• Statutes of the China Minigolf Promotion Committee

    (January 1, 2020)

    Chapter I General Regulations

    Art.1 The Chinese Minigolf Promotion Committee (herein after referred to as the "Committee") is a national Minigolf promotion organization established under the leadership of the General Administration of Public Sports Guidance Center (hereinafter referred to as "PSGC") in accordance with the requirements of GASC,China(GASC).

    Art.2 The purpose of the Committee is to abide by the Constitution, laws, regulations and national policies, observe social morality, consciously strengthen the building of integrity and self-discipline, promote and develop Minigolf sport, unite and organize Minigolf players and workers, and improve techniques and study of Minigolf, and serve to the national fitness plan and establishment of a harmonious society.

    Art.3 The Committee follows the guidance of PSGC of GASC, and is under its supervision.

    Art.4 The constituent units of the Committee are PSGC of GASC, sports management and guidance agencies of provinces and local governments, sports education and scientific research institutions, related associations, media and publicity organizations, other relevant individuals and enterprises in the society.

    Art.5 Minigolf is a sport suitable for men and women of all ages. The Committee promotes Minigolf among people of different races in all regions in China.

    Art.6 The logo, banner, slogan, theme song and related brands of the Committee are protected by law.

    Art.7 The Committee is a non-profit organization that promotes Minigolf in the country. The expenses of the Committee will be strictly implemented in accordance with relevant regulations.

    Chapter II: Job Duties

    Art.8 Implement the national policies, and be responsible for the development and popularization of Minigolf.

    Art.9 Study and formulate the guidelines, policies and plans for the development of Minigolf, and standardize the organization and development plans of Minigolf in all parts of the country.

    Art.10 Manage and organize various national Minigolf events and competitions to promote Minigolf in China.

    Art.11 Responsible for the development of Minigolf standards and the training of professional instructors. Study and introduce the sports standard system of the World Minigolf Federation.

    Art.12 Carry out scientific research and academic discussion of Minigolf.

    Art.13 Study and introduce the equipment and equipment standards of the World Minigolf Federation, develop China's Minigolf equipment, formulate Minigolf equipment standards, promote and develop Minigolf industry.

    Art.14 Organize and implement the evaluation and commendation activities in Minigolf sport.

    Art.15 Represent China by participating in and organizing international, national and, regional Minigolf competitions, sports communication, and cooperations.

    Art.16 Responsible for communication with International Minigolf Organizations and applying for the membership of the World Minigolf Sport Federation.

    Art.17 Responsible for the formation of national teams and participation in Minigolf events and activities organized by international sport organizations.

    Art.18 Entrust capable units to assist the Committee in its daily work.

    Art.19 Undertake related tasks entrusted by government departments or relevant units.

    Art.20 Coordinate with China Anti-Doping Center to implement anti-doping in Minigolf, purify sports, say no to doping, and maintain a fair and just playing environment.

    Art.21 Support the strategic planning and reforming approaches written in the olympic Agenda 2020, and enhance the value of the olympics.

    Chapter III: Organization

    Art.22 The composition plan of the Committee is reviewed and approved by the PSGC.

    Art.23 The Committee shall have one Chairman, one to five Deputy Directors, one Secretary General, and one to four Deputy Secretary Generals. The directors, deputy directors, and the general secretary are generally headed by the leaders of the PSGC and relevant responsible individuals. Other members are generally headed by the corporate leaders related to Minigolf sports and sports industry experts.

    Art.24 The Committee has a secretariat (that is, the executive committee, which is responsible for the regular work of the Committee, the coordination of the work of special committees and the management of special affairs); the sports and competition committee (responsible for sports, competitions and anti-doping, etc.); technology and training committee (responsible for the formulation and supervision of rules, standards and systems); youth committee (responsible for the development of youth sports and the training of national team); publicity committee (responsible for media publicity and marketing); legal affairs committee (responsible for the Committee’s legal affairs, sports and competition legal affairs, and supervision of all members for violations of regulations and discipline). The main heads of various departments are held by sport industry professionals. The detailed work responsibilities of each committee are specified separately.

    Art.25 All members shall actively participate in the work of the Committee, and those who do not perform their duties and do not participate in the Committee activities for more than three times without reason shall be dismissed after approval of the PSGC. Changes in the work units and positions of members (see "Art. 4") should be reported to the PSGC in a timely manner and PSGC will review them to determine whether they are eligible for continued membership.

