Strategy Docs Justin D. Lee Strategy Docs Justin D. Lee

How to get the of reward surpassed expectation

Recently, I visited Country Garden and had the honor to listen to the teachings of Mr. Yang Guoqiang, the founder of Country Garden, which I will never forget.In 2018, Country Garden ranked among the top 500 in the world with a revenue of 700 billion yuan and a profit of 80 billion yuan.Mr. Yang did not avoid relatives, the ability to reuse, on the contrary, relatives do not act, it immediately dismissed home.Old Mr. Yang had a big thing to do every week, which was to gather his relatives and descendants together and study the Bible.The purpose of bible study is to be grateful, to be grateful to the community, to be grateful to the company, to be grateful to all the people who have supported you, to repay your kindness.Mr. Yang is respected as "Godfather" in his family.

Yang guoqiang's sayings 1: I think, the outlook on life, world view is the most important factors for success, and is hard work.I am not a smart person, but a hard worker, just know to get things done one day at a time. Yang Guoqiang's quotation 2: For so many years I have been working as a manager of a small construction company.

Mo Bin, THE CEO of Country Garden, is a professional manager who is the director of an engineering bureau in a large state-owned enterprise. He said a profound sentence: AS A CEO, I am fully authorized by my boss, but I am treading on thin ice every day, always preparing to leave tomorrow.To have a grateful heart, have a good attitude, to play a good job.

Yang Huiyan, chairman of country Garden, is Yang Guoqiang's second daughter and the richest woman in China.She confessed how to establish a good relationship with professional managers: treat herself as a professional manager and often think in the perspective of the manager.


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Key Points of Invengo Culture and its Practice

Core concept is the highest value standard for guiding daily behavior and managing business activities, the logical starting point of all business behaviors, and the soul of corporate culture.Yuanwanggu has formed its own unique cultural image in the development of more than 20 years.A company that aspires to be evergreen should advocate correct and centripetal rules of being and doing things.

The core concept of Yuanwanggu is defined as:

1. Contribute technology and innovation to our field;

2. Every Yuanwanggu employee deserves respect, development and opportunities, including the opportunity to share the success of the enterprise;

3. Continuously improve all activities of the company: creativity, quality and customer satisfaction;

4. Integrity and fairness.

First, to contribute to the practice of technology and innovation in our field

Core concepts first, told people what to do in the valley of yuanwang valley far, yuanwang valley to the "dedication, technology and innovation", since the company since its creation, yuanwang valley in the practice of the core ideas include: 1, the "railroad car number automatic identification system" yuanwang valley are the creation of "dedication, technology and innovation", filled the domestic technical blank, with completely independent intellectual property rights.

Yuanwanggu entrepreneurial team began to develop the automatic identification system of railway vehicle numbers in 1993. It is the earliest technological innovation of ULTRA-high frequency radio frequency identification (RFID) technology in China, because China's railway urgently needs to rely on technological innovation to change the traditional way of reading train numbers by manual "verbal notes" for decades.Yuanwanggu founding team in the extremely difficult and poor conditions, after eight years of arduous efforts, broke the foreign technology monopoly, filled the technical gaps in the domestic industry, and developed a radio frequency identification (RFID) product, which is fully compatible with similar foreign products -- railway car number automatic identification system. This innovation,


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Strategy Docs Justin D. Lee Strategy Docs Justin D. Lee

The Essence of Invengo Culture

Corporate Culture is a unique cultural image of an organization composed of its values, beliefs, rituals, symbols and ways of doing things.

In more than 20 years of development, yuanwanggu has formed a cultural system including core concept, common vision, enterprise spirit, enterprise mission, ISO9001 quality management system, weekly meeting system, etc.

The essence of Yuanwanggu culture can be summed up in one sentence: set up a lofty goal and work hard for it.

A person to succeed, must have ideal and struggle for the ideal of persistence and persistence;An evergreen company should have a dream and strive for the dream of the team.The five and eight-year stories of Yuanwanggu well explain the essence of yuanwanggu culture:

1. Entrepreneurship RFID (1993 ~ 2000)


To develop the automatic identification system of Chinese railway vehicle number, to create pride and value of life.


1) Demand: In the 1990s, there were 30,000 train number operators in China railway to collect train number information through the traditional operation mode of transcribing train number and reporting it layer upon layer, regardless of day and night, snow, rain and frost, spring, summer, autumn and winter, which seriously restricted the development of railway information and the improvement of transportation efficiency.Since the 1970s, railway authorities have been looking for a new technology to solve the problem of automatic transcribing of train numbers, which was then China's railway transport authority


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Strategy Docs Justin D. Lee Strategy Docs Justin D. Lee

Nature of Buddha and Buddha-Like

For a long time, I always heard people talk about "Buddha", in life, in the elevator, in many fields...Do you know the meaning of "Buddhism"?

I didn't know exactly what it meant, so I made a special study of what it meant:

Buddhism is a popular word on the Internet. It mainly refers to the attitude of living without any desire or desire, neither sorrow nor joy, and the pursuit of inner peace.The term first came from a Japanese magazine in 2014, which introduced "Buddhist man". Due to the spread of the Internet, "Buddhist man" became popular on wechat moments and the Internet. This word derived from "Buddha-like youth", "Buddha-like man", "Buddha-like woman", "Buddha-like children", "Buddha-like parent", "Buddha-like star-chasing", "Buddha-like life", "Buddha-like passenger", "Buddha-like student", "Buddha-like shopping", "Buddha-like love", "Buddha-like diet" and a series of words.

