Municipal leader Sun Yong visited and investigated the operation and development of member enterprises of the European and American Alumni Association of the Federation of China

Source: People's Government of Zhangpu Town, Kunshan City Release Date: 2021-09-09 16:09

On the morning of September 8, Sun Yong, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, head of the Organization Department and head of the United Front Work Department, visited Zhangpu to investigate the operation and development of member enterprises of the city's overseas sorority associations and European and American alumni associations. Chen Jinlong, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and mayor of Zhangpu Town, Guo Jiang, deputy director of the United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee and director of the Municipal Ethnic and Religious Affairs Bureau, accompanied the investigation.

Sun Yong and his entourage first came to Songnan Science and Technology Park to learn more about the development status and planning goals of the park. He encouraged the park to provide differentiated and accurate services for industrial talent science and technology innovation projects at different stages of development, so as to provide excellent carriers and do the cultivation of science and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises and high-tech enterprises, and the cultivation of innovative and entrepreneurial talents. Strong platform has become an important force in Kunshan's construction of an innovative city.

In the park, Sun Yong visited Jiangsu Haosi Muke Biotechnology Co., Ltd. on the spot. Sun Yong suggested that enterprises should focus on major national projects, pay close attention to academicians and experts, top scientific research teams and leading scientific and technological talents at home and abroad, and do a good job in the transformation of research and development into products by introducing top scholars in global protein metabolomics, and create a world. First-class mass spectrometry technology platform. In the Eight Horses Superconducting Technology Company, Sun Yong listened carefully to the introduction of enterprise research and development, production, operation and other aspects. He hoped that enterprises should pay attention to the combination of technology and the market, continue to make efforts in scientific and technological innovation, form the productization and industrialization of key equipment and components, and make excellent production that truly meets the needs of the market and scientific and technological development. Pin, create a hard technology, small and beautiful, global invisible champion enterprise and national brand.

Subsequently, Sun Yong and his entourage came to Jianjia Environmental Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. This is an enterprise that pays attention to the ecological management of rivers and lakes, and provides comprehensive services such as water body management and cultural creation. After listening to the person in charge's introduction to the enterprise service model, innovation case, etc., Sun Yong said that enterprises should seize the spotlight under the new normal of the epidemic, actively explore new ecological development concepts and green transformation models, put forward more win-win regional service strategies and practical methods for economic growth and environmental protection, and constantly improve the comprehensiveness of enterprises. Combination of strength.

Caihua Packaging is a traditional leading enterprise in the soft package color printing industry that grew up in Zhangpu. Sun Yong and his entourage learned about the development process and operation of the enterprise in detail and held discussions and exchanges with the person in charge of the enterprise. Sun Yong said that he hoped to take technology as the core element, optimize safety management, improve product quality, expand market share, and make every effort to build a first-class packaging enterprise in the industry.

Sun Yong and his entourage also visited Yihai Kerry (Kunshan) Food Industry Co., Ltd. After learning that the enterprise is building a highly automated and intelligent food deep processing base in Zhangpu, Sun Yong said that Yihai Kerry is a well-known overseas Chinese enterprise with advanced technical level, rigorous quality management and excellent innovation ability. I hope that the enterprise will combine the construction of food deep processing base to turn Kunshan Company into an important industrial base for the integration of the Group into the Yangtze River Delta, and lead the transformation and upgrading of Kunshan food industry, excellence and strengthening.

During the investigation, Sun Yong stressed that the United Front Work Department, as the "mother's family" of the Federation of China Sea Federation and the European and American Alumni Association, should continue to play a leading and coordinating role, support the development of the group itself, strengthen service guidance, grasp the development status and demands of enterprises in a timely manner, and actively guide enterprises to enhance development confidence. TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENTS SHOULD, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF BUILDING PRO-CLEAR GOVERNMENT-POLITIC RELATIONS, CAREFULLY IMPLEMENT POLICIES AND MEASURES TO BENEFIT ENTERPRISES, UNBLOCK THE COMMUNICATION AND CONSULTATION CHANNELS BETWEEN GOVERNMENT AND ENTERPRISES, AND FURTHER BRIGHTEN THE GOLDEN SIGNBOARD OF "KUNSHAN SERVICE"; THEY SHOULD CARE ABOUT THE "GROWING UP AND BECOME FAMOUS" OF SCIENCE AND CREATIVE TALENTS, AND DO THEIR BEST TO SOLVE THE DIFFICULTIES ENCOUNTERED IN WORK, STUDY AND LIFE FOR THEM. Difficult and problem.


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