The Development of Chinese Digital Tourism Industry

PKU Management Consulting

With the advent of the digital economy, data and algorithms have become key production factors. Platform has become an important mode of economic organization. Digital technology has promoted cross-border integration as the new normal. The marginal cost of online products has been greatly reduced. Consumption and production in the digital economy have become highly interconnected. In this context, make full use of the characteristics of the digital economy, promote digital economy and cultural tourism combination, play to the advantages of the platform economy, strengthen regulation, promote the cultural tourism industry and other industries interconnection, has become a"Digital Tourism"A new track for industrial development.

"Digital Tourism"From the Internet economy, which used to be the backend of the market, we will move forward to the digital transformation of all factors, processes and forms of business in front-end factor markets, new infrastructure at the bottom and back-end industrial applications. Intelligent analysis and management, optimize existing business value chain and management value chain, realize from business operation enablement to product / service innovation, and then realize enterprise transformation and upgrading. Technological innovations such as AI, cloud computing, 5G, digitalization, networking, intelligent upgrading and big data will equip the tourism industry with the "wisdom core" of high-quality development. Promote the strong recovery of the cultural tourism industry, accelerate innovation and iteration, the cultural travel industry has begun to upgrade to the "number of intelligent cultural tourism."

"Digital Intelligence and Cultural Tourism" cannot be separated from a series of revolutionary breakthroughs in digital technology, but also from China's huge consumer market. "Digital Intelligence and Cultural Tourism" breaks the barrier of managers, operators and consumers, presents an explosive development trend, provides reference for tourism decision-making for leaders at all levels and departments, and realizes the scientific and efficient tourism decision-making.

Ⅰ. Policy support and business development

⒈Top-level policy design

In 2020, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, National Development and Reform Commission and other departments successively issued the "Opinions of the Ministry on Promoting the Quality Development of Digital Tourism and Cultural Industry" and the Opinions on Deepening "Internet + Tourism" to Promote the High-Quality Development ofTourism, " This year, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued the "14th Five-Year Plan for Cultural and Tourist Development" and the "14th Five-Year" Cultural Industry Development Plan, " As well as the "5G Application" Action Plan (2021-2023) jointly issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other 10 departments in July, all of them are escorting 5G + cultural tourism from the top-level design level. With the support of a series of policies and technologies such as 5G, big data, AR, VR and cloud computing, digital tourism has gradually become the main direction for the transformation and upgrading of the tourism industry.

⒉Development of industry

Culture and tourism are important applications of digital tourism economy. The implementation of digital strategy of cultural industry is also an important deployment of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee. From the logic of industrial growth, since the outbreak of New Canopy Pneumonia, digital / digital intelligence has become the driving force for the development of the cultural and tourism industries. According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, in 2021, the operating income of 16 sectors with obvious characteristics of digital culture and tourism industry will reach 3,962.3 billion yuan, an increase of 18.9% over the previous year; The two-year average growth rate was 20.5 percent, 11.6 percentage points higher than the average for cultural enterprises. Accounting for 33.3 percent of the operating income of cultural enterprises.

⒊Type of industrial development

Culture is the precipitation of time and space, tourism is the transfer of space and time.The development and application of VR / AR, NFT, AI, cloud, PUGC game platform, and human-computer interaction devices have provided material support for the progressive technological breakthrough and business model innovation of "digital cultural tourism." The ultimate "Metacosmos" connects the physical world and the digital world, reshapes the human economic system, reconstructs the human way of life, and opens up a new format for the development of cultural tourism:
Smart Tourism Products and Services:It includes highly intelligent tourism products and services characterized by smart hotels, smart rooms, unmanned shops in scenic areas, unmanned sales vehicles and other features, as well as intelligent service characterized by self-check-in at contactless hotels and scanning QR code in scenic spots.

Online Blog:With the help of Internet, AR, VR, AI technology, museums, art galleries, etc., to achieve cultural relics, works of art information scanning, processing, processing. Tourists and viewers watch cultural relics and works of art online with the aid of devices, and improve the viewing experience of tourists through independent tour, zoom, rotation, 360-degree full scene experience.

Immersive scene:Using digital technology, VR, AR, AI and so on, theater, performance hall, theater to create immersive scene, such as immersive exhibition, immersive playground, R / VR theme park, holographic theme restaurant.

Intelligent Manufacturing of Tourism Equipment:Integrating and applying new technologies such as AI, AR, VR to produce smart skis, smart helmets, smart clothing and other travel smart equipment and supplies. Such as immersive roller coaster, driverless tour car, AI sightseeing car and other attractions and sightseeing car intelligent manufacturing. In addition, the integration of things, the Internet, artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, cruise yacht, RV, cable car and other tourism equipment manufacturing enterprises intelligent upgrade, The production process, sales process, after-sales process, such as the whole process of digital tourism.

