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Reclaiming a Heart of Thankfulness In an Era Lacking Practical Gratitude

Justin Lee - Written on Thanksgiving 2024

In this age of information overload and material abundance, we have become increasingly indifferent to various holidays (not only those celebrated externally but even traditional ones), and Thanksgiving is no exception. While we casually speak of "love and gratitude," have we truly contemplated the significance of gratitude and whether we genuinely practice it? In a time that appears filled with an atmosphere of thankfulness yet lacks practical expressions of gratitude, let us reflect together on how to reclaim a heart of gratitude in our fast-paced lives, making thankfulness a norm in our daily existence.

I. The Absence of Gratitude: A Malady of the Times

On social media, we are inundated with various expressions of gratitude, yet people are reluctant to expend the time and energy on actual actions. Individuals tend to articulate their thanks through words, overlooking the power of action. This phenomenon of "verbal gratitude" reflects a modern detachment from emotions in the context of a hectic lifestyle, as well as a misunderstanding of the essence of gratitude. We seem to have forgotten that gratitude is not merely an emotion, but also an action and an attitude toward life.

Twenty years ago, an elderly man named Wang Ruchen in Shenyang lived frugally, preferring a life of modest means so she could sponsor over forty impoverished students, ten of whom completed their university education. However, none of these students visited her or even wrote her a letter. It wasn't until a decade later, when Wang Ruchen was bedridden and blind, that she expressed a desire to meet the students she had supported. Following the publication of this news, only two students came to visit her. This incident sparked widespread discussion in society; some argued that donating to others is a noble act, and that the benefactor possesses admirable virtues and does not require gratitude, while others contended that the recipients were all impoverished individuals, questioning what they could use to express their gratitude.

II. The Power of Action: The Practice of Gratitude

True gratitude should manifest in our daily actions. It is not merely a blessing exchanged during holidays but is reflected in our care for family, assistance to friends, and contributions to society. We can express our appreciation through tangible actions, such as helping with household chores, offering support to friends, or participating in charitable activities. These seemingly minor actions can coalesce into a powerful wave of positive energy, warming others and illuminating ourselves.

A friend of mine, a high-ranking executive at a prominent company in Kunshan, is usually overwhelmed with work; however, just as Thanksgiving approached, he personally drove to thank me for a small favor I had done. What I felt in that moment was not only gratitude but also a deep sense of respect and friendship that profoundly touched me, making me cherish our bond even more.

III. Reclaiming a Heart of Gratitude: Starting from Within

Every act of kindness, no matter how small, is deserving of our appreciation. This gratitude is not only an acknowledgment of others but also a validation of ourselves. True gratitude is not merely an external display but signifies internal growth and transformation. When we learn to be grateful, we become more appreciative of the people and circumstances around us, and we develop greater understanding and tolerance. This inner change fosters a sense of peace and kindness in us, enabling us to face difficulties and challenges with greater resilience.

In this complex world, people are often busy pursuing material wealth while neglecting what is truly precious in life—gratitude and harmony. In fact, taking the time to express gratitude is far more significant than the pursuit of additional wealth.

IV. The Significance of Gratitude: Fostering Personal Growth and Social Harmony

Reclaiming a heart of gratitude not only allows us to cherish the beauty in life but also promotes our personal growth and social harmony. A grateful person is more likely to recognize the strengths of others and maintain a positive outlook, thereby becoming more resilient in the face of challenges. Moreover, the dissemination of a culture of gratitude enhances mutual understanding and respect among individuals, reducing conflict and barriers.

A harmonious society is founded upon mutual understanding, respect, and tolerance among its members. In such a society, individuals can coexist peacefully, jointly face challenges, and share in joys and successes. This power of harmony and unity is far more precious and potent than any material wealth.

This Thanksgiving, let us not only express our gratitude through words but also convey love and warmth through our actions. May we all become bearers of the light of gratitude, making this world a better place through thankfulness.