Buddha is a buyer - it is said that refers to such a group of consumers, in the online shopping, not bad comments, not sun pictures, not to compete with sellers, not to compete with express, the purchase of things to maintain a very calm state of mind, even if the east and west is not good, not irritable, the biggest throw later no longer this buy is.[2]

Buddhist staff - lost enthusiasm for work, no path before, no way back.Simply put down the obsession, not like, not sad, not angry, not angry.When my boss scolds me, I say, "Oh, I see."When my boss praises me, I say "Oh thank you".The workload went up and I said "Oh ok"...The heart lay flat, living as a capital "oh".

Buddha department star - do not pick up the plane, do not participate in the quarrel, do not control the review, not anti black, do not pull the leak of a dull star.


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Strategy Docs Justin D. Lee Strategy Docs Justin D. Lee

Invengo Culture in General

Corporate Culture is a unique cultural image of an organization composed of its values, beliefs, rituals, symbols and ways of doing things.

Since its establishment in December 1999, after more than 20 years of development, Yuanwanggu has initially formed its own unique corporate culture, including corporate mission, core concept, common vision, strategic goals, corporate spirit, quality policy, visual culture and so on. The significance of promoting corporate culture lies in:

1) Corporate culture can inspire employees' sense of mission.Make clear the responsibility and mission of the company, the sense of enterprise mission is the goal and direction of all employees, is the source of the enterprise's continuous development or progress.

2) Corporate culture can coagulate employees' sense of belonging.The role of corporate culture is to make a group of people from different places pursue the same dream through the refinement and dissemination of corporate values.

3) Corporate culture can strengthen employees' sense of responsibility.Enterprises should publicize the importance of employees' sense of responsibility through a large number of materials and documents. Managers should instill a sense of responsibility, a sense of crisis and a sense of teamwork to all employees, and let everyone clearly understand that the enterprise is a common enterprise of all employees.

4) The sense of honor that corporate culture can endow employees.Everyone should make more contributions, make more achievements and pursue more sense of honor in their own jobs and work areas.

5) Corporate culture can realize employees' sense of achievement.

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Life Science Docs Justin D. Lee Life Science Docs Justin D. Lee

Work Procedures of New Drugs Development Department

I. New product information collection

    The development department collects relevant product information based on the overall strategy of the company. Information collection is always a daily task of the development Department.A wealth of relevant information informs product development decisions.Therefore, the development to the Chinese medicine newspaper, "Chinese medicine economic news," the health "as the window of information collection, around the series products of the company set the development of children's strategy of actively collect information about children's cold medicine, in children collect related market information at the same time, further improve the Ed Koch, second-hand material, And keep an eye on what competitors are doing.

Ii. New product screening and proposal

    With the support of sufficient information, the development Department shall conduct product screening by following steps:

    1. Is the product market in line with the company's current strategic vision?

    2. Is the technology of this product perfect at present?Can our existing human resources meet the technical requirements of this product?

    3. Is the market for this product mature?Is our company competent enough to intervene in this market?

    4. Can our company's financial resources meet the cost of product development and early-stage market development?

    To this end, the development department should actively communicate with the company's expert consultants and propose to organize relevant departments of the company to conduct demonstration when necessary.

    After passing the first four steps, the development department will draft the new product proposal and submit it to the general manager.


    After the proposal is approved by the general manager, the project will be set up.

    At this stage, the responsibility of the Development Department is to coordinate the relationship between the cooperative development units of new products, and the specific affairs are as follows:

    1. Contract.

    2. Advance payment.

    3. Supervised the provision of relevant samples and other matters related to new drug application.

4. Preclinical studies

    The new drugs that have been qualified after the basic improvement of the prescription in the pilot test are entered into the preclinical study.At this stage, the specific business of the development department is to do all related projects except human trials with the cooperative units.Such as: physics and chemistry, pharmacology, toxicology and so on.

Clinical research

    New products qualified for preclinical study enter clinical study period.The main task at this stage is to carry out comprehensive research on the bioavailability, blood drug concentration, metabolic pathway and clinical treatment effect of the new product in accordance with relevant national regulations and designated clinical research hospitals.

6. New drug application

    New drugs qualified for clinical studies shall enter the new drug application period according to the new drug grade of the new product and the requirements of the SDA for new drug approval.At this stage, the focus of the development department is to improve the data of new drug application and approval, and urge relevant departments to handle relevant procedures as soon as possible, until the new drug certificate is obtained.

7. Approve the application for document number

    After the new product gets the certificate of new drug, the focus of the development department at this stage is to apply for approval number.The specific business is as follows:

    1. Apply for relevant forms.

    2. Instruct the process laboratory and production department to further improve the process and lay a good foundation for the next pilot test.

    3, urge relevant departments to handle the approval number.

8. ADR monitoring

    After the official production of the new product with the approval number, the focus of the development department will enter the ADR monitoring period.At this stage, the development department should cooperate with the customer service department of the company to make timely statistics and report the adverse reactions in the use of new products.Communicate with national ADR management department regularly, set up ADR files for new products, and establish a foundation for new product improvement.

Ix. Process improvement and prescription improvement

According to the ADR monitoring results of new products and the latest developments of medical research, the development Department has the right to propose improved process and improved prescription for new products already on the market.

                                           Amity Pharmaceutical Co. LTD

                                           May 18, 2001

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Life Science Docs Justin D. Lee Life Science Docs Justin D. Lee

New Drugs Development Application Plan

A new immunological preparation for children - Edyltron (Pinotimod) dispersible tablets

Product design and research

  1. The design idea of Ed Er Qiang

    1. Customer - 0- 12 years old children

There are more than 300 million children aged 0-12 in China, and about 100 million urban children

    1. Customer needs

-- Children aged 0-12 are vulnerable to colds and other bacterial infections.