Tourism Data Operation:Innovative and optimized data elements will further promote the supply-side reform of the tourism industry. In the process of the development of digital tourism, The development data of online core digital assets and related products and services of destination and tourism enterprises formed by big data and Internet technologies will shift to asset value. Data trading and data asset securitization will form new business forms and develop new economic models.

Ⅱ Characteristics and development logic of industry

⒈Industry characteristics

Compared with the traditional economy such as agriculture and industry, the digital tourism economy has its distinct new characteristics. As a result, compared with traditional cultural tourism, digital tourism has undergone significant changes in product mode, business mode, management mode, thinking mode and so on. Digital tourism has the characteristics of unlimited resources, unlimited time and space, data-driven, multi-identity and so on. It brings a vast prospect for the development of tourism industry.

From the spatial gathering form,The traditional cultural tourism resources are unique and monopolistic, which continuously promote the development of spatial agglomeration, which will lead to excessive accumulation of resources in the space and cause overcrowding of tourists in scenic spots and tourist destinations. Therefore, the cultural tourism industry planning, marketing and operation of the various aspects of the industrial ecology extended to multidimensional space and time. Breaking the imprisonment of space, thinking about the development of cultural tourism industry from a new dimension, which is the underlying logic of digital tourism and new profit growth space.

From a marketing perspective,Once the new dimension of time and space is established, the user does not need to reach the actual destination, only through the mobile terminal, In fragmented time, you can experience digital cultural tourism products and services, mobilize and stimulate user interest, and then flow to cultural tourism destinations or consumption of digital tourism products or services, providing an immersive experience that touches the emotions of users.

From a planning and operational perspective,A new museum built by the fusion of time and space, using digital technology to digitize many precious cultural relics, There is no longer any need for physical exhibition. Customers roaming in the museum can enjoy the real scene of cultural relics through virtual reality at any time, breaking the limit of time and space. Visitors can travel through the past and imagine the future, obtain unprecedented experience and establish a new view of space and time.

⒉Development logic

Starting from strengthening the basic system of cultural tourism industry,We will promote the digitization of public culture and expand investment space. Construction of digital tourism infrastructure system with digital transformation, intelligent upgrading, integration of innovation and other services. Such as information infrastructure - culture and tourism big data center, integration infrastructure - digital museum, innovation infrastructure - intelligent cultural and creative industrial park. Optimize the supply structure of tourism industry, improve the quality of supply. We will foster a number of leading digital tourism enterprises and develop digital tourism and cultural tourism intelligent industrial parks. We will build a number of regional cultural industrial belts, develop world-class scenic spots and resort areas with rich cultural heritage, and create a batch of national tourism and leisure cities and blocks with distinctive cultural features.

Focus on telling the Chinese story well,Externally, we should promote international communication through innovation, strengthen international cultural exchanges and multi-level dialogue among civilizations, encourage and support digital tourism enterprises to "go global" and promote international advanced digital tourism companies to "bring in." Internally, seize the "yuan universe" tuyere concept, depth excavation of the essence of traditional culture, vigorously develop the country tide, cartoon as the representative of the cultural and creative industries. Promote consumption upgrading and stimulate new consumption potential.

Comprehensively promote digital tourism consumption,Seize the opportunity to expand holiday consumption, vigorously develop red tourism, rural tourism. We will use digital technology to transform and upgrade food, housing, transportation, travel, shopping and entertainment, develop new modes and formats of digital tourism consumption, improve the quality of consumer services, and promote the integrated development of online and offline consumption.

Innovation in tourism management model,The use of digital tourism technology, improve tourism management system, enhance the ability of comprehensive management systems engineering. Such as scenic digital security system, scenic intelligent management platform.

Play the value and role of data,Under the premise of ensuring data security and protecting personal information, the transaction of cultural relics digital assets, cultural creation digital assets and cultural tourism data assets and other core element assets will be promoted in an orderly manner. Promote cultural tourism digital assets and data assets.

Enhance industrial efficiency,Before we do industry is to land, finance, culture and other resources, but the use of resources is not high efficiency. With digital technology, it can shift from efficient allocation to deep mining, and through continuous optimization, significantly improve the effective conversion rate of resources.