    Art.26 Minors under the age of 18 shall not be allowed to serve on the Committee.

    Chapter IV: Working Procedures

    Art.27 The Committee shall, in accordance with the requirements of the PSGC, formulate the work plan and programs, which shall be implemented after approval of the PSGC. The departments under the Committee formulate their own work plans and programs, which will be implemented after being approved by the Committee.

    Art.28 Rules, regulations, standards, technical specifications and other contents promulgated by the Committee shall be reported to the PSGC for approval.

    Art.29 The Committee generally holds an annual meeting, which is convened by the Secretariat (executive committee) to summarize the work of the previous year, arrange the plan for the next year, and check the use of funds. The executive committee may convene special meetings on an ad hoc basis. Semi-annual meetings may be held if necessary, and ad hoc plenary meetings may be proposed in special cases.

    Art.30 The Committee reports its work to the PSGC in writing once a year.

    Chapter V: Funding

    Art.31 The funding of the Committee is provided by:

    (1) Operating expenses provided by the PSGC

    (2) Public fund of Sports lottery

    (3) Income from competition activities.

    (4) Market development and social sponsorship.

    (5) Funds provided by cooperative units.

    (6) Other income.

    Art.32 The funds of the Committee are used in the following areas:

    (1) Funds for committee meetings, competitions, training and other activities.

    (2) The normal operating expenses of the Committee.

    Art.33 The expenses of the Committee shall comply with the relevant financial and system requirements and procedures of the PSGC.

    Art.34 The Secretary-General of the Committee shall appoint someone to manage the funds. The budget and final accounts are reviewed by the Committee and executed by the Secretary-General. The income and expenditure shall be reported to the PSGC in writing every year.

    Art.35 The Committee may entrust a qualified cooperation unit to assist the Committee in carrying out its daily work. The unit shall provide the Committee with the necessary office space, office funds and office conditions, and send a special person to assist the Secretary-General in his work.

    Chapter VI: Supplementary Provisions

    Art.36 Each department under the Committee may, in accordance with all the terms hereby, formulate the working rules of each department to specific conditions of its profession.

    Art.37 The interpretation of the terms is the responsibility of the PSGC.

    Art.38 For matters not covered here, the Committee shall make a decision accordingly.

    Art.39 These terms shall be implemented as of the date of promulgation.

  • In the context of deepening reforms, Minigolf sport in China is facing new challenges and greater development opportunities. In order to ensure the comprehensive, coordinated, and sustainable development of Minigolf, China Minigolf Promotion Committee adopts the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Development of the Sports Industry" from the General Office of the State Council, the "Thirteenth Five-year Plan for the Development of Sports” from General Administration of Sports,China the spirit of the documents such as the "Fitness Regulations", to make planning and development directions. Based on the research and analysis of the development status of Minigolf, this plan is formulated.

    1. Guiding Opinions and Development Goal

    Following the overall guidance of the State General Administration of Sports, we aim to implement the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress, actively and steadily promote the reform and socialization of sport associations, focus on mechanism innovation, provide good membership services, and take advantage of all different roles to work as a team.

    Our goal is to further advance the organization construction, system construction, and team building of the association, make competition work as the core, excavate the cultural connotation, increase publicity, promote the combination of sports and education, accelerate marketing development, and strengthen the coordinated development of the Minigolf industry and professions. We will also actively implement the "Regulations on Massive Fitness" to realize the popularization of Minigolf in China in the new era under the improved guidance and development strategies based on the popularity. We aim to serve public fitness, Sunshine Sports, and the harmonious development of local economy and society.

    II. Main Tasks and Measures

    (I) Organizational Construction

    1. Local Associations and Group Members

    We assist in the establishment of Minigolf associations at the provincial and municipal levels starting from the regions with relatively good conditions, to enhance the socialization of the association's work and strengthen its guidance and service functions. In accordance with the charter of the China Minigolf Promotion Committee (CMPC), we formulate management methods for CMPC members, attract Minigolf clubs, schools, and companies that meet the standards to join local Minigolf associations, and strive to have more than 100 members in Chinese Minigolf associations within four years.