          -- Easy to take

          -- Good taste and good color (because children have a bitter feeling for white, bright colors can distract children's attention and bring beautiful associations)

    1. The product forms a complementary relationship with the newly listed Aderkang, as an adjuvant therapy for children, the four major diseases of children can be taken, but also for the next development of cough, diarrhea and other new drugs pave the way.Strategically speaking, this new product development is an old market, and there is little risk of market development by increasing the usage.

    2. Design ideas for new products

      1. The general name of the product - Pinomod

      2. Easy to take design - dosage form: dispersive tablet, oral liquid, dry suspended syrup

      3. Product specification??Mm mg (approved for children)

      4. Product channels -- hospitals, clinics (through RX sales)

    3. New product design considerations:

      1. Has Pinomod been approved for?This is the basis on which the product is decided, and of course it can be designed according to other prescriptions.

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Life Science Docs Justin D. Lee Life Science Docs Justin D. Lee

More work on the R&D of Dispersible Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride Compound Tablets

Interaction between main drug and excipient

Due to the small amount of newly added colorant and aromatic agent, we adopt the main drug: excipient =20: (the main drug is acetaminophen, pseudoephedrine hydrochloride, chlorpheniramine maleate mixed in the prescribed proportion, the auxiliary material is colorant, aromatic agent mixed in proportion), take a certain amount, according to the experimental method of influencing factors in the guiding principles of drug stability test, The drug was placed in high light (4500±500LX), high temperature (60℃) and high humidity (90±5% relative humidity) for 10 days. HPLC was used to check the content and the changes of related substances before and after placing, and observe the changes of appearance and color and other drug properties.In addition, we conducted parallel control experiments with pure raw materials to distinguish between the change of raw materials themselves and the influence of auxiliary materials.Main drug: excipients = 20:1 Chromatogram: 0 days, strong light 10 days, high temperature 10 days, high humidity 10 days and raw materials: 0 days, strong light 10 days, high temperature 10 days, high humidity 10 days altogether 8 chromatogram.

Humidity: saturated NaCl solution (15.5 ~ 60℃, relative humidity 75±1%)

KNO3Saturated solution (25℃, relative humidity 92.5%)

NaNO2Saturated solution (25 ~ 40℃, relative humidity 64 ~ 61.5%)

  1. Quality study related to substance inspection

    1. Methods HPLC was used

    2. System suitability test and content determination

    3. Destructive experiment

This experiment has been investigated in the original quality research work, and it has been proved that the degradation products and components of the three main drugs can be effectively separated and the separation degree is good after being destroyed by strong light (because the influence factor test shows that the drug is not stable to strong light).

    1. Minimum detection

Because the amount of acetaminophen in the main drug component of this drug is larger than that of the other two main drugs, we chose acetaminophen as the evaluation index.

Precise weighing of acetaminophen reference products were made into each 1mL containing 0.8mg (impurity limit 0.025%), 0.4mg (impurity limit 0.0125%), 0.2mg (impurity limit 0.00625%), 0.02mg (impurity limit 0.000625%) solution, as the test liquid.5mL of each test solution was measured and injected into the liquid chromatograph, and the chromatogram was recorded.At that concentration, the peak height of the main component of the product was observed to be 3 times the baseline noise, and the concentration multiplied by 5ml was the minimum detection limit.(With 1 photo)

    1. Determination method

Take this product, grind it, weigh it accurately and take appropriate amount of fine powder (approximately equivalent to 80mg paracetamol), place it in 25ml measuring bottle, add mobile phase and appropriate amount of shaking to dissolve, dilute to scale, shake well and filter, and take filtrate as test solution.Inject 5μ L of each solution into the liquid chromatograph with precision, and record the total area of impurity peaks in the solution of the test sample compared with the area of each peak, which should not be greater than 2% of the total area of the main drug peak and impurity peak.

In addition, the stability test still needs to provide 22 maps (note that the peak area with a retention time of about 2 minutes should be printed out).

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Life Science Docs Justin D. Lee Life Science Docs Justin D. Lee

Some suggestions on modifying prescription and quality standard of Dispersible Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride Compound Tablets (2002)

1. Some considerations on prescription selection and design

☆ In principle, except for the type and dosage of taste correction agent (sucrose, saccharin sodium), the type and quantity of other auxiliary materials shall not be changed, and the sum of the changed quantity shall not exceed 5%.

Because the original "the guiding principle of the new drug the supplement" (see attachment), if the material change sum not greater than 5% (including add, delete, taste masking agent or use other pigments, pigment taste masking agent replacement), basic can think obvious influence on product quality and performance may not change, declare data requires simple;If the total change of all excipients is more than 10% (including the change of excipients), it can be considered that the quality and performance of the product may have a significant impact on the change, the application data are more requirements, and even need to do the bioavailability equivalent experiment.

  • The choice of flavoring agent

At present, glycoprotein, citric acid and fresh creamer are used as flavoring agents. There should be a screening process of flavoring agent type and dosage.The application of fresh creamer similar to Guozhen seems to be restricted by the state and is not recommended.

  • Citric acid dosage selection

Due to the addition of citric acid can influence of the PH value of the products, which would influence the stability of the products, deal with its dosage (0, 1%, 2%, 3%, according to the prescribed amount) for inspection, the main indicators for traits (taste), content and related substances (attached map 4), both taste, stability, finally determine the final dosage of the drug.

  • The choice of the amount of essence

Crystal modified prescriptions used milk, do not belong to the essence, consider milk may have constraints, suggested that selects the essence of taste masking, the product prescription of the medicine is mainly for the bitter taste, smell, can choose chocolate aroma, masking and correct mint added sweeteners, also can consider to water-soluble lemon essence, but the choice of type, dosage should be according to the experiment.

