A brief introduction to the Folide Project (1999)

I. Project name, construction unit and location: 6

1. Project name: Folide

2. Construction unit: Shanxi Qifanshan Pharmaceutical Co., LTD

3. Construction site: 1 Xinhua Street, Gaoping City, Shanxi Province

Ii. Market Situation:

1. Main uses and application fields of the product:

1. The main use of Freid tablets: antitussive and expectorant.

2. Applicable scope: acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, pharyngitis and cough and expectoration caused by cold, facing a broad consumer group of all ages and all income levels.

2. Comparison of like products:

① Compared with Traditional Chinese medicine: symptomatic treatment, accurate efficacy, accurate dose and wide application.

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LSC0005_CN_Qifoshan_Folide_Project Introduction

LSC0005_EN_Qifoshan_Folide_Project Introduction


New Drug Folide Distributors Recruiting Manual (2000)


Introduction of Shanxi Qifanshan Pharmaceutical Co., LTD (1999)