    2. Special Committee

    The China Minigolf Promotion Committee, on the basis of the existing special committees, will attract the participation of people from all walks of life in society. We accept different approaches for recruitment through self-recommendations or competitions. We are willing to take in those who are with professional skills on Minigolf, or with sense of responsibility and capacity, or those who are willing to contribute to the Minigolf, to lead the work of the special departments of the Committee.

    (II) System Establishment

    In order to establish a functional system, we will:

    1. Improve and implement the "Terms of the National Minigolf Promotion Committee".

    2. Draft, promulgate, and implement a series of rules and specifications for Minigolf technical standards and sports competitions.

    3. Draft, promulgate, and implement the "Administrative Measures for Members of the National Minigolf Promotion Committee".

    4. Draft, promulgate, and implement the "Administrative Measures for the Selection of National Minigolf Bases".

    5. Draft, promulgate, and implement the “Public Minigolf Park Selection Method".

    6. Formulate the "Implementation Method of National Minigolf Excises Level Standards".

    7. Formulate the "Registration and Communication Regulations and for Minigolf Players".

    8. Formulate the "Technical Level Standard for Minigolf Players".

    9. Formulate the “Administrative Measures and Implementation Rules for the Training of Minigolf Coaches and Referees”.

    (III) Competition Reform

    1. Improve the Competition System

    The technical and training committee, together with the sports and competition committee complete the overall design of the competition system according to the characteristics of each project, and form an event system with the championship as the highest-level event and the open competition as a commercial promotion event, with scientific and systematical arrangement on the frequency, time, and location of competitions.

    2. Regulate Competition Organizations

    We standardize Minigolf competition organizations and improve competition quality. on the basis of improving the athlete registration system and competition rules, we will regulate from the aspects of competition organizations, enforcement of rules, and the use of refereeing laws to make the competition more fair and transparent.

    We develop and publish a national Minigolf competition execution booklet, clarify the responsibilities and obligations of the host and the organizer, and ensure the authority and standardization of the competition organized by China Minigolf Promotion Committee.

    3. Competition Organization and Setting for different age groups

    Aiming at the characteristics of the Minigolf games throughout all agaes, we design fun games and games that are conducive to physical and mental development, so that we can help guide different age groups to master the Minigolf technique correctly and cultivate their golf interest.

    4. Set National Records of Professional Minigolf Events

    (IV) City Minigolf

    We take the opportunity of forming the brand of a Chinese Minigolf City Alliance, to fully promote the development of Minigolf in the cities. We share the Minigolf culture, promote a healthy, stylish, and environmentally friendly image of Minigolf, encourage cities to build Minigolf stadiums and facilities, set up high level Minigolf teams, and organize Minigolf events. Gradually expand the number of Minigolf brand cities, and launch the "Urban Minigolf League" when conditions are optimal. We work hard to organize the Suzhou Mini Minigolf Festival and expand our influence. We encourage other cities to develop more unique Minigolf events.

    (V) Campus Minigolf

    1. We take the opportunity to organize campus activities like Sunshine Sports “Minigolf China” as the entry point, to strengthen cooperation with the Ministry of Education, to actively promote the combination of sports and education, and the popularity of Minigolf in schools. We drive the change for teachers in schools to understand the Minigolf sport better and organize appropriate Minigolf events according to the school conditions. We provide technical force, assist schools to plan and build Minigolf activities, compile school-based teaching materials, and make Minigolf an extracurricular sports activity that those schools can pursue and have for long term as their special sports program. We aim to have 200 primary schools, 100 middle schools, and 30 universities selected as China's Minigolf demonstration schools within four years.

    2. We aim to set up Youth Cup Competition in the National Championships.

    3. We will actively create opportunities for outstanding athletes to receive higher education.

    (VI) Senior Minigolf

    Physical education for the elders is an important part of China's social sports and elders’ care. The development of physical exercise and physical activities for the elders in order to improve health, anti-aging, prevent senile diseases, and enrich their leisure life in seniors is a comprehensive implementation indispensable content of the "Healthy China" strategy.

    We actively make use of the empty space of communities and senior institutions to flexibly lay mini-golf fairways, carry out flexible sports competitions among the elders, and gradually train professional senior Minigolf players to participate in the International Senior Minigolf Championships. Our goal includes establishing senior tournaments in the national tournament system.

    (VII) Talents Training

    We will improve the training system for coaches and referees, standardize the training materials, and gradually improve the quality and level of Minigolf players.

