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Kunshan Shanxi Chamber of Commerce Donated money and materials to Henan Disaster Area

Hou Xiaoqin Kunshan Shanxi Chamber of Commerce 2021-08-03 13:27

In recent days, many places in Henan have suffered extremely heavy rainstorms and floods caused by extreme heavy rainfall. Serious floods have occurred in many places, causing heavy casualties and property losses. The situation is very serious. The Shanxi Chamber of Commerce in Kunshan City has been paying attention to the situation in the disaster area and the safety and warmth of the people in the disaster area. At the same time, the enterprises of the Chamber of Commerce are also taking active actions, actively donating money and materials, and fully supporting the front line of the disaster area in different forms!

Wang Zhihui, Secretary-General of the Chamber of Commerce, purchased disaster relief materials overnight to support the front line of flood fighting. It is understood that the Shanxi Chamber of Commerce in Kunshan City donated a batch of alcohol disinfection daily necessities and other disaster relief materials this time. According to the requirements of Xinxiang Flood Relief Headquarters, Wang Zhihui led some volunteers to the front line to donate, contributing their best to the disaster victims and front-line disaster relief team members, in an attempt to ensure the basic living needs of the affected people. Please.

At the same time, the Chamber of Commerce immediately issued an initiative calling on the majority of chambers of commerce enterprises to lend a helping hand and love, which received a positive response from the majority of enterprises. All enterprises generously contributed money and raised a total of 26000 yuan in cash in a very short period of time, of which 15000 yuan bought 10 generators and sent them to the most affected areas. , 11000 yuan was donated through the Xinxiang Charity Federation, and the enterprises of the Chamber of Commerce donated relief materials 20000 yuan, with a total donation value of 46,000 yuan. Kunshan Jinshang presented a love and warmth to the disaster-stricken people with practical actions, hoping that everyone can resume a safe and happy working life as soon as possible.