What do you think of the recent epidemic prevention and control in Shanghai?

Spacetime 66 from Zhihu


The disaster in Shanghai was not caused by Covid-19, but by control.

Shanghai is not deliberately put rotten, but really no way.

I have studied and worked in Shanghai for more than 10 years and have been to many cities and places in China. In my understanding:

Shanghai is the most developed city in China.

Shanghai is the city that respects entrepreneurs the most and listens to scientists the most.

Shanghai Zf is very low-key, the most reluctant to toss the people. Shanghai's GY has long been a voluntary stealth, has been willing to live in the function of the service sector. Most people do not even know the name of the head of the district.

Shanghai, the vast expanse of the district, the original property companies are managed by the basic grass-roots organizations, residents are dispensable, and many communities and streets do not even have residents.

Shanghai has a very common and perfect civil autonomy, the common people quiet to make money, there are proud of petty bourgeoisie sentiment, has long been a small government big society model in operation.

Understand the status of the appeal, you can understand,Shanghai epidemic prevention and control leading group experts, why will insist: Shanghai never closed the city.

Understand the appeal situation, you can understand,The 20 million population of Shanghai, suddenly from enterprise management, switch to grassroots management, simply can not switch over.

Understand the above situation, you can understand,Poor material management is not due to poor governance, but because there is no manpower to manage it.

Understand the status of the appeal, you can understand that Shanghai epidemic prevention adverse, not deliberately put rotten, passive resistance. ButShanghai faces the prospect of abruptly dragging the maglev down elevated tracks and running on the dirt of the planned rations.

——Mutual mismatch, chaos, is inevitable.

The dilemma Shanghai faces is essentially the competition between market economy and planned rationing, between enterprise management and official L system, between science and route, and between trust money and trust quan. No solution.

Shanghai has endured ridicule, abuse and censure all over the country, but what has Shanghai done wrong? Shanghai's policy has always been to listen to front-line medical experts, had not intended to close the city.

What is wrong with this heroic city, which puts the lives of the common people in the most important consideration, and dares to be the first scientific attempt?

Now the closure of the city led to the plight of the people's livelihood out, testing results of 150000 confirmed, 1 case of severe disease, 0 cases of death, I do not know in the end who hit the face.

If you don't believe in Shanghai's data, you can look at Jilin's. Is the data of Jilin Province, which is far north, deliberately cooperating with Shanghai?

The result is absurd, people forget to criticize Jilin a cotton swab stabbed multiple people's throat, but grabbed the ridicule of Shanghai people's "coffee."

During the epidemic prevention period, the magic has happened a lot Magic realism For example:

Bai Bai, a medical worker at the Expo Square, suddenly fainted and was picked up by a group of lively sheep patients and sent to the hospital with great strides.

Is quite magical, crazy is really magic all?

The comment area has been cursed miserably, there are countless private messages of abuse, I clearly write my point of view, please think for yourself:

National Center for Disease Control and Prevention Gao Fu Let's take a look at the soul of academicians and ask: the mortality rate is so low, why don't we let go

Before the epidemic prevention policy of Shanghai is very good, medical treatment is not broken down, people's lives are not disturbed, everything is in order.

Asymptomatic themselves do not know, there is no relationship.

Minor illness home recuperation isolation, eatantipyreticLotus Qing Fan is good. Milk tea shop has sheep, just close the milk tea store, accurate prevention and control do not disturb.

There are basic diseases of the elderly, symptoms, on Pfizer specific drugs. Drugs can inhibit viral replication, control mild to severe disease does not turn.

- Fighting epidemics with ease.

Shanghai is a model student. Shanghai's success means that the whole country is feasible

The current practice is:

Forced to seal the city, the ability and professional property companies, logistics companies, all are not allowed to move. Neighborhood committees and volunteers who don't know anything!

Repeated detection, crowd cross-infection.

The group of lively sheep, get up isolation, forcing people to pretend to be sick!

Not sick to walk two steps, hungry a few days to go two steps again, then hungry a couple of days to take two steps...

Vigorous positive isolation of patients

Those who blame the Shanghai overflow, I would like to ask: Shanghai people infected with a cold to you, is it evil? You most likely have no symptoms, do not know!"Health is the proof of virtue, as disease is the evidence of depravity"?

The failure of Shanghai means that the movement that swept the whole country is the only one right, vigorous and vigorous!

The virus RO value of 10-12, that is, will bloom everywhere, difficult to control. Shenzhen just finished firecrackers and Beijing, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Sichuan, Dalian and have...

Fans do not worry, there will be a tossing their own head one day.

I wrote this early yesterday morning, and I am clearly and firmly standing in Shanghai:


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