Three Breakthrough Points of Planning and Positioning of Industrial Park

Industrial real estate think tank

1.The regional industrial base is the starting point

The industrial base of a region is the comprehensive reflection of resource support, policy support and talent support in a period of time. In order to understand what kind of projects can be developed in this region in the future, so as to break the bureau of what may be the leading industry cluster in this area, this is the need for early in the industry positioning link in-depth thinking.

Once it is clear which industry link to introduce, what kind of industrial talents will be gathered in the future, what kinds of living groups and consumption levels will be formed in the region. Let's look at whether our region conforms to the logic of industrial spillover and industrial population introduction. Generally speaking, which direction the urban industry extends, the growth of the city will be in which direction. This is the development idea of "production-city integration."

2.Product innovation is the key to sustainable Support

Any innovation that breaks away from the actual industrial base will become "water without source." The innovation of industrial park products should be based on the industrial base and the trader team for re-innovation and strategic innovation. No bright spot industrial park will be reduced to an ordinary industrial real estate project, only creative grafting or create bright spots, in order to meet the government's approval. Business innovation can be carried out from the profit model of industrial park products, industry chain integration and operational services.

3.Industry Resources Combination makes room for future improvement

Industrial park industry positioning is not a question, but multiple choice. Because the industrial base is there, it is basically clear what cannot be done; Product innovation is also based on industry foundation and city development direction, can choose also pick out; And the back story can tell how much, all lies in the integration of industrial resources.

Industrial park planning is an all-directional, process-oriented and long-term development plan for industrial parks. It is an important indicator and road map to lead the sustainable development of the park in the future. Therefore, "Planning first,construction second" is the important principle of industrial park construction.


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