What happened to Wu Guixian and Sun Jian, chairman MAO's two vice-premiers?

The working class is the witness, pioneer and builder of the new era.After the founding of new China, the working class became the masters of the country.

At that time, enterprise workers were also appointed to important positions. Chairman MAO personally promoted Wu Guixian, a worker from Shaanxi province, and Sun Jian, a worker from Tianjin, to vice premier.

Wu Guixian was born in Xianyang, Shaanxi province.Worker background, employment in the northwest China cotton factory.

Wu Guixian is kind, meticulous to the job, because the job is excellent later became the model figure in the factory, many times to participate in shaanxi and the national labor model conference, her name became known nationwide.

In September 1974, Wu Guixian, as a representative of the working class, and Chen Yonggui, as a representative of the farmers, attended a meeting of the central committee.

After the meeting, MAO kept Wu Guixian and Chen Yonggui and made them work in the central committee.

At that time, food is to hand in food stamps, because I do not know in advance, Wu Guixian did not bring extra food stamps, many

The rest of the money, also did not bring a change of clothes, so go to office.

After working for the central committee, her salary did not change. From 1973 to 1977, her salary was 67.2 yuan.

The General Office of the CPC Central Committee gave comrades from the grassroots 1 yuan a day as an allowance for their food expenses.In the first month in Beijing, she spent more than 60 yuan on food. She was so shocked that she had to tell the cooks the truth and told them to lower their standards.

When the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee was meeting, drinking Longjing tea was charged 30 yuan each time, and the account was settled at the end of the month.Because there are so many meetings, the tea bill is considerable.She saved money by pleading that she did not like tea.

In her apartment, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee is equipped with a 20-inch color TV, an imported refrigerator, and a Watson fan, which she considers nice, even extravagant.All these things were handed over to the general office when she returned to the grass-roots level.

After Wu Guixian took the post of state leader, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee asked her to have secretaries and guards, but she did not want them anyway, and all the documents were kept by herself.

Later, Wu Guixian continued to be elected as a member of the Central Committee.In September 1977, just after the 11th National Congress, Wu Guixian asked the CPC Central Committee to return to shaanxi grass-roots work, and was approved.

On the eve of National Day in 1977, when Wu Guixian was about to bid farewell to The State Council and some of the old leaders who had worked for more than four years, Li Xiannian went to her with enthusiasm and told her in detail: "You are different from them. You are an old worker. Don't fall down and fail to get up!"

On September 28, 1977, on the morning of her return to Xianyang, Wu Guixian put on her work cap and white apron, went to the workshop machine and resumed her identity as an ordinary female worker ten years ago.

Her sisters affectionately called her "GUI" because she worked in shifts and tried to fulfill her daily quota

Xian, middle-aged people called her "Big sister Wu", young people called her "Master Wu".

After four years of hard work, she won recognition again. In June 1981, Wu Guixian was appointed as the deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the first northwest China Cotton factory.

Wu Guixian served as a grass-roots leader, for the northwest China cotton factory "old machine transformation", ordering textile machinery, rushing about in Beijing, Tianjin, Taiyuan, Qingdao and other places.

In order to develop horizontal union, she went to Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Haikou and other places for study and investigation together with the factory director.

Comrades and relatives and friends in the factory came to visit her and complained that she was too old to run away. Wu guixian said, "It is hard and tiring to do something to revitalize the factory, but I feel happy." In 1988, Mr. Yao Yihong of Shenzhen Foreign trade Group decided to set up a textile, dyeing and clothing factory.

At that time, a leading cadre of Shenzhen led a team to shaanxi to investigate candidates, when they heard that Wu Guixian was in the northwest China cotton factory, they eagerly asked the leaders of Shaanxi: "Can you meet her?" The team got what they wanted.When they visited and listened to the former model worker, now a business manager, talking about the situation, they all decided on the same person.They offered Wu Guixian a job in Shenzhen.

"I'm 50 years old and not a college student, so I'm afraid I can't do it," wu said.They said:

"You have experience. We want you."

At that time, Wu Guixian's husband just came back from abroad. With the support of her husband, Wu Guixian came to Shenzhen alone in August 1988.

Wu Guixian's working unit is shenzhen Foreign Trade Group Company, home big business with many stalls.

Upon her arrival, Wu guixian was assigned to the joint venture textile company between the company and Hong Kong as chairman and general manager to participate in the preparation and opening of the company.

It is not easy to start a new enterprise, although it is not easy to raise money and materials, but the most difficult thing is the technical talent and technical strength.

Therefore, Wu Guixian "killed" back to Shaanxi, in several textile, printing and dyeing industries selected a number of strong soldiers and brave generals, only with half a month time to bring back nearly 200 people.

As a model worker in her youth, Wu guixian remains energetic.With the task, she worked as recklessly as ever.

In order to contact a job, she can travel between Shenzhen in Shaanxi province and back for three days.Under her efforts, the textile company came to the forefront in the sluggish textile industry. After its establishment, the company earned $3 million in foreign exchange each year, and its product output and quality reached 98 percent of the standard. It not only became a big tax maker in Shenzhen, but also participated in the national representative meeting of big tax maker on behalf of Shenzhen.

In July 1993, Wu Guixian quit the company and asked to return to work in a trading company.

