Industrial Estate Docs Justin D. Lee Industrial Estate Docs Justin D. Lee

Code for classification of urban land use and planning standards of development land

According to the department of housing and urban-rural development "about print and distribute < 2008 engineering construction standards and revised plan (first) > notice [building standard (2008) 102] requirements, standard establishment a widespread investigation and study, earnestly summarizes practical experience, and take an examination of relevant standards at home and abroad, and on the basis of consultation, standard revision.

The main technical content of this standard revision is: to increase the classification system of urban and rural land;Adjust the classification system of urban construction land; Adjusting the control standard of planning construction land, including planning per capita urban construction land standard, planning per capita individual urban construction land standard and planning urban construction land structure;And the relevant provisions of supplementary amendments.

Provisions in this Standard marked in bold are mandatory and must be strictly enforced.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development is responsible for the administration of this standard and the interpretation of the mandatory provisions, and the urban planning and Design of China

The Institute is responsible for the interpretation of specific technical content.If you have any comments or suggestions during the implementation, please send them to the Revision Group of Urban Land Classification and Standard for Planning and Construction Land of China Urban Planning and Design Institute (Address: 5 Chegongzhuang West Road, Beijing, 100044).

Chief editor of this standard: China Academy of Urban Planning and Design

The author of this standard: Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning and Design Institute

Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Peking University (Urban Planning and Design Center)

Beijing Institute of Urban Planning and Design

Zhejiang Institute of Urban and Rural Planning and Design

Liaoning Urban and Rural Construction Planning and Design Institute

Sichuan Institute of Urban and Rural Planning and Design

The main drafters of this standard: Wang Kai, Chu Jianqun, Zhang Lipeng, Zhang Bomiao, Chunlei

The main reviewer of this standard: Dong Liming, Xu Bo

Zhao Min, LI Xinyang, Han Hua, Gao Jie, TIAN Gang, Wang Jingxia, GENG Huizhi

Lin Jian, Xu Ying, Lu Qin, Cheng Yao, Chen Hong, Ren Shiying, Tan Zongbo

Jing Zhang, Ying Xie, Xianfeng Zhang, Jun Wang, Min Zhan, Deci Zou, Yiling Pan

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IES0012CN Municipal Land Classification

IES0012EN Municipal Land Classification

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IOT Docs, Industrial Estate Docs Justin D. Lee IOT Docs, Industrial Estate Docs Justin D. Lee

Brief Study on IOT Town Design

The six basic technological elements of the Internet of Things include

Internet, RADIO frequency identification technology RFID, readers, Internet of Things middleware, Internet of Things name resolution system, Internet of Things information service system.

Other key technologies

The development of the Internet and e-commerce gives birth to the Internet of Things, and the basic technologies of the Internet of Things also include

Electronic data interchange (EDI), geographic information system (GIS), global positioning system (GPS) and other key technologies……

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IES0010CN Brief Study on IOT Town Design

IES0010EN Brief Study on IOT Town Design

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Industrial Estate Docs Justin D. Lee Industrial Estate Docs Justin D. Lee

Industries Layout of Invengo Kunshan IOT Industrial Park

Invengo IOT Industrial Park covers an area of 120 mu, and plans to build high-standard workshops, Internet of Things application exhibition and non-experience center and supporting office buildings.

The construction permit requires the project to be completed in its entirety by July 2019.One phase covers an area of 50 mu, building area is about 45,000 square meters, Phase 1 project, started in August 2016, is expected to be delivered at the end of 2017;The second phase of the project is just planning……

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IES0009CN Invengo Kunshan Industries Development Plan

IES0009EN Invengo Kunshan Industries Development Plan


Yuanwanggu (Kunshan) Internet of Things Industrial Park phase I construction investment and overall industrial layout

2 industrial layout of Yuanwang Grain Networking Industrial Park

Yuanwang Grain Networking Industrial Park covers an area of 120 mu, with a planned building area of about 100,000 square meters. The industrial distribution is divided into 1 to 7 industrial zones, as shown in the figure. Each industrial zone has different industrial positioning and industrial format.