    1. Coaches

    We adhere to the two-tier training system and the four-level training methods, that is, the national-class coaches training system led by the training base of China Minigolf Promotion Committee and local-led commissioned training, and we will train national-class, senior-class, intermediate-class, and junior-class Minigolf coach members. On the basis of improvement on the management system for coaches, the scale of training will be gradually expanded, the training methods will be improved, the quality of training is continuously improved, and the training is more targeted and effective.

    2. Referee

    We will further strengthen referee training from both theoretical and practical aspects, and improve the comprehensive quality of referees. We will also improve the referee's annual registration system.

    3. Contest organizer

    By cultivating professional competition commentators, award presenters, and logistics support personnel, we will gradually establish a robust and professional competition organization team.

    4. Social Sports Instructor

    We will strengthen the cooperation with China Association of Social Sports Instructors, to train Minigolf professional social sports instructors, and popularize Minigolf sports in a scientific and safe way.

    5. In accordance with the requirements of the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council on the Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Professional and Technical Title System, the reform of the professional and technical title system for Minigolf coaches and referees will be promoted.

    (VIII) Minigolf Industry

    We are planning to help to improve Minigolf industry through the following:

    1. Strengthen cooperation with Minigolf companies and supporting enterprises.

    2. When the conditions are mature, the Minigolf equipment industry standard will be introduced, and the admission system will be implemented in the game.

    3. Create branded commercial events, attract social funds from multiple channels and forms to participate in Minigolf events, increase the intangible value of events, and enhance the self-development functions of associations.

    (IX) International Exchange

    1. With the influence of the high-level host of 16th Minigolf World Championships, we will form close ties with international Minigolf organizations. We will participate in various international conferences, and continuously improve the international influence and status of Chinese Minigolf by actively hosting the World Championships, Asian Championships and other international events.

    2. We aim to fulfill the obligations as a member of the World Minigolf Association. We will actively run for positions in international organizations .

    3. We would like to strengthen the contact with Minigolf organizations in neighboring countries and regions, and create conditions to host Minigolf exchange tournaments in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and make it a traditional event.

    4. We will inviting foreign experienced coaches and athletes to China for guidance and communication every year.

    (X) Platform Construction

    We are planning to construct a good Minigolf platform by:

    1. Strengthening the construction of the official Minigolf website of the China Minigolf Promotion Committee, enriching the content of the website, and making it a window for the announcement of the authoritative information of the association, a platform for professional technology promotion, and a paradise for Minigolf fans to communicate and interact. At the same time, we will use Weibo, WeChat and other platforms to post relevant information.

    2. Actively launching the online registration system for athletes, establishing a comprehensive database of Minigolf players and an excellent athletes display platform.

    3. Establishing a database of members of the China Minigolf Promotion Committee.

    4. Building a school database of China Minigolf Demonstration.

    5. Building a database of registered clubs of the China Minigolf Promotion Committee.

    6. Building a database of coaches and referees for China Minigolf Promotion Committee.

    7. Launching a Minigolf competition management system when conditions are ready.

    The China Minigolf Promotion Committee will be guided by Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, in accordance with the Party Central Committee and the State Council ’s decision to accelerate to make China an influential country on sports worldwide. We commit to pursue making ourselves a people-oriented, coordinated Committee, with good reform and innovation, ruled by law, to continuously improve the quality and benefits of golf development. We will continue to meet the needs of the people for a better life, and strive to develop Minigolf into an emerging sporting event in our country, as well as a public sport that is suitable for all ages.

    January 1st 2020

  • In order to regulate the supervision and management of the selection of chief referees and regular referees for the National Games, National Minigolf Championships, and other Minigolf events, and make sure that the selection of the chief referees and regular referees are more open and transparent, to help referee's adjudication work fair and equitable, according to the "National Sports Competition Referee Selection, Supervision and Management Measures" and the Ti Dang Zi (2014) No. 62 document, we stipulate these detailed implementation rules.

    Term 1. The China Minigolf Promotion Committee shall sign the “Responsibility Letter for Anti-Corruption and Fair Participation” with the participating provinces, autonomous regions, and municipal sports bureaus before the National Comprehensive Games.