Later, she told her confidant: I am a Communist party member, and only by following the Party can I feel secure and happy.Mr. Wu stayed on as union president for another two years until his retirement in 1995.

In recent years, Wu Guixian and her family have been living in Shenzhen.After retirement, Wu Guixian is still very busy. He is frequently invited to participate in and attend social welfare activities of all circles in Shenzhen, leaving a lot of good impression on shenzhen people.

Since he came to Tianjin Internal Combustion Engine Factory in 1951 to study sand foundry, Sun Jian has gone through a cycle of time and space background -- from apprentice to team leader, from workshop director, deputy secretary of league committee, chief of security Section to party secretary, from deputy secretary of Tianjin Municipal Industry to vice Premier of The State Council.

At the behest of Premier Zhou Enlai, he travelled all over the country without stopping.Perhaps because he was so young and held such an important position, he was careful to keep himself to himself.

However, as the deputy general manager of industry and transportation, which are the two important parts of the national economic construction, he is certainly a hot topic in the news even if he is quiet and cautious everywhere.

Recalling his experience, Sun said, "I had to be honest and keep my tail between my legs.Like fishing, hunting, and loafing.

No matter where you go, never drive by a police car.I know it's a small horse and a big cart, not good enough..."

As the vice Premier of The State Council, he had a spacious office environment and an empty space in the courtyard. He felt it was unfair not to plant something, so he managed to squeeze some spare time and gathered his staff around him.

Teach them how to grow cabbages, eggplants, or green Onions, beans, etc., and demonstrate it yourself.Staff secretly wry smile, but do not dare to have a careless.

After the gang of Four were arrested, Sun jian served as vice premier for another two years.In the summer of 1978, he was in a field inspection and guidance work, suddenly received a phone call from Beijing, informing him to suspend the inspection.This was what he had expected, but when he put down the phone, he felt calmer. When sun Jian was interviewed, he had only one request: to return to Tianjin.This may be coping with the above "where to return to where to go" spirit, and finally after the strict examination of the relevant aspects, he agreed to "return to Tianjin" requirements.

He returned home and soon resumed his civilian role, and the family had a peaceful life as usual.

The factory seemed to be Sun Jian's totem.As a member of the Communist Party, he finally complied with the organizational arrangement and went to work at the Tianjin Machinery Factory.When he first arrived at tianjin Machinery Factory, he went to the toilet, and the workers talked behind his back:

"Although they have served as vice premier, they go to the toilet of our workers like us, but not the toilet of the Party committee."

The so-called "party toilets", set up in the factory's offices and cleaned by special staff, are cleaner than those used by whomever in the factory compound.

After working in the factory for several years, in early 1985, the authorities finally came to the conclusion that Sun Jian could be appropriately employed as a middle-level cadre.

That year, Tianjin invested more than 5 million dollars, introduced a German motorcycle company's complete set of equipment and all the technical software, and decided to put the motorcycle heart engine production line in the sky

Jin machinery Factory.

The introduction of production line requires new plant, time is tight, the task is heavy, and it is one of the key projects in Tianjin.Then the factory director decided to give sun Jian the task of infrastructure construction for this key project. After sun Jian accepted the assignment, he first required his office members to go to work 10 minutes earlier and leave 10 minutes later every day.

And he himself every day half an hour in advance into the factory, water sweeping the floor.When he was nervous, he simply ate and lived in the factory.

In the tense and busy work, he lost all the psychological burden, to re-conscientious, the most basic salesman into the society.

In those days, he could be seen everywhere, from the ministries and commissions of the municipal government and the big offices of the district bureau, to the factories and mines, the streets and the rural workers' teams.In his own words, it is "busy from morning to night, hands and feet are not idle".

In the tense and busy work, Sun Jian has done a good job and gained people's recognition again. At the beginning of 1987, Tianjin machinery factory held the annual advanced commendation conference.

This time, in addition to issuing certificates of honor as usual, the head of the factory decided to give a few factory level advanced to some physical objects.The prize is a blanket.

The commendation conference proceeded in an orderly fashion.Sun Jian is sitting in the front row of the auditorium.Although he knew before the meeting that he had been rated as factory advanced again,

But when the director said his name, he felt a little uncomfortable, and he felt thousands of eyes on his back, which tickled his back.

Yes, in those days, I was the vice Premier of The State Council in charge of industry and transportation, but today I am sitting among ordinary people, and I have to walk on stage to receive the award from the factory director. It is a great contrast. When he received the prize from the factory director, the workers clapped for a long time. A group of workers at the back of the auditorium even stood up and shouted, "Sun Chief, worthy of the name!" In November 1997, Sun Jian died of lung cancer in Tianjin.He was 61 years old.Prior to his death, he was the "Operation Manager" of Teda Corporation of China Machinery Industry Installation Corporation. During the condolence period, Sun jian's family received telegram of condolence and flower basket from Gu Mu, his "teacher" during his term as vice Premier of The State Council, and some staff who had been around him in his personal name, which gave great comfort to Sun Jian's family and his friends before his death... In Chairman MAO's mind, there is no distinction between superior and inferior levels of people, and no distinction between high and low positions of work

Therefore, it is quite natural to elect two capable and virtuous workers as vice-premiers, which is also to allow workers to truly run the country!

As it turns out, Chairman MAO was right. From the virtues of the two vice-premiers, we can see the brilliance of Chinese workers.


My classmate Xu Caihou


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