Code for classification of urban land use and planning standards of development land

According to the department of housing and urban-rural development "about print and distribute < 2008 engineering construction standards and revised plan (first) > notice [building standard (2008) 102] requirements, standard establishment a widespread investigation and study, earnestly summarizes practical experience, and take an examination of relevant standards at home and abroad, and on the basis of consultation, standard revision.

The main technical content of this standard revision is: to increase the classification system of urban and rural land;Adjust the classification system of urban construction land; Adjusting the control standard of planning construction land, including planning per capita urban construction land standard, planning per capita individual urban construction land standard and planning urban construction land structure;And the relevant provisions of supplementary amendments.

Provisions in this Standard marked in bold are mandatory and must be strictly enforced.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development is responsible for the administration of this standard and the interpretation of the mandatory provisions, and the urban planning and Design of China

The Institute is responsible for the interpretation of specific technical content.If you have any comments or suggestions during the implementation, please send them to the Revision Group of Urban Land Classification and Standard for Planning and Construction Land of China Urban Planning and Design Institute (Address: 5 Chegongzhuang West Road, Beijing, 100044).

Chief editor of this standard: China Academy of Urban Planning and Design

The author of this standard: Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning and Design Institute

Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Peking University (Urban Planning and Design Center)

Beijing Institute of Urban Planning and Design

Zhejiang Institute of Urban and Rural Planning and Design

Liaoning Urban and Rural Construction Planning and Design Institute

Sichuan Institute of Urban and Rural Planning and Design

The main drafters of this standard: Wang Kai, Chu Jianqun, Zhang Lipeng, Zhang Bomiao, Chunlei

The main reviewer of this standard: Dong Liming, Xu Bo

Zhao Min, LI Xinyang, Han Hua, Gao Jie, TIAN Gang, Wang Jingxia, GENG Huizhi

Lin Jian, Xu Ying, Lu Qin, Cheng Yao, Chen Hong, Ren Shiying, Tan Zongbo

Jing Zhang, Ying Xie, Xianfeng Zhang, Jun Wang, Min Zhan, Deci Zou, Yiling Pan

Original Files Download:

IES0012CN Municipal Land Classification

IES0012EN Municipal Land Classification


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