How China can learn from the foreign modern agricultural industrial park Development?

The construction of modern agricultural industrial park is an important decision made by the Party Central Committee and the State Council and an important starting point to promote the revitalization of rural industries in the new era. In 2017, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Minister of Finance jointly launched the establishment of the National Modern Agriculture Industrial Park. On April 30, 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Department of Finance approved 31 modern agricultural industrial parks to be established as national modern agriculture industrial parks, and 8 provincial modern agriculture industry parks were incorporated into the management system for the establishment of national modern farming industrial parks.

To date,The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Department of Finance have identified 20, 29 and 31 national modern agricultural industrial parks in three batches in 2018, 2019 and 2020.

Countries such as Germany, Holland, USA and Japan started early in agricultural modernization.,Its modern agricultural park construction is accompanied by the development of agricultural modernization, Up to now, a large number of modern agricultural parks have been built, which integrate the functions of agricultural science and technology extension, technology demonstration, eco-tourism and agricultural education, and realize the benign interaction between agricultural modernization and agricultural park development.

Analyzing and summing up the development model and experience of the above four countries' modern agricultural parks is of great significance to solve the problems in the development of Chinese modern agriculture parks.

German Eco-Agricultural Parks: Ecology and Industrialization

The development of ecological agriculture in Germany is unique in the European Union, and its modern agricultural park construction is also around ecological agriculture, on the basis of eco-agriculture to promote the industrialization of agricultural park.

At present, milk, pork, grain, vegetables, fruits and other major agricultural products basically achieved ecological development, modern agricultural park is also in these main agricultural products planted, processed on the basis of further industrialization and scale. During the construction of modern agriculture park, the theme of ecology and industrialization is always the theme.

Specifically,First of all, to adjust the agricultural industrial structure and agricultural trade policy with market orientation, for the construction of ecological agriculture, formed the resultant force of economic, ecological and social benefits.

Secondly, after the formation of modern production system of agricultural products, further promote the specialization, automation and standardization of production system, forming a set of characteristic ecological industrialization development chain.

Third, on the basis of the production chain, and then build a strong marketing system of agricultural products, to achieve planting, feeding, processing, circulation, trade and other links of the train,Pay attention to the integration of agriculture, industry and commerce development, marketing and market development as the basic impetus to promote the development of modern agricultural parks, especially the expansion of overseas markets.

Fourth, the construction of standardized agricultural technology system, try not to use chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and actively promote the use of organic fertilizers, enhance the added value of agricultural products.

In Brandenburg's Kasht Agricultural Park, an area of more than 3,000 hectares of agricultural park, only four employees, the whole process is automated production and processing, In the whole process to achieve the ecological, recycling, such as cattle manure and related waste can continue to use, the waste processing for power generation, in addition to their own use, but also the remaining electricity sold to the State Grid Corporation.

Dutch Protected Agricultural Parks: Intensive and Standardized

The Netherlands is a country with less arable land and agricultural population, but it has created 9% to 10% of the global agricultural output value, Its potato, egg, beer, cheese and tomato and other net exports of agricultural products occupy the world first, especially potatoes accounted for more than 60% of the world's agricultural market.

The reason why the Netherlands can make such great agricultural achievements is closely related to its world-class level of facility agriculture. Specifically,First of all, soilless cultivation technology developed.More than 90% of the protected agricultural parks in the Netherlands adopt soilless culture, and rock wool is widely used as the cultivation substrate. Rock wool can avoid water loss or leakage compared with ordinary soil. In addition, rock wool does not contain any nutrients, which is convenient for managers to adjust the nutrition formula in different growth cycles of crops to maximize the growth of crops with appropriate water and nutrients.

Secondly, the circulation irrigation technology is advanced.When rock wool is used as culture medium, excessive irrigation is generally needed to ensure the stability of nutrients in the medium. The backflow of nutrient solution in rock wool is generally kept at about 40%. If these nutrients are discharged into the natural environment, it will not only affect the ecological security, but also cause water and nutrient waste. In order to improve the utilization rate of water and nutrients, the Dutch facility agriculture park generally adopts closed irrigation system, the cultivation nutrient solution after disinfection recycling, its water and nutrient recycling rate reaches 90%.

Third, crop water supply precision.The Netherlands Protected Agriculture Park (FAP) has developed water supply management models suitable for different crops during their growth cycle. In theory, crops absorb water mainly to counteract evaporation, and the amount of water consumed by crops is usually proportional to the time of illumination. The Netherlands Facility Agriculture Park adopts a precise water supply control system to adjust water supply according to the growth cycle of crops. The water supply can be adjusted in time according to the solar radiation in one day, which can not only ensure the needs of crop growth, but also avoid the waste of water resources caused by excessive irrigation.

Fourth, the RainWater collection system is well developed.From the point of view of crop growth, Rain Water is the best water source for rock wool soilless culture because of its lower EC value and less mineral composition compared with ground water and surface water.

In order to make full use of the Rain Water, Rain water collection systems have been widely established in Dutch facility agricultural parks, where Water irrigation accounts for 50% of the water supply. At present, the Rain Water Injection System has been established in some flower agricultural parks. In rainy season, the surplus Rain water is injected into the ground and stored in a specific soil layer for extraction when needed. The application of this technology can not only save water resources, but also effectively neutralize groundwater and improve the quality of groundwater.

American Science and Technology Agriculture Park: Technology and Scale

The United States is the country with the highest degree of agricultural modernization in the world. After years of development, its agriculture has become a highly integrated industry, and it is worthy of the name of the first agricultural country in the word. The experience of the United States in developing high-tech and large-scale agricultural parks with its natural endowment and resources is worth learning.

