
I would rather name it as My Shared Documents than the other website titles. This website is actually using another method to present you my shared files. Most of them are work related, mainly focusing on Enterprise Strategy, Management, Marketing, covering three industries in Industrial Estates, IOT and Life Science. Still some are about my life, so if you want to dig into my hobbies, my loved music and opera, My favorite sports and readings, my blogs, even my covered version of music/MTV works and some others tidbits, you can try here too.

The original language of this website is English, other languages are generated by automatic translation + manual correction. if there are any words that do not reach the meaning, please understand for the inconvenience.

Hope you enjoy this site and take a moment to drop me a line.



Nothing has ever changed my work and life style so much as the COVID-19 Epidemic. Business trips had taken an important part of my work before that. Social medias were a little  far away from me that sometimes it didn't raise my awareness of their existence. Face to face communication is so important for me that I canceled  telephone conferences sometimes in place of flying far to have physical ones. Wechat is the only one social media for me but my posts had kept empty for so many years until I was quarantined by the government due to my sensitive travel to Beijing, the sensitive place where and when the COVID-19 out-broke again. Chinese COVID-19 controlling policies are very strict and more or less I lost some freedom. I thought a lot during the two weeks, staying at a hotel with the room door locked outside. 

I left from the hotel and return home with the quarantine ended. Now it seems many things have been changed significantly. I have to plan my remote work and life. Keeping online is a phenomenal life style change for almost everyone.

Making a portal for the public is sometimes important, moreover I also need an outlet for myself. In this changing world, offline work is becoming less and less. Files piled offline are not so easy to be found, exchanged and used. So we all are shifting to online work. I'm  also planning to move my work to and on the cloud.


A portable web is a good solution for your work to be recorded with an art style, for your life to be combined with work, for everything to be exposed with the prerequisite not to violate work regulations and life privacy. Soon after I wake up early every morning, I turn on my mobile phone and start my work while still keeping lying down on the bed, even dealing with some very important issues. I'm often confused and hard to recognize if It's my work or my life.



Born April 23, 1964 in Shanxi, China as the first of three in the family, I grew up in a country village with my grandparents while my parents worked in town as teachers. When attending the primary school as a pupil there, I also could be seen around the farm sowing seeds, distributing manure or harvesting in the autumn at my very young together with farmers.  Carrying water from the wells was a daily labour when I got a little elder. However, I never gave up my dream.


I was educated by and benefited from not only school teachers but also my parents who themselves are  prominent schoolmasters too. My happiest time at the childhood is on Sunday when they return home from the town and stayed with us together. With our life getting better off, they bring me together and changed for several places, attending the school wherever they worked for. At that time there were always a lot of my parents’ colleagues around me and I was richly endowed by education resources. In the High school entrance examination in 1978, I got the highest scores and ranked the No. 1 of the city.


with the opening to the word and political reform in China in the early 1980's, The Special Class for the talents (SCGT) is an educational model created by the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) during a special historical period. It aims at selecting and cultivating Teenage talent in the natural sciences. Crazy, fantastic, zealous trends in the cultivation and exploration of teenage talents brought me an opportunity to be selected to take the Entrance Examination of Teenage Undergraduates Program of China S&T University soon after I graduated from the elementary school. The examination paper is full of very tricky, strange and difficult questions, few students can answer it, so did I. Then, I was back to the normal track and went on my study in the middle school.


In 1980, I graduated from Jincheng No.1 High School,passed the College Entrance Examination and  went on to study electronic engineering at Xidian University, where I spent four years. Upon graduation and in response to the call for contributing youth to our boarderland and assisting the exploration and development of Chinese rural areas, I moved to Xinjiang and worked as an electronic engineer in a radio station close to the Mongulian border. Stepped into my first job and new life as a very important starting of my careers, I practiced what I learned from the university there. With this and a background of an engineering major,I paved the way for understanding and managing business later.


Three  years later, I moved to my home town and worked for the local government for ten years, successively Working in the Planning Committee and  Science&Technology Committee of this City with Responsibilities Included in Five-Year strategic planning, municipal annual budget planning, organization of the formulation of medium term and long term plans of S&T development, the guide of S&T development plans, general balance and fund allocation of all the S&T plans. putting forward policies, regulations and management methods of S&T achievement registration, evaluation, identification, awarding, secret maintenance, technology markets, etc. taking charge of S&T statistics. Also I worked in  H&R department of local gov. in Xinjiang before I left there. I took the work of this period in Gov as very important foundation of understanding Chinese Gov and helped in my business management later.

