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Opportunities in the Industrial Real Estate Industry

Industrial Real Estate Watch

Now the industry real estate industry is bustling, various enterprises rush into gold. However, opportunities and challenges often exist side by side. Behind the bustle may be riddled with all sorts of traps.

For example, there is a well-known industrial real estate operators in a city development park project, investment smooth, sold very well, so immediately launched the second phase. However, after the launch of the second phase, no customers, unable to complete the investment. The reason for failure is that a city's enterprise customer base is fixed, the first phase has digested the customer, to the second phase there is no customer. Experienced industrial real estate developers will miss, let alone cross-border developers.

So where are the opportunities in the industrial real estate industry?

Simply put,Industrial real estate opportunities from industrial transformation and upgrading.

Because economic environment, industrial policy and other factors have changed, the industry needs transformation and upgrading. Enterprise production, technology, customers, market changes,Companies will either transform and upgrade or fail. In this context, the demand for carriers and services in enterprises has led to the development of industrial real estate industry.In other words, if the industry does not need transformation and upgrading, there is no industrial real estate.

Industrial transformation and upgrading bring two opportunities: First, industrial transfer; Second, industrial integrationIndustrial transfer is the cross-region migration of enterprises, while industrial integration is the agglomeration of enterprises in regions. Based on this, the customers of the project enterprises in the park can be divided into foreign enterprises and local enterprises.

For private real estate developers, the opportunity lies mainly in industrial integration, that is to say, the investment target is mainly local enterprises.Although foreign enterprises can be imported, it is relatively difficult. Because the enterprise is very cautious in the location, dare not move easily, for fear of staff loss, market loss and other problems. When enterprises choose to migrate across regions, it considers a lot of factors, such as land, preferential policies, subsidies, these are not private industry developers can meet.

Some developers hope that after the completion of the project can introduce a large number of foreign enterprises, which is unrealistic. In fact, to undertake industrial transfer is a matter for the government to attract investment. If private industry real estate to participate in the transfer of industry, must be homeopathic, follow the government's investment policy.

So, more precisely,Opportunities for Private Industry Real Estate Developers from Industrial Integration. Private property developers need to focus on local businesses to find gold from this sector.

The number of local businesses determines whether there are opportunities and how large they can be.In doing industrial positioning, we need to investigate the number of enterprises in the region, roughly distributed in which industrial fields. If there are a large number of SMEs in the region, they have not solved the problem of industrial transformation and upgrading, this is the opportunity.

Industrial real estate must not blindly follow suit, see a park project done well, blind follow-up, this is taboo. After the completion of industrial real estate projects, if the introduction of enterprise customers, will inevitably lead to the project vacant.

Enter the field of industrial real estate, we should be fully prepared,In-depth research on industry and enterprise entry and determine the opportunity to re-enter.