What's the difference between Russians and Ukrainians in history, religion, race and languages?

Justin Lee

Differences in history and religion

From the appearance, there is not much difference between Russians and Ukrainians. If you look back to the source carefully, you will find that Russia and Ukraine are actually very different in history, religion and ethno language, which is also an important factor in the tension between Russia-Ukraine relations.

The history of Ukraine's merger with Tsarist Russia was pushed back to the middle of the 17th century. Before that, most of Ukraine was ruled by the Polish-Lithuanian Federation, with little communication with Tsarist Russia, and its cultural characteristics were more inclined to Polish culture. Due to the strong suppression of the Ukrainian nation by the Polish-Lithuanian Federation, Ukrainians decided to form an alliance with and sign a merger agreement with Tsarist Russia in order to seek living space.

However, after the merger of Russia and Ukraine, Ukraine was oppressed again and the right to autonomy was gradually weakened. In order to assimilate Ukrainians, Tsarist Russia has actively taken various measures to reform Ukraine's culture, education, language and religion. Because Ukraine has long been ruled by the Polish-Lithuanian Federation, most of the religious beliefs of Ukrainians in the west are Catholic, while the Orthodox Church is widely practiced in Russia. Different religious beliefs lead to different national cultures, and contradictions will arise as a result. Of course, there is no sense of identity between them.

Different ethnic languages

Although Ukraine and Russia are both descendants of the Slavic people, there are subtle differences between them. Mrs. Slav was defeated by the Mongolians to establish the Golden Horde. Against the background of this era, the white-skinned Slavs and the yellow-skinned Mongolians were combined, and these people were widely distributed in Russia. Ukraine itself is at the core of the Slavish civilization, so it has always regarded itself as a pure Slav and more or less disregnized Russians with impure blood.

The two countries not only show differences in religious race, but also the languages that sound similar are actually different. Although Ukrainian and Russian are extremely similar in grammar vocabulary, the pronunciation and writing of Ukrainian are still a little different. Due to the history of merger between Russia and Ukraine, Russian is generally speaking in Ukraine. However, with the deepening of the contradiction between the two countries, Ukraine has taken de-Russian measures and required Ukrainian communication in public.

Russia and Ukraine are very different everywhere, and historical feuds are difficult to resolve. In addition, in order to break away from the influence of Russian culture, Ukraine racks its brains to establish Ukraine's own cultural ideas, and it is extremely difficult for the two peoples to have a sense of identity with each other. Moreover, in order to show its anti-Russia attitude, Ukraine strives to hold the thigh of the United States. It is very difficult to normalize relations between the two countries.


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