Industrial Estate Docs Justin D. Lee Industrial Estate Docs Justin D. Lee

Zhouzhuang Pushe Homestay Plan

History + Design

The characteristics of the newborn nursery

The elegant and concise homestay shows what is called

"Bicycle Art Entertainment Space"

In this comfortable "indulgence", you can see it everywhere,

It is a "decoration" made in order to prevent the residents from getting bored during their stay.

Residents can freely enjoy the activities in the building.

——The meaning of "existing" there.

The possibility of creating a new space from the state of "existence"——

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IES0003CN #117 B&B Concept Plan

IES0003EN #117 B&B Concept Plan

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Industrial Estate Docs Justin D. Lee Industrial Estate Docs Justin D. Lee

New Zhouzhuang New Village - Yungu Bay Plan (2015)

Young Bay - Future community of Internet of Things + Garden, Yangtze River Delta High-tech Garden Demonstration Area and new town industrial renewal demonstration project, is positioned to serve "the application of cloud computing and other new Internet technologies", attracting traditional IT enterprises and enterprises engaged in cloud, management and terminal research and development to settle in the park.

It hopes to create a new benchmark destination for offline industrial exhibition and experience, and to create a traditional industrial complex with the concept of cloud sharing, collaboration and openness through the application of Internet thinking and Internet technology.

Yungu Bay will be built into a smart industrial community

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IES0002CN Invengo Kunshan Project Plan

IES0002EN Invengo Kunshan Project Plan

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Industrial Estate Docs Justin D. Lee Industrial Estate Docs Justin D. Lee

Create a new model of tourism fashion rural tourism life in the Yangtze River Delta (2015)

Jijiadun Jinxi will take "new rural life" as the development and construction target, pay attention to cultural and creative transformation and upgrading, and improve the quality of rural leisure.This plate will radiate surrounding cultural tourism by creating rural ecological circle of agricultural reclamation, rural residence and market town, and form differentiated development and through-through interaction with scenic spots such as Zhouzhuang, Jinxi and Qiandeng, so as to break through the integration of rural cultural tourism in water town and become a must destination for leisure tourism in Kunshan.Gauge block will through natural, industrial, old room space building, ecological restoration and optimization, and story, leisure recreation and culture mining service brand, make efficient agriculture, rural Hugh idle, organic combination of cultural creativity, make people from passive to active retirement choose rural way of life, advocating organic change the pattern of "life". With the unique regional characteristics of rural material culture, system culture and spiritual culture, lead a specific cultural phenomenon and spread widely.

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IES0001CN IOT meet with Countryside

IES0001EN IOT meet with Countryside

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Strategy Docs Justin D. Lee Strategy Docs Justin D. Lee

Shanxi Aid Pharmaceutical Co. LTDFirst Five-Year Plan (2001-2005)


  1. Macro policy

  2. The great development strategy implemented by the state in the west;

  3. In 2001, faced with the impact of WTO;

  4. The channel revolution brought by the rise of network economy;

  5. Major advances in biological genetic engineering;

  6. The second edition of the market to improve the enterprise financing environment;

  7. The economy has picked up.

  1. The general state of the pharmaceutical industry

  1. The state division of medicine;

  2. The classified management of national prescription and non-prescription drugs has been implemented.

  3. GMP implementation of some manufacturers to stop production, production, transformation;

  4. The market conversion rate of new drugs developed during the ninth five-year Plan period is low;

  5. The social demand for drugs continues to grow;

  6. OTC medicines, especially cold medicines, will have huge business opportunities.

  7. State control over advertising: tax and OTC;

  8. Pharmaceutical chain stores are developing rapidly, while e-commerce is still being explored.

  9. Network hospital has been opened and developed;

  10. Biotech will face huge business opportunities (5-10 years) and nanotechnology (10-20 years).

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Life Science Docs Justin D. Lee Life Science Docs Justin D. Lee

Jiuerxin capsule

Product description of Aizhuerxin Capsule

   (I) Product introduction

[Prescription] Panax notoginseng 134G Chuanxiong 335g Danshen 67g

        Safflower 134g Alisma alisma 67g Acanthopanax senticosus plus extract powder 31g

    [Method] The above six flavors, 37 crushed into fine powder, sieve;The volatile oil was extracted from ligusticum chuanxiong, and the distilled aqueous solution was collected by another device.Liquid and safflower, salvia miltiorrhiza, alisma, add water decoction twice, the first 3 hours, the second 2 hours, merging decoction, filtration, the filtrate and the distillation of aqueous solution to merge, condensed into concrete, drying, crushing, and notoginseng powder, acanthopanax extract powder blending, injection rhizoma ligustici wallichii volatile oil, blending, seal for 2 hours, encapsule, made 500 grains, quick.

