North Korea announces ending the lockdown! No vaccine, no nucleic acid, see how the DPRK epidemic miraculously reversed!

May 29, 2022, at 12 noon today, the DPRK announced that it would lift the embargo! Declare the outbreak over! Or achieved "herd immunity"!

01. Latest news from The Korean Central News Agency

A total of 3.45 million fever cases have been reported in the DPRK, of which 3.26 million (95%) have recovered and 186,100 (5%) are still under treatment.

02. North Korea shows strategies for fighting COVID-19

As we all know, North Korea is a small country with a population of 25 million, similar to That of Shanghai, but its GDP is 38th of That of Shanghai. Normally, such a small country's medical capacity is very low, but in the past three years of the epidemic, there has been almost no outbreak of infection in North Korea except this one!

They do not vaccinate, do not do nucleic acid, there is no special medicine, also refused international vaccine aid! However, since May 12, only half a month, the DPRK has won a comprehensive victory!

With limited social resources and the policy of staying at home, they managed to overcome the virus. This time, from the emergence of the epidemic to the rapid fall, and then from the fall to repel the virus, the situation quickly reversed, it can be said that the western imperialism and medical capital a Xiama Wei! This is the first world war, so to speak!

03 What does North Korea's victory prove?

North Korea's victory proves that it is possible to defeat the virus without vaccines and nucleic acids. You can shoot the virus, and you can kill it! Second, it proves that clear Zero is feasible, but the key is that clear Zero must not be controlled by medical capital, otherwise the virus will never end, into a vicious circle! Third, proved that lying flat, coexistence, is unrealistic, because the network red experts advocate coexistence, is the need for vaccination again and again to achieve, this is their premise, so as long as so, will always coexist with the virus. Fourth, practice tests truth. Repeated practical experience and a large number of facts have proved that the herd immunity advocated by the Western world through vaccines is unrealistic and absurd. Fifth, omicron virus is mostly asymptomatic infection. The case fatality rate in North Korea is very low. The general case fatality rate of influenza is 0.1%, that is, 1/1000. This means that even without a vaccine, omicron's fatality rate is already much lower than that of influenza.

04 North Korea's anti-epidemic route

In fact, the epidemic prevention route taken by the Korean people is the same one taken during chairman MAO's time, when chairman MAO proposed the defense against biological and chemical warfare! At that time, Chairman MAO paid great attention to the discovery of barefoot doctors - folk traditional Chinese medicine, and promoted the anti-epidemic policy led by Traditional Chinese medicine to the whole country. Moreover, western medical capital is not so strong, unlike today, western medical capital occupies the majority of the market share, people's thinking is also heavily Westernized, and the living space of TRADITIONAL Chinese medicine is declining. In fact, in North Korea, there is also a developed and complete system of traditional Chinese medicine, which they call Eastern medicine, which has been passed from China for a long time.

05 Reflections on the experience of North Korea

During the wuhan epidemic in 2020, we successfully reversed the epidemic by relying on TCM's leading anti-epidemic approach. Within two months, we had no vaccine or nucleic acid at that time. In the following year, sporadic outbreaks occurred all over the country, and TCM quickly reversed the epidemic. Wherever the Chinese medicine has passed, the virus will fall on guard! Fear of death!

In contrast, since last year's nationwide vaccination, the outbreak of the epidemic has become more and more frequent, especially in Xi 'an this year, the vaccination rate is above 98%, but it is still out of control! Let alone this time in Shanghai, the vaccination rate is also very high, but it has reached more than 500,000! Far better than Wuhan!

The experts' explanation is that the virus is becoming more and more transmissible. However, as the virus upgrades to become more transmissible, it becomes less virulent. This is the law of balance in nature. Say not to prevent infection, but to prevent critical illness, is also untenable, and the DPRK data out of the verification. Children and healthy young adults do not need to be vaccinated against Omicron, and booster shots are not necessary.

Measures taken by the DPRK to combat the epidemic

First, to strictly prevent the importation of the capital, border, frontier, coast, sea, airspace multi-layer blockade barriers, eliminate all loopholes, strictly block the importation of new mutant viruses from abroad. Emergency epidemic prevention departments and scientific research departments have maintained contact with each other to analyze epidemic prevention situations and implement more scientific containment and control. Second, health monitoring. Instead of large-scale nucleic acid testing, they adopted precise scientific testing methods, mainly measuring body temperature. In particular, they did not ban the sale of fever medicine. And promote the use of Traditional Chinese medicine, such as Mugwort. Second, support logistics. Provincial and central-level authorities strive to ensure the rapid mobilization, transportation and supply of materials needed by the people. To provide residents with daily necessities produced by light industry factories in a timely manner.

06 Clean up and curb interest groups

From pu Shi testing to gold standard testing, many nucleic acid testing institutions have been thundering, fraud and other events emerge in endlessly. These shocking facts are also sobering. Some scholars believe that China's epidemic will not end until the huge profits from nucleic acid testing are ended.

In the three years since the outbreak, some nucleic acid institutions have made a lot of money, which shows that some people do not want the epidemic to disappear. Some netizens said the difference between Shanghai and Beijing is that fewer people have been arrested. And a large number of health commission officials around the country have fallen, but also to these medical capital interest groups, bureaucratic groups ring the alarm.

Recently, the National Medical Insurance Administration announced that it would not be allowed to use medical insurance funds to cover the cost of nucleic acid testing, and local governments would be responsible for it themselves. Because if medicare pays for normal costs everywhere, studies show that our Medicare fund won't last three years. This makes interest groups want to use nucleic acid testing to further make a windfall of wish to fail, only cut off the epidemic interests of the windfall and corruption! The sooner the outbreak can be over.


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