If the you deposits and withdraws more than 50,000 yuan in the banks in China since 1st,March 2022, what impact does it affect you to prove the source and whereabouts of funds?

Recently, a piece of news has appeared on the hot search, attracting widespread attention. Recently, the three departments of the Central Bank, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission and the China Securities Regulatory Commission issued a new document, which requires deposits of more than 50,000 yuan, even cash deposits equivalent to more than 10,000 US dollars in foreign currencies cannot be handled casually. When handling deposits and withdrawals, customers should be verified. and register the source and purpose of the fund.

This new regulation has been officially implemented since March 1 of this year. Some people say that they should not do anything wrong and don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, but for those whose capital origin is unknown, this is tantamount to a bolt from the blue.

In the future, you will encounter such a situation that if you have 50,000 yuan on hand, you may be illegal if you can't say your source or purpose of funds. In response, some netizens said that I just gave a false statement to explain the source of funds, but you should know that this is the era of big data, and the information you provide should be done one by one. If the source of information is not the right, it will be a big trouble waiting for you.

First of all, you can rest assured that as long as you can find out where the money was taken, you will spend it. It's no problem for you to withdraw 1 million at a time.

It can be seen that the introduction of this measure will expose the illegal proceeds of those black income. Everyone is familiar with the term money laundering. Turning illegal income into legal income through some complex means, such as bank transfers, securities trading, and transfer of transnational funds, to hide the real source of funds. In addition, the endless telecom fraud has always been a cancer in society, which makes us deeply disgusted. Through this regulatory measure, telecom fraud can be curbed from the source, because criminals get ill-gotten gains through fraud, do not dare to split and transfer money at will, take a lot of money and dare not spend a lot of money to curb cybercrimes, and are not afraid of ghost knocking on the door. Therefore, you don't have to worry about this document before watching the video. At this time, those criminals are in danger. At the same time, you are also reminded not to lend your bank cards to others easily, let alone discard your bank cards. In case the back of your bank card is used, you can pass a series of The proof has nothing to do with yourself, but participating in a series of surveys is also a troublesome thing for you. Therefore, if you don't want a bank card, you'd better take the initiative to go to the bank to cancel your level.


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