Lack of Vehicles Chips Made Japanese automakers in the United States stop work for two weeks. ..

International Electronic Commerce

Japanese media pointed out that due to Malaysia chip supply problems, Nissan will continue to announce a factory shutdown for two weeks. ..

According to the Yomiuri Shimbun reported that due to the severe local epidemic in Malaysia, the supply of local chips has stalled, Japanese automaker Nissan Motor (Nissan) announced Tuesday that its vehicle plant in Tennessee will stop production for two weeks starting Tuesday and will not restart production until at least August 30.

The US plant is Nissan's main US production base, producing models such as the EV Leaf and SUV Rogue. The impact of the shutdown was not immediately clear.

Earlier this year, global automakers were forced to stop production because of a global "core" ([Inventory] Q1 2021 Global Automakers Production Reduction and Shutdown Information (With Tables))。

Recommended reading:[Inventory] Asian Electronics Industry Shutdown Status Under Q2 Epidemic in 2021 (With Tables)

Since the second half of this year, due to the spread of new coronavirus variant (Delta virus), Malaysia has been closed since June, once again to the automotive industry. In July, following the unlimited extension of the three-level movement control in Malaysia, the Philippine government also announced the implementation of the Enhanced Community Segregation Control (ECQ) in Manila, the capital circle, from August 6 to 20.

In the automotive industry, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. (Extended reading:[Exclusive Inventory] 54 Semiconductor Plants in Malaysia (Schedule) )。

Toyota's three complete vehicle plants in Aichi prefecture, including the subsidiary, experienced delays in purchasing parts from Vietnam between late July and early August, halting some production lines for up to five days.

Honda also cited a shortage of parts in Southeast Asia and other reasons, in August production at Suzuka Production Institute (Suzuki City, Mie Prefecture) delayed seven days.


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