Yangshan, Eastern Idyllic Complex Masterplanning

Yangshan model, a new type of town with rural ecological characteristics in China Pastoral complex. The eastern countryside is a possibility of integrating urban and rural development.

he biggest attraction to modern people lies in the unique rural culture and rural life, as

well as the pleasure and relaxation brought to people's mind and spirit.So, the uniqueness of the pastoral is that it's not, it's not about high-tech entertainment, it's about developing and showing the pastoral."As early as the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the value of "idyllic" was attached great importance to by literati and poets. Tao Yuanming wrote some poems about idyllic life, such as "Returning to the Garden And Living in The Garden" -- A Note on the Land of Peach Flowers ". The poems were of an ethereal and unworldly style, focusing on people's spiritual life, which was freedom and relaxation from the deep heart……

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Aidphar Business Plan (2001)