  • Colorant selection

  • Provide the source of raw materials and quality standard number

Finalize the final prescription of the drug

  1. Some suggestions for quality research work

☆ Negative interference in content determination

Positive control (3 main drugs were prepared in proportion), negative control (all excipients except 3 main drugs were prepared in proportion) and sample content determination were investigated to determine whether excipients interfered with the method. 3 maps should be attached.For specific methods, please refer to Page 2 of no.7.

If there is no interference, the recovery rate should be tested again to determine the feasibility of the method.

  • Other inspection items should be tested in 3 batches according to the original standard, and atlas or data should be attached.

  • Investigation of dissolution degree

Although the original quality standard has not been established after investigation, the change of auxiliary materials should be determined after investigation whether it has an impact on dissolution and how much impact it has. For specific methods, refer to the test data and literature data of dissolution degree attached to no. 10 data.

  1. Stability study data

Three batches of samples need to be inspected, packaged in the market, and tested for accelerated stability (40℃, RH75%) respectively.

June (Assessment time 0, 1, 2, March, June;Assessment indicators: character, disintegration, content determination, related substances) and room temperature samples for 1 year (assessment time 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 months;Assessment indicators: characters, disintegration, content determination, related substances), a total of 3×5×2=30 maps are required.

Note: Determination of relevant substances has been included in the chromatogram.

Attached: Excerpt of guidelines for supplementary Application of new Drugs (chemicals)

2. Revise the prescription of preparation
    The change of preparation prescription includes the change of excipient proportion, specification and type.The newly used excipients should not interact with the main drug, not affect the inspection and determination of the quality standards of the preparation, not affect the pharmacokinetic behavior in vivo, not reduce the efficacy of the product, and not cause new safety problems.
    In view of the large number of dosage forms, the technical requirements for prescription changes in all dosage forms are not listed here.This article mainly discusses oral solid preparation.When the prescription of other preparations is changed, the relevant requirements of this article can be referred to, and according to the characteristics of the preparations, the problems and causes of the original prescription can be explained in detail, and the screening data, quality research data and stability test data of the new prescription can be provided. Pharmacological toxicology test and clinical study should be considered when necessary.
    2.1 Changes that may not significantly affect product quality and performance
    According to the prescription weight percentage, the change range of filler is ±5%, the change range of starch in disintegrant is ±3%, the change range of other is ±1%, the change range of film coating is ±1%, and the total change of all excipients should not be more than 5%.
    Add, delete pigment, taste correction agent or use other pigment, taste correction agent substitute, also belong to this category.The function and characteristics of newly used pigment and taste correction agent should be consistent with the original substance, and should meet the requirements of medicinal use, and should not interfere with the inspection of quality standards.
    The self-test report of three batches of samples and experimental data of influencing factors should be provided.
    2.2 Changes that may affect product quality and performance.
    According to the prescription weight percentage, the change range of filler is ±10%, the change range of starch in disintegrant is ±6%, the change range of other is ±2%, the change range of film coating is ±2%, and the total change of excipients should not be more than 10%.Such changes include changes in the grade of accessories and/or specifications (the type of accessories is not changed).It also includes the change of non-release control excipients, but this change does not cause significant change of drug release rate and mode.
    Detailed prescription screening information should be provided.The sample dissolution curve should be consistent before and after the change of ordinary preparation.The dissolution curves of the samples before and after the change should be compared in three different media. The dissolution media can be water, 0.1N HCl, pH4.5 and pH 6.8 buffer according to pharmacopoeia.The delayed release preparation should be compared with the dissolution curves of the samples in 0.1N HCl (2 h) before and after the change, followed by a PH4.5-7.5 buffer.3 months accelerated test data for three batches of products should be provided.Provide three batches of sample self-inspection report and provincial inspection report.
    Such changes do not require human bioequivalence tests for drugs that treat index width.For drugs with narrow therapeutic indices (see Appendix 3 for details), experimental data on single-dose bioequivalence in humans should be provided;An exemption from the bioequivalence test may be applied if an established in vitro or in vivo association exists.If the experimental results show that the product is not bioequivalent before and after the prescription change, clinical trials should be considered.
    2.3 Changes that have significant impact on product quality and performance
    According to the weight percentage of the prescription, the change of auxiliary materials such as filler agent and disintegrating agent exceeds the scope specified in 2.2, and the total change of auxiliary materials is more than 10%.This change includes the change of excipients for drug release control.
    Detailed prescription screening information should be provided.The quality study should be re-conducted and the dissolution or release curves of the drug preparation should be consistent before and after the change.If a new impurity appears after a prescription change, the toxicity of the impurity should be studied to determine whether the safety of the product is acceptable.Three batches of products should be provided with 6-month accelerated test and room temperature retention sample data. For products with good stability, the expiry date can be determined by referring to the original product.Provide three batches of sample self-inspection report and provincial inspection report.
    Experimental data on the bioequivalence of a single dose in humans should be provided.An exemption from the bioequivalence test may be applied if an established in vitro or in vivo association exists.If the experimental results show that the product is not bioequivalent before and after the prescription change, clinical trials should be conducted.

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Life Science Docs Justin D. Lee Life Science Docs Justin D. Lee

Dispersible Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride Compound Tablets

[Drug name]

General name: Dispersible  Pseudoephedrine  Hydrochloride   Compound   Tablets

Product name: Aiderkang

Dispersible Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride Compound Tablets

Shuangpu Weima Fensan Pian

This product is a compound preparation, its components are: acetaminophen, pseudoephedrine hydrochloride and chlorpheniramine maleate.

