IOT Docs Justin D. Lee IOT Docs Justin D. Lee

RFID Application in Yili Touring Administration

This project plan aims at the demand and overall planning of yili Regional Government of Xinjiang to build the "Yili Eco-tourism" one-card project, and provides feasible solutions for Yuanwang Valley of Shenzhen

Information Technology Co., LTD., Urumqi Nanshan Ring Line Passenger Transport Co., LTD., and China Business Travel Network ( provided the basis for the implementation of the project in Yili region.

I. Project Background

Human beings have entered the 21st century, the whole society we live on is facing all kinds of changes brought by the new economic era.The development and application of network technology not only changes the mode of people's work, business and tourism, but also begins to comprehensively change the concept and way of people's life. An informationized, virtual or digital "new city" and "new scenic spot" have been rapidly formed around the familiar material city and scenic spot. People will live in "digital families", "digital attractions", "digital communities" and "digital cities".

1. Overview of tourism Market in the era of Individual Travelers:

In recent years, China's individual tourist market has also developed rapidly, according to the authority of the forecast, although the proportion of China's individual tourist is lower than the tourism developed countries, but in recent years the development is very rapid, has exceeded half of the market, especially in some large and medium-sized cities and coastal areas, the proportion of individual tourists is larger.In some tourism-developed cities, the proportion of individual tourists has reached more than 70% and is steadily rising.

Because of the precious time of travel, people have higher and higher requirements for the quality of travel, especially for their own personality, theme of the tour.More and more people hope to travel independently and dynamically, to have a serious taste of a city, and enjoy the surprise of "discovery" and the fun of interaction.  
At the same time, tourists are becoming more and more mature, and they are not satisfied with the repression of standardized group tourism on personality, but the improvement of income level, modern communication, transportation and other scientific and technological means and the improvement of service facilities provide external conditions for the realization of such personalized needs.Due to the increasing efforts of many local governments to develop tourism, more and more scenic spots have been developed, giving consumers more choices.

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IOT0012CN_RFID Application in Yili Touring Administration

IOT0012EN_RFID Application in Yili Touring Administration

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IOT Docs Justin D. Lee IOT Docs Justin D. Lee

Integrated Smart Tour Solution of Yili Xinjiang

The challenges facing the current tourism market

(1) Poor service: travel agencies and tour guides adjust the travel schedule without authorization (especially the shrinkage of the trip, without authorization to reduce scenic spots) or increase consumption content and other behaviors occur from time to time.

(2) Slow response to complaints: due to limited conditions, complaints of tourists cannot be handled in time.

(3) Fraud: due to the existence of "black car", "black guide", "false guide" and other phenomena, to the tourism brand caused a lot of negative impact.

(4) The supporting facilities are not in place: in particular, the basic construction of tourism transportation and accommodation has not completely kept up with the rapid development of the tourism industry.

(5) Due to backward technical means, real-time and dynamic brigade cannot be collected

Key points of project innovation

Resource integration and innovation: based on the government policy resources, give full play to the advantages of local tourism resources, import the resources of leading enterprises related to the tourism industry, and create a leading tourism project in China -- "Yili Tour, Fairy Tour of Mind".

Service concept innovation: provide humanized and accurate service, enhance the tourism brand value of Yili.

Business model innovation: B2V (Business to VIP).

Develop high-end tourism market for VIP customers. Technological innovation: Using radio frequency identification (RFID) technology as a means to realize tourism informatization and promote the development of tourism industry chain.

The significance and necessity of project construction

(1) Accelerate the development of tourism industry resources, in order to realize the sharing of national tourism resources, to provide a new information channel.

(2) Change the traditional mode of operation cooperation, form scenic spots to drive the industry, build brands with industries, and comprehensively improve the image and location of tourism cities.

(3) Standardize the tourism industry and set up new service standards.

(4) Jointly promote Yili tourism to the whole country, improve tourism supporting services, and create a win-win and sustainable development tourism industry chain.