   [Properties] This product is capsule, the content is brownish yellow, fragrant, bitter, astringent after sweet.

    (1) Take the content of this product about 0.5g, add 10ml ethanol, heat reflux for 30 minutes, cool, filter, take 2ml filtrate, add sodium nitrite solution (1 20) 0.3ml and 10% aluminum nitrate solution 0.3ml, shake well, place for 3 minutes, add sodium hydroxide solution (0.1mol/L) 2ml, that is, reddish brown.

   (2) Take 1g of the content of this product, add petroleum ether (60~90℃) 10ml, soak for 6 hours, shake constantly, filter, take 1ml of filtrate, steam dry, residue add 1ml methanol to dissolve, add 2~3 drops of 2% nitrobenzoic acid methanol solution and 2 drops of potassium hydroxide saturated methanol solution, purple red.

   (3) the contents about 2 g amount of this product, methanol 20 ml, dipping 30 minutes, all the vibration wave, filtration, the filtrate zhenggan 10 ml of water dissolution, filtration, the filtrate extracted with ether twice, each time 10 ml, abandon to ether liquid, reoccupy n-butyl alcohol extract three times, each time 5 ml, combination of n-butyl alcohol extract, boiled, add 1 ml methanol dissolved, greatly as the solution.Let's take 37 R1, methanol was added to prepare a solution containing 2.5mg per 1mL as the reference solution.According to thin layer chromatography (Page 57 of Appendix), 5μ L of the above two solutions were absorbed, respectively, on the same silica gel G thin layer plate, the upper solution of N-butanol-ethyl acetate water (4-1:5) was used as the developing agent, unfolded, dried, and sprayed with sulfuric acid solution (1 10), at 105℃ for about 10 minutes.In the chromatogram of the tested substance, spots of the same color appeared at the corresponding position of the chromatogram of the reference substance.

    (4) take 0.5g of the content of the product, add anhydrous ethanol to reflux for 30 minutes, cool, filter, take 2ml of filtrate, put in a 25ml measuring cup, add anhydrous ethanol to the scale, spectrophotometry (appendix 51 page) determination, the maximum absorption at 281nm wavelength.

   [Inspection] It should comply with the relevant provisions under the capsule item (Appendix 16 page).

   [Functions and Indications] Invigorate blood circulation, remove blood stasis and give birth to new life.For coronary heart disease, gelatinous pain.

   [Usage and Dosage] Take orally, 2-4 tablets at a time, 3 times a day.

   [Specification] 0.45g per tablet.

   Storage To seal.

Acanthopanax extractives powder is acanthopanax extractives (p. 458), dried and crushed.

   [Precautions] This product is not suitable for blood deficiency without blood stasis, pregnant women should use with caution.

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Strategy Docs Justin D. Lee Strategy Docs Justin D. Lee

Aidphar Culture&CI Strategy (2001)

Set of corporate culture concepts

Enterprise's business field and mission

  1. Enterprise positioning:Committed to the cause of children's health.

  2. Vision: child health expert image.

  3. Business philosophy: based on love and morality

  4. Policy: Customer - centered, market - oriented, creative guidance to meet customer needs.


      The customer is the stream;The market is the sea;Capital is a ship;Brand is sail;Talent is this;Culture is the soul.

