Market Volume Prediction of Aiderkang

Ederkang is the first product launched by Shanxi Ederkang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. to the society, which is also the concrete embodiment of the enterprise concept of "love sprinkling the world, virtue under the world".The product is in the middle of October 2001 in the national market, we have to ensure that the market steady operation, to ensure that the interests of shareholders and creditors, in August 2001, commissioned state drug administration institute of medicine economic south systematically surveyed the national children's cold medicine, scientifically predict children's cold medicine market share.On this basis, we selected the target market combined with the enterprise resources of Amity, put forward our marketing target, scientifically predicted the market share of Amity, and laid a good foundation for the realization of marketing target.

  1. Domestic market share of children's cold medicine

    1. The international common method of continuous comparison was used to predict the overall market share of children's cold medicines


Q: Represents the total market potential of cold medicines for children

N: National population of children aged 0-14 = Total population × (proportion of children aged 0-14 in total population)

                      = 12.6 x 22.89%

Q: Average purchase per year by a buyer

Children between 0 and 14 years old can be replaced by cold incidence, because children usually have to take medicine for colds and fevers, and the conventional prediction rate is 80%.

P: The average price at which a unit is purchased


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MAR0008_CN Market Volume Prediction of Aiderkang

MAR0008_EN Market Volume Prediction of Aiderkang


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