    Term 2. We will give full play to the role of the China Minigolf Promotion Committee, to strengthen the supervision and management of the referees of the competition. According to the charter of the China Minigolf Promotion Committee, we will improve the organization, construction and working system of the Sports Committee, and set up the Standing Committee for Adjudication or Executive Committee of the Competition Referee of the Sports and Competition.

    Term 3. Under the guidance and supervision of the China Minigolf Promotion Committee, the Standing Committee for Adjudication shall, in accordance with these measures, put forward recommendations for the management of training, selection, management, assessment, rewards and punishment of referees and report to the China Minigolf Promotion Committee, and can only implement it after collective discussion and approval from the China Minigolf Promotion Committee.

    Term 4. The referees referred to in these measures include members of the competition arbitration committee, technical representatives, chief referees, deputy referees, regular referees, etc.

    Term 5 Principles for Selection of Chief referees

    (I) Principle of Openness:

    Before the important national competitions are held, the China Minigolf Promotion Committee requires the Standing Committee for Adjudication to study and formulate the referee selection method and announce it for implementation. The referees to be selected will be announced before the competition.

    (II) Principle of Merit Selection:

    According to the significance of the competition, priority is given to the ones who have high-level technical skills, good professional ethics, good reputation, and no significant misjudgments or omissions, etc. in their previous important competitions.

    (III) Principle of Avoidance:

    If one third of the participating units make withdrawal requests to the announced chief referee, they shall not be appointed as referees.

    (IV) Principle of Proximity:

    In the event of holding a comprehensive Minigolf and other sports events, under the same conditions, the nearest referees near to the location of the event shall be put in the priority.

    Term 6 Referee Selection Process

    (I)The Standing Committee for Adjudication of the China Minigolf Promotion Committee proposes the level, standards, conditions and procedures for referees, and recommends members of the arbitration committee, technical representatives, general (deputy) referees, regular referees, etc.,and reports to the China Minigolf Promotion Committee for approval.

    (II) Each provincial and city level participating unit can recommend chief referees to the Standing Committee for Adjudication.

    (III)The Standing Committee for Adjudication review the referees recommended by each unit (from provinces or cities), and submit the list of selected referees to the China Minigolf Promotion Committee for approval. The Standing Committee for Adjudication may add a small number of selections in addition to the selections recommended by various units (from provinces or cities).

    (IV)The Standing Committee for Adjudication of the China Minigolf Promotion Committee will announce the referee list to be selected for each event.

    (V)Each participating unit shall submit an opinion on the released list, and may conditionally remove some referees on the list.

    (VI)The referees who are approved shall sign the “Promise of Honesty, Self-discipline and Fair Judgment”agreement with the China Minigolf Promotion Committee before the game, so as to achieve strict self-discipline, abide by law, and impartially adjudicate.

    Term 7 Supervision of Referees' Work

    (I)Technical representatives, arbitrators, chief (deputy) referees, are organized separately by experts appointed by the China Minigolf Promotion Committee. The China Minigolf Promotion Committee will supervise the referee's ruling process, and make relevant recommendations to the Standing Committee for Adjudication in a timely manner. After the end of the competition, the Standing Committee for Adjudication will make a quantitative evaluation of the referees involved in the ruling.

    (II)The China Minigolf Promotion Committee may adopt a secret ballot to solicit the opinions of each participating unit on the ruling made by the chief referee and make a quantitative evaluation.

    Term 8. Release the Records of Adjudication Work from Referees.

    The China Minigolf Promotion Committee shall establish a registration information system for referees above level 1 and announce the following to each participating unit and registered referees:

    (I)The names and technical levels of all referees and their registration units;

    (II)Records of referees participating in competition training at the corresponding level and execution of referees;

    (III)Referee's overall record of evaluation and punishment by the China Minigolf Promotion Committee;

    (IV)The overall evaluation of the referees by the participating units.

    Term 9 Assessment of Chief Referees and Regular Referees by the Standing Committee for Adjudication

    Based on the annual chief referees and regular referees' records and the evaluations of both by the relevant parties. The work of the chief referees and regular referees is comprehensively evaluated by China Minigolf Promotion Committee, and the results of the assessment are Classified as excellent, qualified, basic-qualified, unqualified, etc., and recorded in registration information system, which is also made public and used as important reference on referee’s assessment and selection.

