Aidphar Business Plan (2001)


  1. Company's business model:

Our company is a start-up company.Shanxi Aidphar pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. legal management form is limited liability company, legal address: Jincheng Economic and technological Development Zone. Production address: Jincheng Economic and technological Development Zone.

In recent years (1998-2001), our company researchers have made achievements in the development of drugs for children, embodied in: 1, fill the domestic blank of cold medicines for children - Ed Koch son was on February 10, 2001 in the national new drug evaluation committee by pharmacology, pathology, toxicology, clinical evaluation, is listed in the near future.2. Children's special immune-enhancing drug -- Aderqiang has started project development.

In order to popularize the above two new drugs to the society and benefit human health.And continue to develop a series of new drugs for children research and development, we officially registered in October 2000 Shanxi Aid pharmaceutical Co., LTD.We are determined to introduce a series of new children's medicines to the market, create the expected social and economic benefits, achieve our cause, achieve the purpose of the enterprise, and make unremitting efforts for the cause of human health.

  1. Enterprise's business field and mission

    1.Enterprise positioning: committed to children's health cause, using advanced technology to provide customers with better products and services;To provide a platform for employees to realize their personal ideals;Create more wealth for society and shareholders.

  • Create health for customers

  • Create opportunities for employees

  • Create wealth for society

  1. Objective and task: healthy enterprise structure -- [Science, industry, trade, resources]

     Within a certain strategic period, our goal --

     2001-2005 - Image of child health expert recognized by the public in China

                 -- Leading position in children's medicine in China;

     2006-2010 -- Domestic Children's Health (pharmaceutical) scientific Research Base (virtual)

                  -- Sinopharm children first dose.

3.Business philosophy

    (1) Business philosophy: customer is stream, market is sea;

               Capital is the ship, brand is the sail;

            Talent is the foundation and culture is the soul.

    (2) Business purpose: to be a man and make medicine;Offer love and cultivate morality.

    (3) Business policy: customer-oriented;


            Creative guidance;

            Meet market demand.

  1. Company background

 1.Aidphar pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is a new high-tech pharmaceutical enterprises, registered capital of 5 million yuan, is located in Jincheng Economic and technological Development zone, Shanxi Province, superior environment, convenient transportation, is in jincheng economic restructuring in the context of the emergence of the first batch of model enterprises.At the beginning of its establishment, the company has established the road of sustainable development of "committed to children's health", and established the enterprise purpose of "life, medicine, love and virtues" and the brand concept of "sincere love, care for the future".Since its establishment, it has been attached importance and care to provincial and municipal leaders and competent departments, and can enjoy preferential policies that similar enterprises can enjoy in the development zone.

2.At present, we have completed new product production report, enterprise strategy and human resources, finance, marketing and other related planning, plant planning and layout in line with GMP certification, earthworks.The organization system is being set up and improved, and the promotion plan, capital operation and related work are also being carried out as scheduled.

  1. Financial overview

From the perspective of expected financial analysis, we are expected to reach 98 million yuan in sales revenue and 28.73 million yuan in after-tax profit in 2004.In 2005, sales revenue reached 133 million yuan and after-tax profit reached 36.03 million yuan (see below for recent and accurate financial analysis).The reason why we can achieve this goal is that we have a complete and scientific capital operation plan, the capital is mainly used for the construction and purchase of GMP plant equipment;Capital for laying the foundation for production.

  1. Product status

The company's current product status is: eight generic drugs, two new drugs - Aderkam (expected to be launched in October 2001), aderkam (under development, expected to be launched in late 2002 or early 2003).Ed Koch, including from the United States the introduction of a new generation of infantile cold medicines, belong to national three kinds of new drugs, drug ingredients is internationally recognized as good curative effect, less toxic antipyretic analgesic cold medicines, more important is to choose the children's medicine optimal dosage forms - dispersible tablets, instant see water, fruit fragrance, completely solve the other dosage forms for children, especially infants and young children caused by the medicine of the difficult problems and dose not accurate.

  • Market capacity - the total market capacity of cold medicine for children is 1.5 billion to 2 billion yuan per year

  1. The market localization


Jews don't have a proper but business quotes is worthy of learning "good money" women and children, at the beginning of the enterprise product project, we have to existing drugs market completely to comb again, found "a pharmaceutical manufacturer in industry, we summed up in four words, namely" the old man to prolong life, man to kidney strong sun, women want to lose weight and beauty, children to raise Gao Jian brain ", in the intellectual and professional market research company, with the help of our one ruled out the beginning should not enter into the old man of narcotic drugs, men, women, drug market, and choose the children's drugs market.

2.The market localization

Targeted at children's drugs market, we are not eager to develop products, but the vision will be turned to the children's drugs market research, because love is a new pharmaceutical enterprise, at the start-up stage, must look before you leap, through comprehensive analysis, we chose the children's drugs capacity larger cold medicine market, choose good product after it will be the ultimate goal of the public market positioning in 0 ~ 12 years old children.

    3.Target the public and customer groups

    Because of the particularity of children's drugs, the consumer and the buyer's for complete separation, the decision-making process is more complicated, we target the public seems to 0 ~ 12 years old children, in fact demands is the goal of public parents, especially his mother, they buy standard is "safe, effective, brand, convenience, price", to be able to continue to maintain the purchasing power of this part of the group can only rely on safe, effective, and convenient to maintain, at the same time to guide its brand image for the establishment of brand choice and loyalty.

  1. competition

1.Industry status

With the development of market economy and the continuous maturity of the system, each industry is full of competition. Although the children's drug market is our careful choice, the competition in this industry is still more intense (but compared with many other adult human pharmaceutical products market, the competitive environment is relatively loose).In terms of the current domestic pharmaceutical market for children, Johnson & Johnson and Shanghai Squibb are in the first group, followed by Nanjing Chengong Zexin and Beijing Sunde Pharmaceutical.

    2.Competition of cold medicine for children

The main products are: Tylenol, Baifu one, children cold infusion;

The main problems are :(1) adult medication;(2) Inconvenient to take;(3) The dosage is not correct.

    3.The advantage of Adercom

    This product selects the most advanced dosage form of children's medicine -- dispersive tablet, which fundamentally solves the inconveniences of children's medicine. In a certain sense, dispersive tablet is the key development dosage form of children's medicine market in the future.

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