Suzhou Policy to accelerate the application of intelligent equipment and the Internet of Things

2025 suzhou implementation guidelines for the implementation of "made in China", fully implement the "innovation, harmonious and green, open, sharing" five development philosophy, stick to the supply side structural reform, earnestly implement the "go capacity, inventories, deleveraging, cost reduction, short board" five big task, vigorously implement the intelligent equipment modification and Internet application, promote the development of high-end manufacturing, on goals to build advanced manufacturing base with international competitiveness, take the lead to build our city into a leading domestic intelligent equipment and Internet of things application demonstration base, promote "suzhou manufacturing" to "made in suzhou wisdom".A number of encouragement policies from 2016 to 2018 are formulated as follows:

First, implement national and provincial support policies

(a) we will conscientiously implement the State Council on promoting the enterprise technical innovation guidance ", promote the enterprise technical innovation, equipment innovation engineering implementation, improve the level of equipment, optimization of product structure, actively help enterprises to strive for national industrial development and technical transformation projects, strong industrial base, special, intelligent manufacture and so on special funds to support.Encourage enterprises to undertake national and provincial Internet of Things demonstration projects, and actively strive for national and provincial Internet of Things related special funds.

2. Actively implementing preferential policies for exempting imported technology and equipment from tariffs, for exempting import tariffs and value-added tax on key raw materials and parts of major technology and equipment, for deducting VALUE-ADDED tax on machinery and equipment purchased by enterprises, and for accelerating depreciation of fixed assets, to encourage enterprises to accelerate equipment upgrading……

Original Files Download:

IES0005CN Suzhou IOT&Smart Manufacturing Policy

IES0005EN Suzhou IOT&Smart Manufacturing Policy


Project Overview of CLOUD VALLEY (2016)


Invengo-Kunshan Industrial Park Plan (2016)