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Industrial Estate Docs Justin D. Lee Industrial Estate Docs Justin D. Lee

Eastern Taishi Lake General Plan

The first grade park road is the core organizational element of the park. It connects all the functions, Spaces, and gardens of the park and in its own right will be a very active and organized space -- a spacious, popular boulevard, joggers, battery cars, ramblers, etc., providing daily activities that bring vitality to the park……

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IES0008CN Eastern Taishi Lake General Plan

IES0008EN Eastern Taishi Lake General Plan

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Industrial Estate Docs Justin D. Lee Industrial Estate Docs Justin D. Lee

Invengo Kunshan Industrial Park Business Attrracting Plan

Internet of Things is the third wave of information industry following computer, Internet and mobile communication network, and has been listed as one of the country's five emerging strategic industries.According to Forrester, an American research institution, the industrial value brought by the Internet of Things is 30 times larger than the Internet, and will form the next trillion-level communication business. The global value of the Internet of Things will reach 700 billion DOLLARS in 2016.

In addition to its own development, the Internet of Things industry will also drive the sustainable development of microelectronics technology, sensor components, automatic control, machine intelligence and a series of related industries, bringing a huge industrial cluster effect.

Internet of Things is the commanding height of future competition in the field of information industry and the core driving force of industrial upgrading.Developing the Internet of Things industry is not only a strategic choice to enhance the core competitiveness of the information industry, promote economic transformation and upgrading, and create new advantages for development, but also an important means to transform and upgrade traditional industries and promote the integration of the two industries.

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IES0007CN Invengo Kunshan Industrial Park Business Attrracting Plan

IES0007EN Invengo Kunshan Industrial Park Business Attrracting Plan

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Industrial Estate Docs Justin D. Lee Industrial Estate Docs Justin D. Lee

Project Overview of CLOUD VALLEY (2016)

The project will be combined with domestic advanced IoT networking technology

platform - Invengo and domestic country community-building platform - Oriental

Pureland two strong partners to integrat the existing pastoral resources and market

resources of the projects .The project will build one of China‘s first “IoT + Countryside ”

intelligence community ,which will be inosculated as a whole with rural cultural

innovation, Maker’s block , neighborhood centers , natural education for children and

pastoral life and become the model of urban and rural interaction under the Internet +

national strategy.

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IES0006CN Project Overview of CLOUD VALLEY-20160219

IES0006EN Project Overview of CLOUD VALLEY-20160219

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Industrial Estate Docs Justin D. Lee Industrial Estate Docs Justin D. Lee

Suzhou Policy to accelerate the application of intelligent equipment and the Internet of Things

2025 suzhou implementation guidelines for the implementation of "made in China", fully implement the "innovation, harmonious and green, open, sharing" five development philosophy, stick to the supply side structural reform, earnestly implement the "go capacity, inventories, deleveraging, cost reduction, short board" five big task, vigorously implement the intelligent equipment modification and Internet application, promote the development of high-end manufacturing, on goals to build advanced manufacturing base with international competitiveness, take the lead to build our city into a leading domestic intelligent equipment and Internet of things application demonstration base, promote "suzhou manufacturing" to "made in suzhou wisdom".A number of encouragement policies from 2016 to 2018 are formulated as follows:

First, implement national and provincial support policies

(a) we will conscientiously implement the State Council on promoting the enterprise technical innovation guidance ", promote the enterprise technical innovation, equipment innovation engineering implementation, improve the level of equipment, optimization of product structure, actively help enterprises to strive for national industrial development and technical transformation projects, strong industrial base, special, intelligent manufacture and so on special funds to support.Encourage enterprises to undertake national and provincial Internet of Things demonstration projects, and actively strive for national and provincial Internet of Things related special funds.

2. Actively implementing preferential policies for exempting imported technology and equipment from tariffs, for exempting import tariffs and value-added tax on key raw materials and parts of major technology and equipment, for deducting VALUE-ADDED tax on machinery and equipment purchased by enterprises, and for accelerating depreciation of fixed assets, to encourage enterprises to accelerate equipment upgrading……

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IES0005CN Suzhou IOT&Smart Manufacturing Policy

IES0005EN Suzhou IOT&Smart Manufacturing Policy

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Industrial Estate Docs Justin D. Lee Industrial Estate Docs Justin D. Lee

Invengo-Kunshan Industrial Park Plan (2016)

Project name: Internet of Things Industrial Park project of Lengjiawan Block 3, Zhouzhuang

Construction unit: Kunshan Invengo IOT Industrial Park Co., LTD.

