The joint inaugural meeting of Kunshan New Social Class Professional Committee was held

2020-06-19 22:40

On the afternoon of June 19, the United Front Work Department of the Kunshan Municipal Party Committee held a joint inaugural meeting of the city's new professional committees for people from social strata. The first 5 professional committees, including Internet personnel, private education industry, young lawyers, new professional farmers and private medical institutions, were officially established. Qian Peihua, Executive Vice Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Suzhou Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Party Group of the Overseas Chinese Federation, Jin Jianhong, member of the Standing Committee of the Kunshan Municipal Party Committee and Director of the United Front Work Department, led the event. Leaders of districts, towns, urban management offices, Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department (Network Information Office), Municipal Party Committee United Front Work Department, Municipal Education Bureau, Justice Bureau, Agriculture and Rural Bureau, Health Commission and other departments, leaders of municipal democratic parties, Federation of Industry and Commerce, Zhilian, Hailian Association, European and American Alumni Association (Remaining Association), Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Democratic Promotion Association, President of the Municipal New Federation More than 300 people participated in the event, vice president, supervisor, president of new associations of districts and towns, all members of professional committees and guests from relevant industries.

On the basis of achieving full coverage of 11 new associations of districts and towns in 2019, the United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee actively promotes the construction of new professional committees for people from social strata, aiming to further give full play to the talent aggregation effect and the advantages of the professional field, mobilize new social strata in the city to aim at the "five struggles and five breakthroughs" and practice "Four Breakthroughs and Four Responsibilities", bravely be "hot-blooded top soldiers", take the lead in implementing the requirements of "six stability" and "six guarantees", strive to win the "double victory" of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and gather magnificent new forces for Kunshan to make every effort to build a benchmark city for socialist modernization.

Qian Peihua pointed out in his speech

The establishment of the new professional committee for people from social strata in Kunshan City is not only an important measure to implement the deployment of the united front work of the Central Committee, the Provincial Party Committee and the Suzhou Municipal Party Committee on the new social strata, but also the urgent expectation of the vast number of new social strata in the city, which means that Kunshan's new social strata united front work has opened up new Field, new goals have been established.

Qian Peihua asked

Kunshan's new social strata united front work should improve its political position, give full play to unique advantages, strengthen organizational construction, turn the new social strata special committee into a "strong magnet" to build consensus, a "strong engine" to promote development and a "warm home" for sincere cooperation, and further unite, lead and inspire. Serve the new social strata well and make new contributions to Kunshan's construction of a benchmark city for socialist modernization.

Kim Kin-hung said

Kunshan has set up 5 first professional committees, including network personnel, private education industry, young lawyers, new professional farmers, and private medical institutions, to organize and carry out the theme salon activity of "gathering new forces in Lucheng and bravely creating benchmarks and new achievements", which means that from today on, Kunshan has a salon composed of representatives of new social strata. The main body's elite force that supports development, serves the society and is enthusiastic about public welfare means that the new social class people have turned from voluntary organization to self-confidence to play a gorgeous turn, marking the official welcome of new members of the new family of the Municipal Federation and the beginning of a new journey of the city's new social strata united front work.

Kim Kin-hung stressed

The new professional committee for people from social strata should adhere to the guiding ideology of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the near-peace era, closely follow the fundamental task of uniting people's hearts and gathering strength, unite, guide and encourage the vast number of new social strata in the city to adhere to the general goal of "strengthening, rich, beautiful and high", implement the general requirements of "four breakthroughs and four responsibilities", aiming at Quasi- "Five Strive Breakthroughs" struggle direction, adhere to "competence, learn advanced, catch up with progress, exceed goals", bravely create benchmark performance of excellence and challenge the limit, gather powerful forces to promote high-quality development and create a high-quality life, implement the "six stability" and "six guarantees" as a struggler, and help achieve "double over half" ", win "double victory".

The General Assembly held the inauguration ceremony of the professional committees and issued certificates of appointment to the presidents, vice presidents and secretaries-general of the professional committees.

The leaders in charge of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Education Bureau, the Judicial Bureau, the Agricultural and Rural Bureau and the Health Commission respectively issue employment letters to the representatives of the members of the mentor group of each professional committee.

The presidents of various professional committees salute the tutor.

Zhu Weimin, director of the Horticulture Institute of the Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences and tutor of the New Professional Farmers Professional Committee, Hua Bo, chairman of the Municipal Network Professional Committee, Jin Qiaoliang, chairman of the Private Education Industry Professional Committee, Zhou Ting, chairman of the Young Lawyers Professional Committee, Xu Yufeng, president of the New Professional Farmers Professional Committee, and private medical institutions Wang Lizhou, chairman of the industry committee, made a statement.

The conference also held the launching ceremony of the professional committee service group of the Municipal New Federation.

Branch venue of Private Education Industry Special Committee

Branch venue of the Young Lawyers Committee

Branch venue of the Internet People Committee

Branch venue of the New Professional Farmers Special Committee

Branch venue of the special committee of private medical institutions

After the meeting, the 5 professional committees held thematic salon activities, and representatives of each mentor group made keynote speeches.

Source: Kunshan United Front


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