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The Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy

Justin D. Lee


  20世纪80年代是全球改革的年代,在西方,撒切尔和里根以激进变革的方式结束了英美国家对市场严格管制,政府撤出了管理经济的制高点,从此,以竞争和开放的自由市场经济体制主导西方主流的经济学家的制高点。在东方,邓小平所推行的渐进式经济改革创造性把社会主义和市场经济的概念结合起来,探寻政府和市场的边界,平稳的在全球经济一体化的过程中,为中国造就了21世纪的经济奇迹。一个世纪,人们一直争论究竟哪种经济模式让人类真正受益是市场还是政府主导?目前 ,许多力量正推动着从国家控制到市场控制的转变。然而,从根本上说,这种转变还需要信仰和观念的重塑,走向对市场更大的信心。

The Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Prize joins a leading expert on the global economy to present an incisive narrative of the risks and opportunities that are emerging as the balance of power shifts around the world between governments and markets -- and the battle over globalization comes front and center.

A brilliant narrative history, The Commanding Heights is about the most powerful economic forces at work in the world today, and about the people and the ideas that are shaping the future. Across the globe, it has become increasingly accepted dogma that economic activities should be dominated by market forces, not political concerns. With chapters on Europe, the US, Britain, the Third World, the Arab States, Asia, China, India, Latin America, and the former communist countries, Yergin and Stanislaw provide an incisive overview of the state of the economy, and of the battles between governments and markets in each region. Now updated throughout and with two new chapters, The Commanding Heights explains a revolution which is unfolding before our very eyes.

The Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy is a book by Daniel Yerginand Joseph Stanislaw first published as The Commanding Heights: The Battle Between Government and the Marketplace That Is Remaking the Modern World in 1998. In 2002, it was adapted as a documentary of the same title and later released on DVD.

The Chinese caption is edited by the moderator.Partial contents translated with automatic translation technology and there may be some mistakes included, especially in Chapter 2.

We also attached the Narration Book following the Documentary Film link for your convenient reading. It include all the commentary content in this film.

Enjoy it and leave me any comments if you like it.

CH-01-Battle of Idea(CN Caption)

CH-02-Battle of Idea(CN Caption)

CH-03-Agony-of-reform(CN Caption)

CH-04-Agony-of-reform(CN Caption)

CH-05-New rule of the game(CN Caption)

CH-06-New rule of the game(CN Caption)

Commentary Book for this Documentary