Summary of investment attraction cases

Justin Lee

Jiangsu "Kunshan Model"

Basic introduction: Jiangsu Kunshan Economic and Technological Development Zone has created a "Kunshan model" to create an investment environment. Kunshan is a county-level city. There are nearly 3,000 foreign-invested enterprises in the city, which has formed a pocket effect and a basin effect to attract investment.

Kunshan Economic and Technological Development Zone was founded in 1985 and was approved as a national development zone in 1992, with a jurisdictional area of 120 square kilometers. Among the major economic index assessment of 54 national development zones in the country, Kunshan Development Zone ranks first in the comprehensive evaluation.

At present, foreign investors have invested and established more than 1,000 enterprises in Kunshan Development Zone, with a total investment of more than 10 billion US dollars.

Main experience and practice:

[Main experience]: Dare to be the first in the world, build nests and attract phoenixes, characteristic carriers, honest services and prompt officing, etc.; Service concept: pro-business, safe business, rich business;

[Specific practice]: In order to create a good development environment for foreign-funded enterprises, Kunshan Municipal Government and Kunshan Development Zone Management Committee in the city And create 5 brands in the whole region: improve the supporting environment of the industry and create "electronic Kunshan"; optimize the service environment and create "efficient Kunshan"; build an ecological environment and create a "green Kunshan"; create a legal environment and create a "safe Kunshan"; improve the humanistic environment and create a "charming Kunshan".

It has become the world's laptop production base, with an annual output of more than 10 million units, accounting for 1/3 of the world, and all parts are equipped within 70 kilometers. In the future, we will focus on developing three industrial groups: electronic information, precision machinery, and citizen necessities. Five advantages: location advantage (between Shanghai and Suzhou), cost advantage (rich labor), industrial chain. Advantages (low business cost, new competitiveness), service advantages (government services), ecological environment advantages (the fourth-level investment environment in the future).

The successful experience of Suzhou Industrial Park

Basic overview:

In 2020, the park achieved a regional gross domestic product of 290.7 billion yuan, a public budget revenue of 37.73 billion yuan, a total import and export of 94.18 billion US dollars, and the actual use of foreign capital was 1.97 billion US dollars, a record high. It achieved five consecutive championships in the national economic development zone ranking, and in the national high-tech zone ranking. Jumping to the fourth place, it has a strong comparative advantage in open development, industrial ecology, innovative ecology and business environment.

In the process of promoting the implementation of innovation drive and cultivating new momentum for development, the park adheres to the introduction and cultivation, and has accumulated a large number of science and technology enterprises. Up to now, there are more than 1,800 high-tech enterprises, 512 gazelle and gazelle cultivation enterprises at all levels, and 50 listed enterprises at home and abroad, among which, science and technology innovation Board 12 houses.

Successful experience:

1. Strive to build a management system and operation mechanism adapted to the development of the market economy, separate the middle and low-level functions in the government functions, and be undertaken by non-governmental public institutions or intermediaries, so as to effectively reduce the management level.

2. Create a high-quality environment suitable for human habitat and entrepreneurship.

3. Accelerate the improvement of international capital aggregation and regional core competitiveness, mainly developing semiconductor, optoelectronics and mechatronics.

4. Actively build an efficient, transparent, fair and standardized service-oriented government, put forward the concept of "pro-business" and implement "one-stop" service. 5. Adhere to the harmonious development of economy and society, people and nature.


Summary of investment attraction strategies


Medical Points of View From PhD Jia