This product is white tablet

[Pharmacology toxicology] Acetaminophen in this product is antipyretic analgesic, pseudoephedrine hydrochloride has the effect of selective contraction of upper respiratory tract blood vessels, chlorphenamine maleate is antihistamine.The synergistic effect of pseudoephedrine hydrochloride and chlorpheniramine maleate enhanced the effect of bronchial smooth muscle relaxation and airway resistance reduction.Can improve cold symptoms.

[Pharmacokinetics] The plasma concentrations of acetaminophen, pseudoephedrine and chlorpheniramine maleate at different times after oral absorption were plotted as a time curve.In order to AUC0—tThe average relative bioavailability of acetaminophen, pseudoephedrine and chlorpheniramine maleate was 95.5±9.5%, 106.6±18.5% and 97.4±22.4%, respectively.

This product is used to treat various symptoms caused by a cold;Fever, headache, arthralgia, sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, etc.

[Usage and Dosage] Take orally or disperse with warm water.Children: 2 tablets for ages 2 to 5, 4 tablets for ages 6 to 11;Adults 4 -- 8 tablets each time, 3 -- 4 times a day, the interval of 4 -- 6 hours, children under 2 years old to follow the doctor's advice.

[Adverse reactions] dry mouth, drowsiness and dizziness may occur, which can be recovered by itself after drug withdrawal.

People who are allergic to this product are not allowed.


1, pregnant women, lactating women and heart disease, hypertension, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, glaucoma, emphysema, prostatic hypertrophy with dysuria and other patients should not take this product.

2. Avoid taking blood pressure medications, antidepressants or alcohol at the same time.

3. People driving motor vehicles or operating machines should not take this product.

Although animal experiments have shown no effect on embryos, pregnant women and lactating women should follow the doctor's advice.

Children under two years of age follow doctor's advice.

[Medication for elderly patients] The dosage and duration of this product shall be adjusted under the guidance of physicians according to the situation.

[Drug interaction] This product enhances the hypoglycemic effect of mesulbulurea and is easy to cause hypoglycemia.

Overdose may cause nausea, vomiting, and occasionally allergic reactions, such as rash, fever, and mucous membrane damage.

Each tablet contains acetaminophen 80mg, pseudoephedrine hydrochloride 7.5mg, chlorpheniramine maleate 0.5mg.

[Storage] Shading, airtight, stored in a cool and dry place.

Package: 12 pieces x 1 plate/box, double aluminum plastic packaging.

[Effective period] tentative two years

[Approval Number]

[Production unit]

Company name: Shanxi Aid Pharmaceutical Co., LTD

Mail editor: 048000

Address: Jincheng Economic and Technological Development Zone

The telephone number is 0356-2122534

Fax number: 0356-2122534

Web site:

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Management Docs, Life Science Docs Justin D. Lee Management Docs, Life Science Docs Justin D. Lee

Beijing **** Children's Pharmaceutical Research InstituteBusiness Plan (Draft 2002)

 Combined with the actual situation of children's drug use, this paper puts forward the medium and long term operation plan of Beijing First Medical Aid Children's Drug Research Institute, please review in advance.

I. Business direction and strategy

      The pharmaceutical industry is an industry with high risk, high income, high technology and high return. At present, there is not a research institute specializing in the research and development of children's drugs in China.We in professional field, will produce good benefit, at the same time due to drug development needs huge investment, the first medical Ed medicines for children research institute is just starting, advice from the first application technology development started to make the transition to technology innovation, medical basic research, finally established the world's leading position, the main reasons are as follows: At present, the lack of dosage forms of children's drugs restricts clinical application and wastes drug resources.Medication for children is common for adults.There is no research and development of children's medicine in China.From the technology application to start with less investment, lower risk, quick effect, easy to the initial accumulation of capital.

Second, the management

      According to the modern enterprise system to form a capable organization team, the implementation of the project manager responsibility system, responsible for profits and losses.We will give full play to the enthusiasm of researchers.

  1. Organizational structure:……

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    MAN0005CN_Beijing CMU-AID Pharmaceutical Institiue Business Plan(2002)

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Strategy Docs, Management Docs Justin D. Lee Strategy Docs, Management Docs Justin D. Lee

Small Pharmaceutical Business Development Plan (2002)

Research status of new drugs in Domestic pharmaceutical enterprises:

  1. New drug research and development is out of step with production.Many new drug research and development institutions are weak in basic research, poor research conditions, and limited investment.In particular, the current combination of research institutions and production units is not close, you are you, I am I, in a relatively loose state, product and market can not be well combined.The market power of the product is not strong.

  2. The research and development institutions of pharmaceutical enterprises are not sound.The vast majority of pharmaceutical enterprise research and development institutions themselves do not have the ability of research and development, especially the ability to select new drug topics, prescription screening, decision-making only by their own feelings, without drug economic evaluation, effective financial analysis, income analysis, development, economic benefits are doomed to failure.

  3. The research and development of new drugs in pharmaceutical enterprises is weak, and the low-level repetition of new products is quite serious.

At present, many pharmaceutical enterprises have entered a misunderstanding of new drug research and development. They do not regard new drug research as an important part of marketing strategy, and spend a lot of money on marketing, desperately advertising, reducing prices, and even fraud.

    1. The technical independent intellectual property rights of new drugs of pharmaceutical enterprises are almost zero (chemical drugs).The door of WTO has been opened, the only competitive advantage of western medicine has been lost.In the future, the focus of competition in China's pharmaceutical industry will turn to the modernization of Traditional Chinese medicine. Whoever can make a breakthrough in the research and development of traditional Chinese medicine and occupy the commanding heights will survive.Of course, there is still room for OTC and the rural market remains profitable.

