2021 Nanjing Industrial Park Market Survey Report (Internal Reference)

Industrial Real Estate Research

1. background

In 2021, the total GDP of Nanjing is 1635.532 billion yuan, ranking pthe tenth in the country, the second in the province. The industrial pulling effect is obvious.In terms of plate, Jiangning District and Jiangbei New Area continue to lead the way, both standing at 200 billion level.

The added value of the city's industries above designated size reached 354.396 billion yuan, an increase of 10% year on year. The development of advanced manufacturing industry was particularly rapid. The added value of high-tech manufacturing increased by 15.5% year on year, and the proportion of added value in the secondary industry in GDP also increased from 35.2% to 36.1%, which is the key driving force for the economic growth of Nanjing in 2021.

The GDP of Jiangning District in 2021 is 281.047 billion yuan, and that of the Jiangbei New District is 256.17 billion yuan. They are the only two strong economic districts in Nanjing with a total GDP exceeding 200 billion yuan. The economic strength is far ahead of other districts. The GDP of Lishui District in 2021 will be 100.095 billion yuan, breaking the 100 billion yuan mark and realizing a relatively large leap forward.

2. Land market

Total number of land (scientific research land) transactions in 2021 is 28; Total area of land traded:About 598,000 m2.according to Land bidding and auction transactions, the area of scientific research land in 2021 compared to 2020, decreased by about 76%.The three regions with the largest turnover were Yuhuatai District, Jiangbei District and Pukou District.

3. Research selection

It lasted for three months, the three departments cooperated to investigate 36 projects, covering 8 administrative districts in Nanjing. The sampling standards were public sales or leasing of scientific research offices and commercial projects that formed a competitive relationship.

4. Internal parameter conclusion

4.1 Price:

[Sales level] In the research samples of all districts in the city, the sales price of scientific research and office products in Jianye District is the highest, Jiangbei New District and the main city of Xuanwu and Qixia are in the second echelon, and Yuhuatai and Jiangning are the last. The average price of single-family products in each district is 3000-6000 yuan / m2 higher than that of flat products.

[Lease level] In the research samples of all districts in the city, the rental prices of scientific research offices in the main urban areas of Qinhuai and Gulou are leading, and the average rental price of Jianye and Basaltic plates is 2-3 yuan / m2 / day, and Jiangning District is the last.

4.2 Deactivation:

[Sales level] In the research samples of all districts in the city, Yuhuatai District ranked first in terms of sales volume of scientific research carrier and average sales of single project in 21 years due to the influence of multiple favorable factors such as clear industrial positioning, strong software industry foundation and strong policy support. Jiangning and Jiangbei New Area follow in terms of sales volume by virtue of their respective industrial advantages and cost-effective scientific research products. Basaltic, Jianye and other regions subject to pre-sale carrier is limited, ranked by.

[Lease level] Among the survey samples of various districts in the city, Yuhuatai District and Xuanwu District have sufficient carrier supply, relatively convenient location and moderate rental price. The total amount of scientific research carrier rental in 21 years and the average rental volume of single project are in the forefront. The Qinhuai District and Gulou District of the main city plate rely on the conditions of the old project, the construction of silicon alley and other conditions, the core location conditions of main city, and also maintain a high rental level.

4.3 Supply:

[Future supply] Based on a comprehensive analysis of the stock situation of the research project samples and the volume of the new scientific research land in 21 years, the supply level of scientific research office carrier (including sales and leasing) in Nanjing will be saturated in the future.Jiangbei New Area (including Pukou District) is affected by the new area policy support, the largest supply;Yuhuatai District relies on the large stock of software valley and the impact of new lots of research land, the late supply is sufficient.Qixia and Jiangning District existing projects still have a large number of inventory.In addition to the impact of regional commercial projects, it is expected that the future of Nanjing scientific research office market competition will be more intense.


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