(5) The completion of the project can vigorously promote the process of tourism informatization in Yili region, provide a safe, reliable and stable platform support system for tourism information technology services, and provide all-round information services for tourists……

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IOT0011CN_Integrated Smart Tour Solution of Xinjiang

IOT0011EN_Integrated Smart Tour Solution of Xinjiang

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IOT Docs Justin D. Lee IOT Docs Justin D. Lee

Integrated Campus Safty Solution

An overview of the

  1. The actual demand of campus security technology

The actual needs of campus security are:

To realize the identification of personnel in and out by technical means;Electronic entry and exit registration of foreign personnel, strictly prevent unidentified personnel into the campus;Under the condition of not increasing teachers' work burden, the transfer system of picking up and dropping off students of lower grades should be implemented technically.家长和And the implementation of 24-hour monitoring of key areas around the campus, in case of emergencies, can timely alarm to provide detailed information for the public security department.

Since the beginning of this year, a series of vicious school cases occurred across the country, the whole society is thinking: how to avoid the occurrence of similar incidents?How to protect the personal safety of teachers and students?It is the common responsibility of the whole society to let children grow up in a clean and safe campus environment.The safety of children and staff at school is the most important concern of the whole society.In view of the frequent occurrence of campus murders, the central leadership attaches great importance to campus security and defense work has been promoted to the focus of national security work in the near future.In order to strengthen the school security defense work, improve the school security facilities and equipment and security personnel management level, local government departments are also in action.

To strengthen the campus safety management, meet the needs of the campus gate against the modernization and effectiveness, safety of person need not only with modern verification, monitoring equipment, more important is how to ensure that these devices can really play a role, not only depend on the quality of people and the system of perfect to play a role, but also have a scientific means to guarantee the implementation of the system.This program provides how to implement personnel automatic identification control and entry and exit verification management in primary and secondary schools, and use technical means to strengthen the management, the campus guard security work to supervise, in order to ensure that there are no loopholes in the campus security management.

 Using RFID open access control technology, combined with modern visit registration and video monitoring technology, and the application of mobile SMS system, can effectively identify the identity of the entry and exit in the school gate management and realize open control, and let the parents of students master their children at any time in the school gate dynamic.Each student, school staff are issued with an identity card, sealed into the RFID chip and antenna, card recorded with its identity information and photos, combined with RFID sensor, infrared sensor, intelligent identity identification terminal;Visitor registration card issuing system;As well as the scene video surveillance, the personnel in and out of the school gate to achieve non-contact identification monitoring, and the realization of open access control.For students in and out of the school gate, not only record the time, in and out of the moment captured images in the background database for reference, and through the background connected mobile phone SMS system, real-time message sent to the need of parents mobile phone so that parents can master the situation of their children at school and leave at any time…….

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IOT0010CN_Integrated Campus Safety Solution

IOT0010EN_Integrated Campus Safety Solution

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IOT Docs Justin D. Lee IOT Docs Justin D. Lee

Investigation report on the application of RFID in animal identification industry in 2007

1 standard policy...4

1.1 China will electronic chips logo writing new regulations for the dog...4

1.2 Hong Kong plans to cooperate with the mainland adopt towards the pigs as RFID test...5

1.3 in Thailand to promote national animal food recognition system...5

2 animals label products...5

2.1 134.2 KHZ animal ear tag...5

2.2 zibo tai Po 13.56 MHZ animal ear tag...6

Beijing warom remit communication equipment co., LTD., 433.92 2.3 MHZ animal wristbands tags...7

2.4 the ADVANCED ID UHF animal ear tag and chip...7

2.5 shenzhen abundant teri agent ADVANCED ID animal ear tag and animal products...8

Suzhou mulan electronic technology co., LTD. 2.45 2.6 GHZ animal ear tag...9

Shanghai sharp sail 2.7 2.45 GHZ animal ear tag...10

3 animals label application...11

3.1 the domestic application...12

3.1.1 hangzhou pet dog will use electronic chips...12

3.1.2 jinan pet dog started to apply RFID electronic id...12

3.1.3 the Advanced ID to provide China's sichuan province pet label...12

Pig slaughter 3.1.4 Beijing electronic labels will...13

3.1.5 jiangsu pigs with RFID ear tag...13

3.1.6 guangdong lose Hong Kong pigs all next year is expected to use ear tag...13