⒊Suggestions on the Development of Digital Tourism Industry

① At the industry level

During the prevention and control of the epidemic, the achievements of the digital development of culture and tourism were concentrated and recognized by the public. Digital tourism has the characteristics of low cost, large flow, easy iteration and strong realization. Digital tourism can transform traffic to higher consumption, and establish a higher level of dynamic balance between investment and consumption. Industrial development should achieve:

Digital technology deeply embedded in the tourism industry,Must be combined with the local characteristics of cultural tourism resources, the formation of scale, form complementary, form potential energy, to have the main products, the main project. New technologies and means should complement rather than replace them. We should integrate tradition with modernity and improve social and economic benefits.

Actively develop digital literature and art,We should actively promote the fashion of traditional art, in line with the aesthetic way of the times, tell Chinese stories in the world language, and show traditional culture in a lively and three-dimensional manner; Promote the image of stage art, make full use of image thinking and digital technology, to achieve the "virtual and real" Chinese flavor, Chinese style; Promote efficient communication under the thinking of "Internet +," and let the audience feel the charm of art without leaving home.

The core of digital tourism is to promote integration,Including the integration of technology and industry, integration of resources, cultural tourism integration. The integration of culture and tourism needs the support of science and technology, and the development of intelligent tourism is also inseparable from scientific and technological support. It is the need of industry, society and development to promote the integration of culture and tourism development. Science and technology + tourism, not a simple superposition, mechanical listing, to follow the law of development, to test the actual effect of industry, society, time. Enterprises need to constantly learn and innovate to enhance competitiveness. At the same time, seize the policy opportunity to promote the development of digital tourism industry, through improving online training capacity, upgrading the function of online platform and strengthening digital tourism marketing and other means, to comply with the new trend of the cultural tourism industry development.

② Government level

The CPC Central Committee has proposed a new development pattern with the domestic cycle as the main body and the international and domestic double cycles mutually reinforcing. Relevant leaders should grasp the general trend of the times, make scientific decisions, transform from traditional cultural tourism to digital cultural tourism, firmly grasp the connotation of "double cycle," and open up a new development pattern of digital tourism.

Using digital thinking,Through the flow of data elements, government construction should realize from "digital cultural tourism" to "digital governance." We will promote the formation of a governance system in which government and enterprises participate, share information, and interact with each other in an efficient manner, speed up the overall allocation of social resources, stimulate innovation, and enhance digital governance capabilities. We will support the development of digital infrastructure such as data centers and cloud platforms, encourage enterprises to participate in the opening and cooperation of digital infrastructures, strengthen the construction of mobile Internet infrastructure, such as apps and mini programs, and accumulate data assets. Excavate and cultivate original tourism IP with distinct Chinese cultural characteristics, and create a widely influential digital tourism brand.

Scientific evaluation, careful investment,According to local characteristics and practical application, local conditions should be selected. Avoid investing heavily in some tall, flashy hardware infrastructure, with an APP, make a product, built a platform, can not once and for all. The lack of refined operation will lead to a huge investment of funds, but not to meet the needs of the public experience, nor bring economic results.

The introduction of "sophisticated" talent,Especially with interdisciplinary, interdisciplinary talents; To establish the "production + learning" personnel training mode, based on the current demand of market economy, pay attention to industrial practice, training "practical talents"; Improve the talent evaluation standards, formulate the identification method of digital compound talent, formulate talent support policy. From the introduction of talent, training, evaluation, to play a role in the industry, all-round control tracking.

Study and formulate supporting policies,Based on the in-depth investigation of cultural tourism enterprises, digital tourism towns and tourism platforms, the relevant supporting policies on system design, planning guidance, organizational guarantee, tax incentives, talent support, intellectual property protection and other aspects are formulated. Speed up the establishment of laws and regulations, management norms, administrative regulations, assessment system and industry statistics system to adapt to the development of digital tourism industry to provide a good environment for the digital tourism development.

③ Enterprise level

Open up the data chain,Take scenic spots as an example, it is difficult to get through and share data between scenic spots and related enterprises. Build a smart tourism ecosystem, including senseless ticketing, automatic guidance, intelligent monitoring, security, smart restaurants, cultural relics protection, scenic spot operation and so on.

Strengthen the processing of big consumption data,Collection, storage, processing, analysis and use of cultural tourism data, to build cultural tourism product and service system, to promote enterprise supply and demand allocation and accurate docking.

Building a data aggregation platform,Support upstream and downstream enterprises to open data, promote the whole process of data collection, improve the level of data circulation and commercial sharing.

Build a data security responsibility system,Enhance data security services, improve the standardization and security of network data use in cultural and tourism enterprises.

In short, scientific and technological innovation, model innovation and application innovation are the only way to the integration of digital technology and tourism industry. There is no shortcut or curve to overtake. Digital technology and cultural tourism industry mutual enablement, become a strong support for the transformation of cultural tourism. The intelligence and intelligence index of cultural and tourism industry directly reflect the happiness index of people's better life.


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