Design Unit: Suzhou Design And Research Institute Co., LTD

Project Leader: Han Guxiang

Project Manager: Zhang Bin

· Technical drawings

4.1 Comprehensive supporting room type

4.2 Industrial plant type B

4.3 Industrial plant type C

4.4 Industrial plant type D

4.5 Industrial plant e-type 4.7 Guard garbage room

Architectural Design Instructions

Design Overview:

This project to zhouzhuang cold house bay three lead block, is located in kunshan city, the zhuang pin park avenue south, with a total land area of 80944, 3 m Planning for the education of scientific research (C6) for land use, nature of land for industrial use of land, can be used in the Internet of things project construction, project scale of production and the main construction contents as follows: 1 vice center room 9980 square meters, used in communications equipment, computers and other electronic equipment manufacturing and vice

Master plan:

The whole park is a high-tech industrial park, which is led by Yuanli Grain Networking Company and adopted by Internet of Things R&D companies in different growth stages.For ten Internet of things enterprises in different growth stages, we have specifically set different volumes of speed building to meet the use requirements of different specifications.

Therefore, we set the functional layout from the five levels of industrial plant B, INDUSTRIAL plant C, industrial plant D, industrial plant E, comprehensive gold matching room

The whole project adopts group layout, which is divided into five areas: industrial plant B area, industrial plant C area, industrial plant D area industrial plant E area and comprehensive supporting room area.

Spatial layout:

The iC type of 1 industrial factory is a smaller building, which is arranged along the jingxiu Port: the industrial factory B type is arranged in groups in the interior of the ground, so along the bridge road, the industrial factory C type of the smaller building scale comes into view, which is more in line with the overall town scale of Zhou Sheng.

Along the Park Avenue is the main entrance of the whole industrial park. There are d-shaped industrial plants with similar size and unique shape, and the two are enclosed to form the walking square of the park.

1 transportation Organization:

The main pedestrian entrance of the industrial park is located in the middle of the land, combined with the layout of the record, the car shop entrance is located in the park avenue, a total layout of two east entrances mainly for freight sales.In terms of the vehicle system, u-shaped vehicle loop is set up in the national area to meet the requirements of vehicle and clearance. Meanwhile, pavement parking is arranged on the living road. In terms of the pedestrian system, the main entrance of the park is set up with the pedestrian main square

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IES0004CN Kunshan Indutrial Park Plan

IES0004EN Kunshan Industrial Park Plan

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Industrial Estate Docs Justin D. Lee Industrial Estate Docs Justin D. Lee

Zhouzhuang Pushe Homestay Plan

History + Design

The characteristics of the newborn nursery

The elegant and concise homestay shows what is called

"Bicycle Art Entertainment Space"

In this comfortable "indulgence", you can see it everywhere,

It is a "decoration" made in order to prevent the residents from getting bored during their stay.

Residents can freely enjoy the activities in the building.

——The meaning of "existing" there.

The possibility of creating a new space from the state of "existence"——

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IES0003CN #117 B&B Concept Plan

IES0003EN #117 B&B Concept Plan

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Industrial Estate Docs Justin D. Lee Industrial Estate Docs Justin D. Lee

New Zhouzhuang New Village - Yungu Bay Plan (2015)

Young Bay - Future community of Internet of Things + Garden, Yangtze River Delta High-tech Garden Demonstration Area and new town industrial renewal demonstration project, is positioned to serve "the application of cloud computing and other new Internet technologies", attracting traditional IT enterprises and enterprises engaged in cloud, management and terminal research and development to settle in the park.

It hopes to create a new benchmark destination for offline industrial exhibition and experience, and to create a traditional industrial complex with the concept of cloud sharing, collaboration and openness through the application of Internet thinking and Internet technology.

Yungu Bay will be built into a smart industrial community

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IES0002CN Invengo Kunshan Project Plan

IES0002EN Invengo Kunshan Project Plan

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Industrial Estate Docs Justin D. Lee Industrial Estate Docs Justin D. Lee

Create a new model of tourism fashion rural tourism life in the Yangtze River Delta (2015)

Jijiadun Jinxi will take "new rural life" as the development and construction target, pay attention to cultural and creative transformation and upgrading, and improve the quality of rural leisure.This plate will radiate surrounding cultural tourism by creating rural ecological circle of agricultural reclamation, rural residence and market town, and form differentiated development and through-through interaction with scenic spots such as Zhouzhuang, Jinxi and Qiandeng, so as to break through the integration of rural cultural tourism in water town and become a must destination for leisure tourism in Kunshan.Gauge block will through natural, industrial, old room space building, ecological restoration and optimization, and story, leisure recreation and culture mining service brand, make efficient agriculture, rural Hugh idle, organic combination of cultural creativity, make people from passive to active retirement choose rural way of life, advocating organic change the pattern of "life". With the unique regional characteristics of rural material culture, system culture and spiritual culture, lead a specific cultural phenomenon and spread widely.

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IES0001CN IOT meet with Countryside

IES0001EN IOT meet with Countryside

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