3.1.7 pig labeling project in sichuan province...13

3.1.8 wenzhou buffalo had "id card"...13

3.2 abroad application...14

3.2.1 the commission by 134.2 kHz animals label tracking sheep and goats...14

3.2.2 the raising livestock will use RFID tags...14

3.2.3 Allflex for the world wildlife fund research projects with 134 KHZ low frequency passive tags...15

3.2.4 Allflex USA for Costa View farms provide 134.2 kHz half-duplex RFID tags...15

3.2.5 Digital Angel to provide international rescue teams rescue dogs RFID chips...16

3.2.6 Digital Angel for the administration of passive low frequency RFID tags...16

3.2.7 Digital Angel company transport for Canadian livestock identification user first rfid tags...16

3.2.8 Sokymat for the eu to provide animal electronic tag chip...16

3.2.9 IBM TekVet hand in hand for 413 MHZ RFID livestock management project...17

3.2.10 Advanced ID for the New York state provide UHF tags test with reindeer...18

3.2.11 Intelleflex testing its long cattle tag...18

4 summary...18

1 standard Policy

In recent years, the spread of foot-and-mouth disease, mad cow disease, avian flu and even SARS has seriously endangered the safety of human life, causing people to pay attention to the traceability management of the whole process of animal food production.In 2006, an ANIMAL RFID code Structure for individual animal identification was implemented.Animal "id" numbers need to be implanted with radio frequency tags, a standard that gives each animal under management a unique code identification for life.

Animal rfid code structure is a voluntary national standards, each animal's code number, a total of 64 before 16 is control code, 17 to 26 for the country code, 27-64 code for animals, this standard applies to poultry livestock, pets, zoo animals, laboratory animal identification, can also be applied to animal management related information processing and exchange.The calibration

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IOT0008CN_RFID Applicaation in the field of Animal Identification

IOT0008EN_RFID Applicaation in the field of Animal Identification

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IOT Docs Justin D. Lee IOT Docs Justin D. Lee

RFID Terms

RFID Terms (English/中文):

Active tag: An RFID tag that comes with a battery that is used to power the microchip circuitry and transmit a signal to a reader. Active tags can be read from 100 feet or more away, but they are expensive, more than $20 each. They are used for tracking expensive items over long ranges. For instance, the US military uses active tags to track containers of supplies arriving in ports. 

Amplitude: The maximum absolute value of a periodic curve measured along its vertical axis (the height of a wave, in layman terms). 

Antenna: The antenna is the conductive element that enables the tag to send and receive data. Passive tags usually have a coiled antenna that couples with the coiled antenna of the reader to form a magnetic field. The tag draws power from this field. 

Anti-collision: A general term used to cover methods of preventing radio waves from one device from interfering with radio waves from another. Anti-collision algorithms are also used to read more than one tag in the same field of a reader. 

Auto-ID Center: A non-profit collaboration between private companies and academia that is pioneering the development of an Internet-like infrastructure for tracking goods globally through the use of RFID tags. 

Automatic Identification: Sometimes called automatic data capture. These are methods of collecting data and entering it directly into computer systems without human involvement. Technologies normally considered part of auto-ID include bar codes, biometrics, RFID and voice recognition. 

Back scatter: A method of communication between tags and readers. RFID tags using back-scatter technology reflect back to the reader a portion of the radio waves that reach them. The reflected signal is modulated to transmit data. Tags using back scatter technology can be either passive or active, but either way, they are more expensive than tags that use inductive coupling. 

Bar code: A standard method of identifying the manufacturer and product category of a particular item. The bar code was adopted in the 1970s because the bars were easier for machines to read than optical characters. Main drawbacks include not being able to identify unique items and scanners have to have line of sight to read them. 


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RFID Terms

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IOT Docs, Industrial Estate Docs Justin D. Lee IOT Docs, Industrial Estate Docs Justin D. Lee

Brief Study on IOT Town Design

The six basic technological elements of the Internet of Things include

Internet, RADIO frequency identification technology RFID, readers, Internet of Things middleware, Internet of Things name resolution system, Internet of Things information service system.