    2. The development of new technology, new technology and new materials lags behind foreign enterprises.At present, another mistake in the development of new drugs is to blindly invest in the research and development of new products, manufacturers do not pay attention to the technological transformation of existing products, lost the competitiveness of products.

    3. The research and development of new drugs is not prominent.The vast majority of research and development institutions have a broad scope of research and have not formed core competitiveness.At present, domestic development agencies do not have their own strategies……

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IOT Docs Justin D. Lee IOT Docs Justin D. Lee

RFID Application in Yili Touring Administration

This project plan aims at the demand and overall planning of yili Regional Government of Xinjiang to build the "Yili Eco-tourism" one-card project, and provides feasible solutions for Yuanwang Valley of Shenzhen

Information Technology Co., LTD., Urumqi Nanshan Ring Line Passenger Transport Co., LTD., and China Business Travel Network ( provided the basis for the implementation of the project in Yili region.

I. Project Background

Human beings have entered the 21st century, the whole society we live on is facing all kinds of changes brought by the new economic era.The development and application of network technology not only changes the mode of people's work, business and tourism, but also begins to comprehensively change the concept and way of people's life. An informationized, virtual or digital "new city" and "new scenic spot" have been rapidly formed around the familiar material city and scenic spot. People will live in "digital families", "digital attractions", "digital communities" and "digital cities".

1. Overview of tourism Market in the era of Individual Travelers:

In recent years, China's individual tourist market has also developed rapidly, according to the authority of the forecast, although the proportion of China's individual tourist is lower than the tourism developed countries, but in recent years the development is very rapid, has exceeded half of the market, especially in some large and medium-sized cities and coastal areas, the proportion of individual tourists is larger.In some tourism-developed cities, the proportion of individual tourists has reached more than 70% and is steadily rising.

Because of the precious time of travel, people have higher and higher requirements for the quality of travel, especially for their own personality, theme of the tour.More and more people hope to travel independently and dynamically, to have a serious taste of a city, and enjoy the surprise of "discovery" and the fun of interaction.  
At the same time, tourists are becoming more and more mature, and they are not satisfied with the repression of standardized group tourism on personality, but the improvement of income level, modern communication, transportation and other scientific and technological means and the improvement of service facilities provide external conditions for the realization of such personalized needs.Due to the increasing efforts of many local governments to develop tourism, more and more scenic spots have been developed, giving consumers more choices.

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IOT0012CN_RFID Application in Yili Touring Administration

IOT0012EN_RFID Application in Yili Touring Administration

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IOT Docs Justin D. Lee IOT Docs Justin D. Lee

Integrated Smart Tour Solution of Yili Xinjiang

The challenges facing the current tourism market

(1) Poor service: travel agencies and tour guides adjust the travel schedule without authorization (especially the shrinkage of the trip, without authorization to reduce scenic spots) or increase consumption content and other behaviors occur from time to time.

(2) Slow response to complaints: due to limited conditions, complaints of tourists cannot be handled in time.

(3) Fraud: due to the existence of "black car", "black guide", "false guide" and other phenomena, to the tourism brand caused a lot of negative impact.

(4) The supporting facilities are not in place: in particular, the basic construction of tourism transportation and accommodation has not completely kept up with the rapid development of the tourism industry.

(5) Due to backward technical means, real-time and dynamic brigade cannot be collected

Key points of project innovation

Resource integration and innovation: based on the government policy resources, give full play to the advantages of local tourism resources, import the resources of leading enterprises related to the tourism industry, and create a leading tourism project in China -- "Yili Tour, Fairy Tour of Mind".

Service concept innovation: provide humanized and accurate service, enhance the tourism brand value of Yili.

Business model innovation: B2V (Business to VIP).

Develop high-end tourism market for VIP customers. Technological innovation: Using radio frequency identification (RFID) technology as a means to realize tourism informatization and promote the development of tourism industry chain.

The significance and necessity of project construction

(1) Accelerate the development of tourism industry resources, in order to realize the sharing of national tourism resources, to provide a new information channel.

(2) Change the traditional mode of operation cooperation, form scenic spots to drive the industry, build brands with industries, and comprehensively improve the image and location of tourism cities.

(3) Standardize the tourism industry and set up new service standards.

(4) Jointly promote Yili tourism to the whole country, improve tourism supporting services, and create a win-win and sustainable development tourism industry chain.

(5) The completion of the project can vigorously promote the process of tourism informatization in Yili region, provide a safe, reliable and stable platform support system for tourism information technology services, and provide all-round information services for tourists……

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IOT0011CN_Integrated Smart Tour Solution of Xinjiang

IOT0011EN_Integrated Smart Tour Solution of Xinjiang

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IOT Docs Justin D. Lee IOT Docs Justin D. Lee

Integrated Campus Safty Solution

An overview of the

  1. The actual demand of campus security technology

The actual needs of campus security are:

To realize the identification of personnel in and out by technical means;Electronic entry and exit registration of foreign personnel, strictly prevent unidentified personnel into the campus;Under the condition of not increasing teachers' work burden, the transfer system of picking up and dropping off students of lower grades should be implemented technically.家长和And the implementation of 24-hour monitoring of key areas around the campus, in case of emergencies, can timely alarm to provide detailed information for the public security department.

Since the beginning of this year, a series of vicious school cases occurred across the country, the whole society is thinking: how to avoid the occurrence of similar incidents?How to protect the personal safety of teachers and students?It is the common responsibility of the whole society to let children grow up in a clean and safe campus environment.The safety of children and staff at school is the most important concern of the whole society.In view of the frequent occurrence of campus murders, the central leadership attaches great importance to campus security and defense work has been promoted to the focus of national security work in the near future.In order to strengthen the school security defense work, improve the school security facilities and equipment and security personnel management level, local government departments are also in action.