My career covered all of three main fields of the country from public institutions, government agencies to business management, moreover every switching was accompanied with overlapping one on another, which created seamless transition  for my career to be switched to the new one. One of them is that I worked in  H&R department of local Gov. for a short time in Xinjiang while as a electronic engineer before I left there and back to work in the local gov of my home city. another is my work in a holography company (a High—Tech company encouraged by the Gov. at that time) as CEO but almost full time technically engaged when laser holography technology emerged in China in the early 1990’ while still keeping working in the Gov., also a benefited transition from gov to business…

Business management and investment took the longest time of my career and has lasted 25 years so far. I walked through different kinds of companies, from state-owned, private, public to Chinese characterized collective sectors, from CEO, presidents to investors. Most of the fall into electronics, medical and energy categories.


In 1996, I began my professional business management career working as CEO of state-owned  pharmaceutical manufacturing company - Qifoshan Pharmaceutical(Now Lanhua Pharmaceutical) , starting from both site construction and new medicine development.   In 1999, a new medicine with less habituation used for curing cough accompanied by phlegm - Guaifenesin and Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide Tablet (Brand name : Folide) was put into market, which made the paintients recover much fast without worrying about the habituation brought by similar ingredients like Codein  and created tens of million RMB market for the company at that time.

In 2001, I left the company and created the second pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprise - invested by myself and supported by Mr. Zhang Zhen, my former boss in Gov (See the article “Create Aide Pharmaceutical, A High-Tech Company (Chinese Version) and Create Aide Pharmaceutical, A High-Tech Company (English version)” excerpted from his book “My education Family and Me). and also supported by my friends. With more flexible management ,the second new medicine developed by my research group - Chinese first dispersible tablet for children’s clod was put into market in 2003, which benefited numerous children and created hundreds  of million RMB revenue for the company so far. In 2005, another new drug - as the first home-made product approved by Chinese FDA and used for curing High Blood Pressure with the minimum dose and least side-effects at that time in this field - Candesartan Cilexetil was put into market with significant impact on improving the treatment performance of HBP, also the company’s further development.


Graduation Ceremony Photo with Ph.D Daniel Himarios the Dean of Business College of UTA in 2004

Tackling the global economy is a task every manager must be prepared to meet. The globalization has had a profound impact on every facet of the business world. Companies in every nation can now reach customers around the world and cut operation costs through global scales of production and distribution. Meanwhile, international markets undergo constant change, intense competition, and heightened customer expectation, which makes it increasingly difficult for a company to gain and maintain its competitive edge. Managers must therefore take on a broader range of responsibilities. In 2000 when the new century was coming,I felt a great need in further enhance my management skills,  strong  desire to get more understanding of how groups function, what makes an organization healthy, and in what kind of ways  people can be organized to accomplish a goal. I need to find a solution to solve my anxiety. After care study and selection, in 2002, I started my two years EMBA study in University of Texas at Arlington (UTA),lectured by prominent professors and even world-class business masters like Robert Mundell - the "father of the euro

Meeting with Rothschild in Beijing (2011)

I finished the courses and graduated form UTA in 2004, benefited very much both from the professors of UTA who gave us classical and practical lectures and the continuous and everlasting communication and activities with our staff and alumni. UTA EMBA program helped me on my career way to the success! 

After my graduation from UTA, I shifted my career as the CEO of manufacturing enterprises to Investment management field. 

Meeting with Robert J. Keefe, former Executive Director of the Democratic National Committee of United States in 2008

Time is flying so fast and it's been seventeen years since the significant shifting of my career. Consecutively I initiated and managed several funds covering real estate, energy, mining, medical and IOT fields and ranging from angel, venture to Pre-IPO. Main funds include Stutendril Capital, Platinum Capital, Platinum Fund, Lishunyuan and Xidian Venture. I was in charge of CEO or director of most funds management. From 1998 to 2000, I served as the managing director of Platinum Capital

(http://www.platinumfunds.net), a prominent international hedge fund. With honor to cooperate with my teachers, classmates, and partners,These funds and management teams invested and managed more than one hundred projects and companies sourced from complicated selection and due diligence work on thousands of projects. Some of them went public, some of them resulted with a razor thin margin, also some of them are failed. The average return is still sounded good.  Some outstanding international figures, like Robert Joseph Keefe, once hailed as “a major factor in American politics” by the New York Time, Mr. Andrew C. Williams, the Chief Executive Officer at Collabrium Capital, Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, British peer and investment banker and a member of the prominent Rothschild banking family, Randy Jarmacarni - CEO of Syria Energy Investment Group also cooperated or established relationship with us. In recent years. My focus areas are mainly in the Internet of Things, Medical, Leisure sports and other fields.