Hi! My name is……

Welcome to Justin Duman Lee's personal website. Obviously, the domain name of the site is my name. Let me introduce myself first by my name.

For a long time, I had been a little resistant to speaking foreign languages. I always feel that the ancient Chinese language and culture are so comprehensive with high context background.I need to take all my life to study it. This may have a lot to do with my advocating craftsman spirit since childhood. It wasn't until I started attending the School of Business Administration at the University of Texas at Arlington that, like most people, I finally decided to give myself an official English name.

After studied some materials, I chosed the name Justin, possiblly due to my innate sense of fairness, justice and integrity. This male name of Latin origin is an Anglicized form of the Latin name Justus, a derivative of Justus, which was once the name of many early saints, especially Christian apologists in the 2nd century. As an English name, Justin has actually been common in English since the second half of the 20th century. The name is also said to imply fairness, imagination and artistic cells. There are quite a few famous people in music, sports and literature who use this name. As a young man, I used to love music, literature and sports. However, life is a rigid ladder, and we climb it at our own pace.

After I got my MBA from The University of Texas at Arlington, my career began to change from enterprise management to investment management. I was fortunate to cooperate with my teachers, classmates and partners, and have invested, managed and provided consulting services for many projects covering mining, real estate, medical care and electronics. 1998-2000, in the international hedge fund - platinum capital (http://www.platinumfunds.net) as a managing director. In recent years, it has focused on the Internet of Things, medical care, leisure sports and other fields.

My English middle name-Duman,actually is a Kazakh word.

WE think that not only the Kazakhs but people from all nationalities believe that the name of a person has some contributions in his character and his destiny. This belief is more prevalent in case of Kazakh people. Precisely, that is why Kazakh families are very careful in choosing the name for their child. They will make sure that the meaning of name of the child is really great. Hence, almost every Kazakh has a name with a meaning from Arabic, Iranian, Persian, or from Turkic languages.

Some people like names which begin with the first letter “A”. Therefore, don’t be surprised if you meet a lot of people whose name begins with this letter.

Azhar — appearance, view, beauty, nice. Kazakhs use the word “azharly” to say she is beautiful.

Azat — free. Perhaps, this describes Kazakh’s free and nomadic lifestyle of the past.

There are many popular names in Kazakhstan which begin with “Ai”, and “Ai” means moon in Kazakh language. Moon symbolizes loyalty, beauty and infinity. You can meet girls with names like Aisulu (Sulu — from Kazakh “beautiful”), Aida, Aigerim, Aidana, Aizhan, Aizada, Ainur, and boys — Aisultan, Aizat, Aidar.

Among men, you can hear the name “Arman” very frequently which translates from Kazakh as “dream”, Abai — “attentive, sophist, provident”. The most popular “Abai” was well-known great Kazakh poet Abai Kunanbayev whose works were translated to many languages.

“Aidos” where the second root “dos” means “friend” and together, this name literally translates as “friend of the moon”.

Baurzhan — philanthropic. Baur means kinship, reflects a brotherhood and “zhan” — soul.

Birzhan — rarity, unique.

Zhenis — victory.

The woman name “Anar” translate from Kazakh as “pomegranate”. Another quite popular name “Dinara” means jig and energetic, and in most cases, this describes the character of a person with this name.

You can meet a person with the name “Abylay” which associates with the great ruler or Khan during Kazakh khanate — Abylay Khan.

The name “Kuanysh” describes a person with a passion to move on and do something.

“Duman” means a lucky and happy man.

OK I choosed "Duman" as my favorite.

Li and Lee are different romanization of the same Chinese character,very popular sir name.

Chinese immigrants coming into the US in the early 20th century spelled their last names using their own local dialect. For example, a Cantonese speaker with the surname 李 would spell it Lee in a Latin script.

Then, after the establishment of People's Republic of China, Mandarin was established as the official language for all of China (except parts of Guangdong which still speaks Cantonese), and a new official method for romanizing Chinese was created, called Hanyu Pinyin.

Immigrants who arrived in the US after Pinyin was standardized in 1958 spelled their surnames accordingly. For example, someone who spoke Mandarin would spell their last names Li.

I choose "Lee" as my sir name due to more popularity in the translation.


Presentation to UTA Alumni in Shanghai 2017


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