To strengthen the campus safety management, meet the needs of the campus gate against the modernization and effectiveness, safety of person need not only with modern verification, monitoring equipment, more important is how to ensure that these devices can really play a role, not only depend on the quality of people and the system of perfect to play a role, but also have a scientific means to guarantee the implementation of the system.This program provides how to implement personnel automatic identification control and entry and exit verification management in primary and secondary schools, and use technical means to strengthen the management, the campus guard security work to supervise, in order to ensure that there are no loopholes in the campus security management.

 Using RFID open access control technology, combined with modern visit registration and video monitoring technology, and the application of mobile SMS system, can effectively identify the identity of the entry and exit in the school gate management and realize open control, and let the parents of students master their children at any time in the school gate dynamic.Each student, school staff are issued with an identity card, sealed into the RFID chip and antenna, card recorded with its identity information and photos, combined with RFID sensor, infrared sensor, intelligent identity identification terminal;Visitor registration card issuing system;As well as the scene video surveillance, the personnel in and out of the school gate to achieve non-contact identification monitoring, and the realization of open access control.For students in and out of the school gate, not only record the time, in and out of the moment captured images in the background database for reference, and through the background connected mobile phone SMS system, real-time message sent to the need of parents mobile phone so that parents can master the situation of their children at school and leave at any time…….

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IOT0010CN_Integrated Campus Safety Solution

IOT0010EN_Integrated Campus Safety Solution

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IOT Docs Justin D. Lee IOT Docs Justin D. Lee

Investigation report on the application of RFID in animal identification industry in 2007

1 standard policy...4

1.1 China will electronic chips logo writing new regulations for the dog...4

1.2 Hong Kong plans to cooperate with the mainland adopt towards the pigs as RFID test...5

1.3 in Thailand to promote national animal food recognition system...5

2 animals label products...5

2.1 134.2 KHZ animal ear tag...5

2.2 zibo tai Po 13.56 MHZ animal ear tag...6

Beijing warom remit communication equipment co., LTD., 433.92 2.3 MHZ animal wristbands tags...7

2.4 the ADVANCED ID UHF animal ear tag and chip...7

2.5 shenzhen abundant teri agent ADVANCED ID animal ear tag and animal products...8

Suzhou mulan electronic technology co., LTD. 2.45 2.6 GHZ animal ear tag...9

Shanghai sharp sail 2.7 2.45 GHZ animal ear tag...10

3 animals label application...11

3.1 the domestic application...12

3.1.1 hangzhou pet dog will use electronic chips...12

3.1.2 jinan pet dog started to apply RFID electronic id...12

3.1.3 the Advanced ID to provide China's sichuan province pet label...12

Pig slaughter 3.1.4 Beijing electronic labels will...13

3.1.5 jiangsu pigs with RFID ear tag...13

3.1.6 guangdong lose Hong Kong pigs all next year is expected to use ear tag...13

3.1.7 pig labeling project in sichuan province...13

3.1.8 wenzhou buffalo had "id card"...13

3.2 abroad application...14

3.2.1 the commission by 134.2 kHz animals label tracking sheep and goats...14

3.2.2 the raising livestock will use RFID tags...14

3.2.3 Allflex for the world wildlife fund research projects with 134 KHZ low frequency passive tags...15

3.2.4 Allflex USA for Costa View farms provide 134.2 kHz half-duplex RFID tags...15

3.2.5 Digital Angel to provide international rescue teams rescue dogs RFID chips...16

3.2.6 Digital Angel for the administration of passive low frequency RFID tags...16

3.2.7 Digital Angel company transport for Canadian livestock identification user first rfid tags...16

3.2.8 Sokymat for the eu to provide animal electronic tag chip...16

3.2.9 IBM TekVet hand in hand for 413 MHZ RFID livestock management project...17

3.2.10 Advanced ID for the New York state provide UHF tags test with reindeer...18

3.2.11 Intelleflex testing its long cattle tag...18

4 summary...18

1 standard Policy

In recent years, the spread of foot-and-mouth disease, mad cow disease, avian flu and even SARS has seriously endangered the safety of human life, causing people to pay attention to the traceability management of the whole process of animal food production.In 2006, an ANIMAL RFID code Structure for individual animal identification was implemented.Animal "id" numbers need to be implanted with radio frequency tags, a standard that gives each animal under management a unique code identification for life.

Animal rfid code structure is a voluntary national standards, each animal's code number, a total of 64 before 16 is control code, 17 to 26 for the country code, 27-64 code for animals, this standard applies to poultry livestock, pets, zoo animals, laboratory animal identification, can also be applied to animal management related information processing and exchange.The calibration

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IOT0008CN_RFID Applicaation in the field of Animal Identification

IOT0008EN_RFID Applicaation in the field of Animal Identification

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Management Docs Justin D. Lee Management Docs Justin D. Lee

Marco Polo Partners Overview

We are pleased to submit this proposal to provide advisory services to Invengo. It would our pleasure to assist Invengo in identifying significant growth opportunities for your company.

I. Introduction

- Marco Polo Group Overview

- Marco Polo Partners Overview

- Stutendtril Overview

II. Project Background

III. Our Services

IV. Project Fees

V. Our Offices

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MAN0004EN_MPP Invengo Stutendril Proposal Nov 2007

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Management Docs Justin D. Lee Management Docs Justin D. Lee

What needed to do as an M&A Financial Advicer

Stage 1:

1. Actively seek and screen m&a objects:

→ Analyze the structure and shareholding of shareholders;

→ Contact the company's management and core employees;

→ Understand the company's products and technology;

→ Analysis of the company's market situation and competition;

→ Company management and organizational structure;

→ Company strategy planning and implementation;

→ Financial status of the company in recent 1-3 years, including the management of company orders and contracts;

→ Company risk analysis.

