RFID Application in Yili Touring Administration

This project plan aims at the demand and overall planning of yili Regional Government of Xinjiang to build the "Yili Eco-tourism" one-card project, and provides feasible solutions for Yuanwang Valley of Shenzhen

Information Technology Co., LTD., Urumqi Nanshan Ring Line Passenger Transport Co., LTD., and China Business Travel Network (www.ca188.com) provided the basis for the implementation of the project in Yili region.

I. Project Background

Human beings have entered the 21st century, the whole society we live on is facing all kinds of changes brought by the new economic era.The development and application of network technology not only changes the mode of people's work, business and tourism, but also begins to comprehensively change the concept and way of people's life. An informationized, virtual or digital "new city" and "new scenic spot" have been rapidly formed around the familiar material city and scenic spot. People will live in "digital families", "digital attractions", "digital communities" and "digital cities".

1. Overview of tourism Market in the era of Individual Travelers:

In recent years, China's individual tourist market has also developed rapidly, according to the authority of the forecast, although the proportion of China's individual tourist is lower than the tourism developed countries, but in recent years the development is very rapid, has exceeded half of the market, especially in some large and medium-sized cities and coastal areas, the proportion of individual tourists is larger.In some tourism-developed cities, the proportion of individual tourists has reached more than 70% and is steadily rising.

Because of the precious time of travel, people have higher and higher requirements for the quality of travel, especially for their own personality, theme of the tour.More and more people hope to travel independently and dynamically, to have a serious taste of a city, and enjoy the surprise of "discovery" and the fun of interaction.  
At the same time, tourists are becoming more and more mature, and they are not satisfied with the repression of standardized group tourism on personality, but the improvement of income level, modern communication, transportation and other scientific and technological means and the improvement of service facilities provide external conditions for the realization of such personalized needs.Due to the increasing efforts of many local governments to develop tourism, more and more scenic spots have been developed, giving consumers more choices.

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IOT0012CN_RFID Application in Yili Touring Administration

IOT0012EN_RFID Application in Yili Touring Administration


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