    Term 10. The punishment classification of chief referees and regular referees who violate the rules and regulations, and the punishment of both can be divided into: warning, cancellation of referee ruling qualifications for several sessions, cancellation of referee ruling qualifications for 1-2 years, reducing referee technical level qualifications, suspension of referee technical level qualifications, lifelong barred referee ruling qualifications.

    Term 11. Procedures for punishment of chief referees and regular referees who violate regulations and disciplines

    (I)The warnings on referees shall be raised by the chief referee or deputy referee, and submitted to the Standing Committee for Adjudication for decision.

    (II)The penalty of canceling the referee's ruling qualification shall be proposed jointly by the chief and deputy referee and the competition arbitration committee of the competition, and approved by the the Standing Committee for Adjudication and reported to the China Minigolf Promotion Committee for approval;

    (III)The Penalty of canceling referee ruling qualifications for 1-2 years, lowering technical level qualifications, suspending technical level qualifications, and lifelong suspension of referee ruling qualifications, shall be proposed by the Standing Committee for Adjudication and submitted to the China Minigolf Promotion Committee for approval at the same time, and notifying the referees’ qualification issued unit for relevant procedures.

    (IV)If the referee who violates the rules or discipline is punished with cancellation of the referee's qualifications several times or more, the China Minigolf Promotion Committee must notify the referees in advance of the right to appeal on related matters.

    Term 12. Penalty conditions for referees who violate regulations and disciplines:

    (I)Warning: those who do not abide by the rules of the competition area during their work in the competition area; those who have been caught by the Standing Committee for Adjudication or the Arbitration Commission to have overtly missed or misjudged will receive immediate discipline.

    (II)Cancellation of referee rulings on several occasions: those who have showed bad behaviors such as alcohol abuse in the competition area; anyone who has been warned twice in peer competitions.

    (III)Cancellation of the referee's ruling qualification for 1-2 years: if it is determined by the Standing Committee for Adjudication or arbitration committee that there have been obvious misjudgments, omissions, and other serious work errors in the ruling, causing adverse social impact.

    (IV) Reduction of qualification of technical level: if it has been determined by the Standing Committee for Adjudication or the Arbitration Commission that there have been significant mistakes such as significant negative judgments, misjudgments or omissions, which have caused a large adverse social impact.

    (V)Revocation of technical level qualifications: after the Standing Committee for Adjudication or the Arbitration Commission has determined that there have been significant errors such as abnormal counter-judgment, misjudgment, or omission of judgment, the game field is seriously out of control, causing bad social impact.

    (VI)Lifetime injunction referee ruling qualifications: inspection and supervision departments or judicial branches have verified illegal activities such as participating in fake matches, black-box transactions, manipulating matches, and receiving bribes.

    Term 13. Penalty for in violation of rules and regulations on referee selection

    (I)The China Minigolf Promotion Committee will conduct criticism and education on relevant departments and personnel who violate the requirements of these Measures on selection of referees, make corrections within a time limit, and may adjust or relocate relevant staff members from their current positions. If suspected of illegal operations such as black-box operations, manipulation of competitions, trading of power and money, acceptance of bribes, etc., they shall be transferred to the disciplinary inspection and supervision department and judicial branches for review and processing. If verified, the China Minigolf Promotion Committee will announce the consequence.

    (II)If competition referees, technical representatives, chief (deputy) referees, sports committees and technical committees, who are authorized to supervise referees to conduct on-the-spot judgments, fail to perform their duties, and referees who violate regulations and disciplines or referees who fail to make the corresponding correction in a timely manner and fail to put forward a correction opinion in a timely manner, must make a written explanation and inspection, and receive corresponding consequence and punishment.

    Term 14. China Minigolf Promotion Committee will open channels for complaints and reports, clarify the procedures for complaints and reports, provide contact methods, and promptly accept relevant complaints and reports. In strict accordance with the document of “notice on no acceptance of cash, vouchers or securities given by any relevant individual or unit [Dang Ti Zi (2014) No. 62 ]”, regulated by the PRC group from General Administration of Sports,China. China Minigolf Promotion Committee will investigate and deal with any related matters.

    Term 15 The Standing Committee for Adjudication shall report the implementation rules for the management of the referee selection and supervision to the superior for review and promulgation. Under the supervision of a team composed of the Department of Competitive Sports, the Personnel Department, and the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Department established by the General Administration of Sports,China.


CMPC Introduction


CMPC Activities