After the above work, put forward an analysis report to the management of the company, evaluate the selected m&a objects, and decide which enterprises to carry out the next work.

2. Select m&a objects

→ Contact with the decision-makers of the selected m&a objects to know whether they are willing to be acquired by other companies;

→ If interested, arrange the company's main leaders to meet with them, so that both sides can understand each other;

→ Prepare a letter of intent for merger and acquisition for both parties on the premise that the decision makers of both parties agree to cooperate in merger and acquisition. The main contents of the letter of intent include: Both parties agree on the way of merger and acquisition in principle;The object of the merger agrees that the acquirer requests a professional institution to conduct due diligence on it;Work schedule, etc.

→ Coordinate both parties to sign a letter of intent.

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MAN0003CN_What needed to do as an M&A Financial Advicer

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Economy Docs Justin D. Lee Economy Docs Justin D. Lee

Invengo Initial public offering prospectus

Issuer statement

The issuer and all directors, supervisors and senior managers undertake that there are no false records, misleading statements or major omissions in the prospectus and its summary, and bear individual and several legal liabilities for its authenticity, accuracy and completeness.

The person in charge of the company, the person in charge of accounting work and the person in charge of accounting institutions shall ensure that the financial accounting data in the prospectus and its abstract are true and complete.

No decision or opinion made by CSRC or other government authorities regarding this issue shall indicate any material judgment or guarantee as to the value of the shares of the issuer or the earnings of investors.Any statement to the contrary is a false or misrepresentation.

Basis "securities law" regulation, after the stock is issued lawfully, issuer manages the change with accrual, be in charge of by issuer oneself, the investment risk that this change brings about, be in charge of by investor oneself.

Investors should consult their stockbrokers, lawyers, accountants or other professional advisers if they have any questions about this prospectus and its summary.

Notice of Major Events

1. At present, the company's RFID products are mainly for railway, tobacco, customs, military, large factories and mining enterprises and other special customers, among which the railway market is the company's most important market.In 2004, 2005 and 2006, the sales revenue of the company's RFID products in the railway market accounted for 88.47% of the total sales revenue.

83.22%, 77.83%, the proportion is large, there is a risk of relying on a single market.On the basis of consolidating the core competitiveness of the railway RFID market, the company can expand the production scale of RFID products, adjust the product structure, and steadily improve the sales of RFID products in other markets, so as to reduce the dependence on the railway market, which will have an important impact on the fast and steady development of the company.

2. The company's sales revenue to the top five customers in 2004, 2005 and 2006 accounted for 49.81%, 37.31% and 50.46% of the total sales in the same period.The company is dependent on its main customers to a certain extent, and the change of the demand structure and quantity of the main customers may bring certain risks to the company's production and operation, thus affecting the company's sales revenue and profit.

3, the company has considerable technical advantages in the field of domestic RFID technology, with other research and development high-tech

The 1-1-3


Similar to technical enterprises, the company is facing the pressure of product technology upgrading, product structure adjustment, loss of core technology personnel, and loss of core technology secrets.If the research and development of new technologies and new products fails, and the grasp of technology, products and market development trends deviates, the company's existing technological advantages and competitiveness will decline, and the company's development speed will be affected to a certain extent.

4. The company is a high-tech enterprise recognized by Shenzhen Municipal government. According to the provisions of Shenzhen Municipal Document No. 232 [1988], the company was exempted from corporate income tax in 2000 and 2001, and halved from 2002 to 2007.The company's subsidiaries Zhuhai Yuanwang Valley, Lanzhou Yuanwang Information, Ningbo Yuanwang Valley and the indirect holding subsidiary Chaoyang Technology that existed during the reporting period of the company also enjoy relevant tax preferential treatment.Without the above tax benefits, the net profit of the company in 2006, 2005 and 2004 would have decreased by 4,251,203.99 yuan, 8,966,028.01 yuan and 6,104,890.27 yuan respectively, accounting for 12.76%, 28.23% and 20.84% of the net profit of the current period respectively.

The deep house no. 232 of the people's government of shenzhen belongs to the regulations of shenzhen special economic zone, since 1988 in shenzhen special economic zone within the enterprise conform to the requirements specified in the regulations are generally applicable rules, regulations of the tax preferential policies, but not formulated the regulations of the people's government of shenzhen, with national laws, administrative regulations or the relevant provisions of the State Council.

Of company and its subsidiaries enjoy preferential tax was recovered, the risk existed in the line to avoid on the hair after damage the interests of the company's new shareholders, the company controlling shareholder Xu Yusuo has issued to the company on April 9, 2007 "commitment", promise now, the company and its subsidiaries for listed companies before tax Whirlpool requests for payment of tax by the tax authority, should Xu Yusuo will underwrite the payment of taxes, and take the company and its subsidiary, all the losses sustained therefrom.

5. The main business income of the issuer has strong seasonality, mainly because the acquisition and purchase of bulk equipment in the railway industry is concentrated in the second half of the year or even at the end of the year, and the company's sales are also concentrated in the second half of the year, especially in the fourth quarter. The company's main business income in the third and fourth quarters generally accounts for about 80% of the whole year.The company's seasonal sales in 2004, 2005 and 2006 are as follows: (Unit: YUAN)……

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ECO0001CN_Invengo IPO Prospectus

ECO0001EN_Invengo IPO Prospectus

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