Other key technologies

The development of the Internet and e-commerce gives birth to the Internet of Things, and the basic technologies of the Internet of Things also include

Electronic data interchange (EDI), geographic information system (GIS), global positioning system (GPS) and other key technologies……

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IES0010CN Brief Study on IOT Town Design

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IOT Docs Justin D. Lee IOT Docs Justin D. Lee

Yungu Zhouzhuang Internet of Things construction and planning outline

Kunshan Invengo IOT Industrial Park Co. LTD

Catalogue for May 2016

The frontispiece language

The first nesting to welcome the phoenix, looking forward to the Internet of things talent

Yungu Yayuan Intelligent community tour I. Yungu Yayuan location and building planning

Two, yungu Yayuan economic and technical indicators

Iii. Internet of Things Technical scheme overview of Yungu Yayuan Smart Community

(1) Block diagram of Yungu Yayuan Intelligent Community System (2) Information management software platform system

(3) sales interactive demonstration system

4. Wisdom Library

5. Smart health platform

(6) Smart home system

(7) Network architecture system

(8) Visual building intercom system

(9) Import and export management system

(10) Security monitoring system

(11) Perimeter alarm system

(12) Information dissemination system

Electronic patrol system

(14) Background music broadcasting system

The second chapter of the feelings of the ancient town, to build a bridge between makers and water town

1. Rural location and building planning of Yungu

Ii. Main economic and technical indicators of Yungu Countryside

Iii. Construction objectives of Internet of Things in the park

Iv. Content of phase I business format planning of Yungu Garden

5. Public system structure of Internet of Things in Yungu Pastoral Park

(1) Computer room and network system (2) ticketing and ticket checking system

(iii) Closed-loop management and payment system

(iv) Official website and wechat public account platform

(5) Information system and navigation system

(6) Security system

7. Big data

6. Internet of Things applications and interactive subsystems

Vii. Develop smart tourism to serve kunshan's local economy

The third chapter of the Future world, build a new era of industry 4.0

Overview of Yuanwang Grain Networking Industrial Park i. Location and architectural planning of Internet of Things Industrial Park II. Economic and technical indicators of Internet of Things Industrial Park

3. Build intelligent Internet of Things industrial parks

Fourth, build the world's first "Internet of Things test center"

5. Build an industry 4.0 demonstration center

The frontispiece language

On September 27, 2013, the first sound of piling was heard in Lengjiawan, north of Zhouzhuang ancient Town. From then on, this 300-mu land was destined to bid farewell to the desolation of many years and call back the vitality.Zhouzhuang, a tourism-oriented ancient town with thousands of years, will inject the first fresh blood of industrial upgrading and transformation......

Kunshan, which has been rated as the top one hundred counties in China for many years, is adjacent to Shanghai and runs through the whole country. Its economic development has already surpassed the charm and elegance of 600 years of Kunqu opera......The footsteps of Kunshan, that is

The footprints of China's reform and opening-up.Kunshan is paying attention to the pace of economic development and looking forward to the sunrise industry in the future...

Invengo Information Technology Co.,Ltd., is the representative enterprise of The Internet of Things industry in China, and the world's leading SUPPLIER of RFID Technology, products and system solutions.   Yuanwanggu brings together a large number of domestic and foreign first-class R&D and marketing talents, with the world's most advanced electronic tag production process and equipment;The company has built the world's leading RFID product performance test center, which can provide RFID technology, products and solution services for large-scale Internet of Things construction.Yuanwanggu has more than 20 years of Internet of things industry accumulation, has first-class independent product research and development and supporting ability, in the domestic and international enjoy the industry's first-line brand and visibility, with integration, absorb domestic and foreign Internet of things upstream and downstream industry strength gathering......

Kunshan is looking forward to yuanwanggu bringing power gathering of the Internet of things industry, and yuanwanggu is also paying attention to the vitality and future of Kunshan.Therefore, in Lengjiawan, north of Zhouzhuang ancient town in Kunshan City, a plot of 300 mu was created for the construction of Internet of Things industrial complex.

We believe that many years from now, people will be impressed by the great foresight of the policy makers and feel the power of each decision……

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IOT0004CN IOT Application Plan of Invengo Kunshan Project v1.0

IOT0004EN IOT Application Plan of Invengo Kunshan Project v1.0

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IOT Docs Justin D. Lee IOT Docs Justin D. Lee

Kunshan Invengo Industrial Park IOT Industrial Application Center Design

Project background

  1. An overview of the

The four famous towns in south China are Zhouzhuang, Tongli, Xitang and Wuzhen.The four towns have a long history, beautiful scenery and profound cultural background.

