Dispersible Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride Compound Tablets

[Drug name]

General name: Dispersible  Pseudoephedrine  Hydrochloride   Compound   Tablets

Product name: Aiderkang

Dispersible Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride Compound Tablets

Shuangpu Weima Fensan Pian

This product is a compound preparation, its components are: acetaminophen, pseudoephedrine hydrochloride and chlorpheniramine maleate.

This product is white tablet

[Pharmacology toxicology] Acetaminophen in this product is antipyretic analgesic, pseudoephedrine hydrochloride has the effect of selective contraction of upper respiratory tract blood vessels, chlorphenamine maleate is antihistamine.The synergistic effect of pseudoephedrine hydrochloride and chlorpheniramine maleate enhanced the effect of bronchial smooth muscle relaxation and airway resistance reduction.Can improve cold symptoms.

[Pharmacokinetics] The plasma concentrations of acetaminophen, pseudoephedrine and chlorpheniramine maleate at different times after oral absorption were plotted as a time curve.In order to AUC0—tThe average relative bioavailability of acetaminophen, pseudoephedrine and chlorpheniramine maleate was 95.5±9.5%, 106.6±18.5% and 97.4±22.4%, respectively.

This product is used to treat various symptoms caused by a cold;Fever, headache, arthralgia, sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, etc.

[Usage and Dosage] Take orally or disperse with warm water.Children: 2 tablets for ages 2 to 5, 4 tablets for ages 6 to 11;Adults 4 -- 8 tablets each time, 3 -- 4 times a day, the interval of 4 -- 6 hours, children under 2 years old to follow the doctor's advice.

[Adverse reactions] dry mouth, drowsiness and dizziness may occur, which can be recovered by itself after drug withdrawal.

People who are allergic to this product are not allowed.


1, pregnant women, lactating women and heart disease, hypertension, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, glaucoma, emphysema, prostatic hypertrophy with dysuria and other patients should not take this product.

2. Avoid taking blood pressure medications, antidepressants or alcohol at the same time.

3. People driving motor vehicles or operating machines should not take this product.

Although animal experiments have shown no effect on embryos, pregnant women and lactating women should follow the doctor's advice.

Children under two years of age follow doctor's advice.

[Medication for elderly patients] The dosage and duration of this product shall be adjusted under the guidance of physicians according to the situation.

[Drug interaction] This product enhances the hypoglycemic effect of mesulbulurea and is easy to cause hypoglycemia.

Overdose may cause nausea, vomiting, and occasionally allergic reactions, such as rash, fever, and mucous membrane damage.

Each tablet contains acetaminophen 80mg, pseudoephedrine hydrochloride 7.5mg, chlorpheniramine maleate 0.5mg.

[Storage] Shading, airtight, stored in a cool and dry place.

Package: 12 pieces x 1 plate/box, double aluminum plastic packaging.

[Effective period] tentative two years

[Approval Number]

[Production unit]

Company name: Shanxi Aid Pharmaceutical Co., LTD

Mail editor: 048000

Address: Jincheng Economic and Technological Development Zone

The telephone number is 0356-2122534

Fax number: 0356-2122534

Web site: http://www.aidphar.com


Some suggestions on modifying prescription and quality standard of Dispersible Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride Compound Tablets (2002)


Beijing **** Children's Pharmaceutical Research InstituteBusiness Plan (Draft 2002)