Aidphar Brand identity strategic planning (2001)
Brand Identity - also known as Brand recognition, Brand Identity, "BI") is a relatively new concept, especially in this case the use of BI companies lower marketing campaigns to spread from the same source within the territory and is converted to a symbol, the information and the product itself, and can make consumers face more and more different Brand, will be affected by the different aspects of Brand Identity, in succession to recall - or products, or business, or logo, or enterprise standard color, or corporate image endorsement, even if it is advertising fragment and the enterprise publicity materials,And can influence and perpetuate that memory.
2.The essence of brand identity is
What is the value of a brand?
What is the personality of the brand?
What is the long-term and ultimate goal of the brand?
How consistent is the brand?
What is the basic status of the brand?
What is the brand identification symbol?
These six questions point to brand definition and constitute the connotation of brand. Brand identification can form the basis for brand communication and in-depth management of extension in a specific period……
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