Zhouzhuang, a small town south of the Yangtze River, has the reputation of "China's first water town" and is one of the first NATIONAL 5A scenic spots.Zhouzhuang was founded in 1086 (the first year of yuan and You in the Northern Song Dynasty). It was named after Zhou Digong, a villager, who donated land to build Quanfu Temple.In the Spring and Autumn period, it was the fief of Shaozi Shake, the king of Wu, named Zhenfeng Li.

Yuanwang valley group is one of the first domestic Internet enterprises, focusing on RFID products research and development, production and provide application solutions of listed company, kunshan industrial park company is tinged with grain networking yuanwang valley group, a wholly owned subsidiary of registered in kunshan, kunshan yuanwang valley companies relying on zhouzhuang industrial park of 120 mu of land, is committed to make the Internet of things of kunshan industrial park, kunshan for economic transformation and upgrading, the construction of the wisdom of kunshan.

The Internet of Things refers to a huge network formed by the combination of the Internet and the real-time collection of all kinds of information needed to monitor, connect and interact with objects or processes through a variety of information sensing devices.Its purpose is to realize the connection between things and things, things and people, all things and the network, convenient identification, management and control.Its industrial scale in 2011 exceeded 260 billion yuan.

Kunshan Yuanwang Grain Networking Industrial Park relies on zhouzhuang town tourism and cultural tourism resources to create an industrial park integrating Internet of Things technology research and development, incubation, application and display. The industrial park actively introduces Enterprises related to the Internet of Things, gives play to the agglomeration effect of the Internet of things industry, and builds the Internet of Things application in the radiation center in East China.

A three-story building is planned for the industrial park, with a construction area of nearly 9000 square meters as the iot industrial application center. The application center is divided into three floors, with the first floor 6.5 meters high, and the second and third floors 4.5 meters high. The construction area of each floor is planned to be 3,000 square meters…….

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IOT0003CN Invengo Kunshan IOT Exhibition Center Design Plan

IOT0003EN Invengo Kunshan IOT Exhibition Center Design Plan

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IOT Docs Justin D. Lee IOT Docs Justin D. Lee

Smart tourism business plan for idyllic resort park

Scenic spots in tourism and related activities as the main function or one of the main functions of space or region, including the concept of scenic spot, the cultural museum, temple hall, tourist resort, theme parks, nature reserves, forest park, geological parks, amusement parks, zoos, botanical gardens, as well as industry, agriculture, trade, science and education, military, sports, culture, art and other kinds of scenic spots.

From 2015 to 2017, the total investment in China's tourism industry will reach 3 trillion YUAN. According to the driving factor of 1:5, the comprehensive investment will be more than 15 trillion yuan in the next three years, among which the development of large tourist attractions and the construction of leisure resorts will become the hot areas of tourism investment.

Document 31 of The State Council, 2014, Several Opinions on Promoting the Reform and Development of Tourism, clearly puts forward that: promoting regional tourism integration, and establishing an interconnected tourism transportation, information and service network.We will actively develop leisure vacation tourism and create leisure vacation space for residents.We will vigorously develop rural tourism.Highlight rural characteristics, develop a number of forms of diverse, distinctive rural tourism products.We should integrate rural tourism with the new type of urbanization, make proper use of ethnic minority villages and ancient towns, develop tourist towns with historical memory, regional and ethnic characteristics, and develop a number of famous tourist towns and villages with distinctive landscapes.We will formulate tourism information standards, speed up the construction of smart scenic spots and smart tourism enterprises, and improve the tourism information service system.To ensure the safety of tourism, the mechanism for dealing with scenic spots' emergencies and large passenger flows in peak periods and the system for releasing early warning information about tourism safety will be included in the unified local emergency response system.

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IOT0002CN Theme Park Smart Tour Plan

IOT0002EN Theme Park Smart Tour Plan

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IOT Docs Justin D. Lee IOT Docs Justin D. Lee


Project Background and Format Planning

Tourist spot, leisure holiday, leisure sports, featured business

5000-acre wetland park and Jiang nan leisure tourism cluster in the periphery 

IOT + Operating organization + Business Incubator + Service platform

Creating a rural atmosphere + culture tourism + agriculture+ rural style resort 

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IOT0001CN/EN Cloud Valley IOT Design Scheme

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