The construction and development of science and technology agricultural parks in the United States is an important symbol of agricultural modernization. Specifically,First, adhere to the main family farm business model.The family farm system has always been the most important mode of agricultural production in the United States, and its agricultural parks are also managed through the system of family farms. On the basis of the family farm, the implementation of science and technology in the agricultural park and scale, so that an area of 180 hectares of agricultural park, only 2 people can produce, manage and operate.

Secondly, the industry in the agricultural park is highly integrated.The construction, operation and management of agricultural parks in the United States is a comprehensive system. It not only includes comprehensive knowledge related to meteorology, geography and biology, but also includes agricultural production, processing, circulation and financial services. It is a multi-disciplinary, multi-sector complex. Because of this, American agricultural parks are characterized by high technology content and high output, forming a comprehensive agricultural form of scale, industrialization, socialization and internationalization, and forming an integrated industrial chain of agriculture, industry and commerce.

Third, the agricultural park has a high degree of specialization and reasonable layout.The development of agricultural parks in the United States has little homogeneous competition, and its rich climatic conditions, Make the agricultural park from the industry for a more reasonable division of labor, in the production link also carried out specialized decomposition, depending on different industries to establish a specialized, characteristic agricultural park system.

For example, in the eastern region, the establishment of a large number of pasture, dairy science and technology parks; In the central and northern regions, scientific and technological agricultural parks have been established. In addition, there are corn comprehensive science and technology park in the Great Lakes region, and cotton comprehensive agricultural park in southern China. These parks in the industrial division of labor, to avoid homogeneous competition, while in the production links, such as production, processing, circulation, trade and other links also carried out a detailed division, effectively improve the overall efficiency of agricultural production.

Fourth, the agricultural park attaches great importance to science and technology support.The innovation ability of American agricultural science and technology is world class. The government attaches great importance to agricultural scientific and technological innovation and technology promotion. In 1996, Congress authorized the Department of Agriculture to establish the United States Agricultural Strategic Development Agency, which integrates agricultural research, technology development and agricultural education. Over the years, the government has invested a large amount of funds for agricultural technology development, innovation, research and extension work, and established a complete agricultural technology research and development system and extension system. In the Agriculture Act of 2014, the system of integrating agricultural technological innovation with agricultural parks was reconfirmed, providing financial support for technological innovation in agricultural parks with a budget of $2 billion.

In addition, many agricultural parks in the United States actively promote the Department of Agriculture's "low input sustainable agriculture development program," actively use renewable energy to replace fossil energy, reduce agricultural pollution, and actively develop organic agriculture. Through a series of national support, effectively enhance the science and technology of the agricultural park, improve the scientific and technological radiation ability of agricultural park.

Fifth, the agricultural park attaches importance to the function of agricultural education.Agricultural education in the United States has its own characteristics. Its dominant force is to focus on the cultivation of practical talents, emphasize the application of agricultural technology, and attach importance to cultivating students' practical ability.

For example, Cornell University, which is famous for its agricultural education, has established its own world-famous Cornell agricultural and food science and technology park. Through practical education, it can enhance the students' operational ability and play its role in the construction and management of agricultural park.

Japanese Leisure Agriculture Park: Experience and Demonstration

Japan has a large population and little land, and its agricultural development has always been a small peasant production mode, and the implementation of the differentiated and intensive agricultural development strategy. In this situation, Japan's leisure agriculture park has developed rapidly. Leisure agriculture park is mainly run by the government, with holiday farm as the main body.

Holiday farm, as a typical leisure agriculture park, integrates sightseeing, agricultural production and agricultural experience, and realizes the multi-function of agriculture. Most of the holiday farms in Japan are located in the fringe of urban and rural areas. They pay attention to the complementation of the rural and urban areas. They are managed according to the management mode of common parks. They integrate the agricultural production, agricultural consumption and agricultural tourism, and play the demonstration effect of comprehensive agriculture.

In recent years, Japan's agricultural parks pay attention to the development of its experience, leisure agriculture park specialization is also increasing, Through the advanced agricultural technology to create a large number of famous and special tourist parks, such as cherry orchard, cherry garden, etc., can not only let visitors appreciate the pleasure of agricultural farming in the viewing, but also allow visitors to get a pleasant mood in sightseeing. In Japan's prestigious Tomita Farm, Sapporo Sightseeing Farm and Acer Apple Park and other modern recreational agriculture parks, each year from the world to receive 3 million visitors.

Because most of Japanese agriculture is cultivated by part-time farmers, the management idea and management method of agricultural park also reflect theThe function of agricultural education and agricultural research, combining agricultural production, processing, training practice and leisure tourism,With production, practice, tourism and other functions, reflecting the multi-functional characteristics of agriculture.


4. Promoting the comprehensive and multifunctional development of agricultural parks

Modern agricultural park construction is not a single production function, on the basis of production functions, should also play its multiple functions, especially in the strengthening of technology demonstration and radiation based on technical extension, technical training and agricultural education.

In addition, we should also adapt to local conditions to play the role of tourism, entertainment, leisure and science popularization of agricultural parks, give full play to the multi-function of agriculture, enhance the added value of the park crops and processed products. In the process of planning the development of modern agricultural parks, all localities shall, according to the local natural endowments, resource conditions, geographical location and level of economic development, scientifically locate the parks, and define their functions and development directions. The multifunctional characteristics of agriculture and the needs of the public are brought into the park construction planning, so that the agricultural park can not only serve the development of the countryside and agriculture, but also meet the requirements of the people, so as to promote the sustainable development of agriculture park.


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