the viscera and muscles can be supplemented with oxygen and nutrients, and then promote the kidney and lungs to discharge waste.In addition, the hydrostatic equilibrium (or hydrostatic equilibrium) firm of your muscle, and the fluid static force balance puts pressure on blood vessels and lymphatic vessels, improve blood and lymph circulation, make the whole body metabolism with active, especially in the lower half of the renal blood flow also can become good, natural increase urine output, improve water poisoned, To remove edema and coldness.

3. Eat warm food

Ishihara encourages people to eat foods that can warm the body, such as buckwheat noodles, brown bread, brown rice, fish and shellfish, root vegetables, seaweed, ginger, garlic, scallions, miso and apple

Fruit, cherry, grape, black sugar, black tea......And so on.A quick way to warm up your body is to drink ginger black tea.The main effect of ginger is to warm the body, and europeans living in cold regions used to drink black tea, so as to warm the body, if the black tea added to ginger, can play a greater effect, make the body warm up.

Ancient Chinese medicine books recorded that "ginger can ward off all evil spirits", in the 16th century, the Outbreak of black in Britain

At least one third of The People in London were killed by the pandemic, but it was unexpected to find that people who usually eat ginger survived. Therefore, Henry VIII, the King of England at that time, strongly advocated eating ginger, and now gingerbread can be seen everywhere in Britain, which is the profound influence left from that time.

In 2006, researchers at the university of Michigan comprehensive cancer center, in the American cancer society on table "will be sold on the market of powdered ginger, into the training of ovarian cancer cells, and cancer cells all dead, it serves to show the cell apoptosis and the effect of autophagy", although the cancer cells are used for this experiment "ovarian cancer cells," But the experiment is believed to have the same effect on all cancer cells.

After reading Ishihara's book, I realized that fever is the mechanism by which the body promotes immunity. More importantly, the body temperature can kill cancer cells when it reaches 39.6 degrees Celsius.If a fever had occurred before the operation, the cancer might have healed without the medicine, saved the knife and the pain of chemotherapy.A few days ago, a family member caught a cold and had a fever. I congratulate him on his smouldering fever, which probably killed many cancer cells in his body.Applause is a kind of affirmation given to oneself by others, and health is a kind of affirmation given to oneself. When applause and health can not be achieved simultaneously, I would rather choose health and give up applause because applause will disappear. With health, I also have the opportunity to obtain other applause.

White soup detox method: five cups of hot water a day, complete detox

Now the art of Japan can bound popularity a kind "white soup" discharge poison law!"Soup" in Japanese means hot water, and "white soup" means hot water with nothing added!Derived from the Indian practice of Aayurveda, the treatment involves drinking warm water to warm up the body, which has the same effect as massaging it with sesame oil!Because it is very easy to implement, everyone can do it, and it does not cost money, so after the artist Chiba Riko recommended, many artists have followed suit, it has become a trend!

What are the effects of drinking hot water?

1, promote metabolism

Drinking hot water can not only stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis, but also promote the activities of kidneys and liver and other organs!Maintain the activity of the organs responsible for detoxification, so that blood can more easily transport oxygen and nutrients to the body, promoting metabolism.

Adjust your taste buds

Start drinking hot water, and you'll notice the sweetness of the warm water. As time goes by, you'll become more sensitive to the taste of food!Eat a little and you'll feel like you've eaten something, which will help you avoid overeating.

3. Discharge toxins

Hot water warms the internal organs, improves digestion, and flushes toxins out of your body! Besides having diuretic effect, because the adjustment of water inside body, can improve constipation more!In addition, it can accelerate perspiration and achieve a good detoxification effect.

4. Give a feeling of fullness

Compared to regular water, drinking hot water takes time to sip, thus making you feel more full!Drink with food at mealtimes to increase the feeling of fullness.

5. Benefiting digestion

Regular overeating can interfere with digestion and cause indigestible food to start accumulating in the body.Hot water stimulates peristalsis of the stomach, benefits digestion, and helps the accumulation of old waste material out of the way!

6. Get in the mood

In addition to the physical adjustment, drinking hot water also has a mental detoxification effect.Drinking a cup of hot water slowly can buffer you from busy work, eliminate stress and refresh you!

According to Aayurveda, the elements that affect human physical and mental health can be seen from the three elements of wind, fire and water. Headache, shoulder and neck pain, insomnia, rough skin and constipation are all due to the dissonance of the elements of fire. The reason is that the body is "too cold"!Summer often blow air conditioning, eat ice things, inside and outside attack, this time to drink hot water is a balanced digestive agent!Although drinking hot water to detox is very simple, it is not just drinking water to achieve the best results.There are some rules about how to drink:

1. Drink a cup of hot water in the morning

When you get up in the morning, drink a mug of hot water. The temperature should not be hot, and the temperature should be the best.Can warm the internal organs, dissolve the old waste material in the body, accelerate the discharge!Start the day off refreshed!

2. Drink 1.2 to 1.5 liters of hot water a day

Too much of anything is never good!Drinking hot water has no side effects, but if you think it will cause excess water to accumulate in your body, your metabolism will worsen, and you will become cold and prone to obesity.

3. Drink a little at a time, don't gulp

Don't gulp and gulp when you're thirsty. Better to sip half a cup at a time!Drink one cup or so in 1-2 hours!Don't use hot water, just lukewarm!

4. Water supply after entering the bath

After your shower, drink a glass of lukewarm water (about body temperature) to replace lost fluids!This is not easy to take a bath to warm up the body, it is best to avoid drinking ice things, let the body cool down!

Through the practice of many stars in Japan: hot water detoxification method can promote basic metabolism, let the body feel relaxed, improve constipation, discharge old waste material, and then achieve the effect of beautiful muscle and thin body!

Body temperature is linked to the basal metabolic rate, which increases by 13 percent for every 1℃ increase in body temperature. Hypothermia can mean poor metabolism

For every one degree Celsius drop in body temperature, immunity drops by more than 30 percent.Human body temperature has dropped by 0.4 degrees Celsius over the past 170 years, which means that our immune system has weakened, greatly increasing the incidence of viral and bacterial infections and cancer.

What we can do is to properly raise body temperature from every little detail by adjusting daily diet, strengthening physical exercise, not abusing air conditioning, relaxing attitude to relieve pressure and so on.