  1. Corporate values :(15 views)

  2. Customer values: Friend -- teacher -- God

  3. Market value: The foundation of survival, the source of innovation

  4. Talent values: People are the most precious possession.

  5. Quality concept: Aid's lifeline.

  6. The brand concept: Emotional fuse, rational terminator

  7. Concept of competition: Survival of the fittest

  8. Science technology: Insist on this

  9. Management view: The magic weapon to build Aid team

  10. Concept of decision making: It begins with passionate emotion and ends with prudent reason

  11. Planning perspective: Forethought makes sense, unforethought makes waste

  12. ideal: A gentleman has his way before he has his measure

  13. Realistic view: Better done than said, do the best

  14. Concept of innovation: The driving force of enterprise development

  15. Cultural viewpoint: The soul of enterprise and the god of product

  16. Profit View: Profit and market share all matter

Team spirit

Wild Goose

Management principles

  1. Mechanism science principle;

  2. The principle of combining responsibility and right;

  3. Unified command principle;

  4. Principle of overall interest;

  5. Can up can down principle;

  6. Advocate the initiative principle;

  7. 80/20 principle;

  8. Principle of mutual communication;

  9. Crisis management principles;

  10. Management control principle;

    The spirit of enterprise




High efficiency

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Strategy Docs Justin D. Lee Strategy Docs Justin D. Lee

Aide Pharmaceutical Brief analysis of key points of implementing enterprise strategy

Conclusion: the essential strategy, clever idea, the deployment of integration, based on the experience of a certain time market practice, can be smooth or twist the formation of the brand, and the necessary management is must correct and applicable, science, system, cannot change back and forth, and ideas and integrated adjustment can also be in the operation, the necessary management only when enterprises "landmark" jump start to reset the sublimation.

  1. This case will be listed from the vertical Angle of enterprise strategy one by one

  2. This case to distinguish the product promotion in the next period of time before the work related to plan as a whole, every single thing we need to overall consideration, but not the logic level of word games, must be condensed in the "long-term development, market orientation, team spirit" this height, the product with the deepening of the market is the perfect combination of under the height, at least, we believe that the best condition of amalgamation.And from the "actual combat, overall, interactive" three levels of deployment, and more detailed practices will be further elaborated in the future work, according to the personal level, the development trend of modern marketing theory and the development of children's medicine market.

  3. In this simplified analysis, the problem points are revealed, the purpose and content of the work are more clear, and the use of time can be almost clearly divided.

  4. These ideas integrated some ideas of the enterprise integration, the purpose is only one: put aside all the boxes and regulations, from the "overall, actual combat, interactive" three levels, will we do now can let "Ed" we all common home to this ship to take less detours, less!

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    STR0004CN_Aidphar_Strategy_Key Points

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Strategy Docs Justin D. Lee Strategy Docs Justin D. Lee

Aiderkang Marketing Integrated Promotion Strategy

Shanxi Ed pharmaceutical co., LTD. Is a collection of scientific research, production, marketing as one of the modern pharmaceutical enterprise, registered capital of 5 million yuan, adjust the industrial structure for the provincial government to establish spirit under the guidance of setting up the specification of the joint-stock company, is located in jincheng in Shanxi Province high-tech development zone, away from the jincheng too coke railway station 2 km, provincial secondary road 1 km, away from zhengzhou international airport 90 kilometers (jin jiao expressway opened to traffic, the traffic is very convenient. 

    In the face of an increasingly competitive medical market, the company set to establish the characteristic of "management" as the leading factor to build enterprise core competitive ability, brand operation as the main line, after the comprehensive analysis of the domestic current situation of the medical market, established the takes "children's medicine" of professional course, and after careful research and extensive query, successfully developed a special cold medicine pediatrics - Ed Koch, dispersible tablets, fill the blank of domestic children's cold medicine.

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Strategy Docs Justin D. Lee Strategy Docs Justin D. Lee

Value system of Aidphar (2001)

1. Customer values: Customers are our friends, teachers and god.Customer demand is our responsibility and mission - to pay attention to customers, understand customers, the pursuit of customer satisfaction is always our goal.

    The 21st century is the world of change, the century of WTO, the world of CCEC.Customers become the origin and center of gravity of marketing, so that customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, this is the ultimate marketing strategy - lose customers, will lose the whole century.

Customer satisfaction (CS) : Maximizing customer transfer value

Here's the calculation from Amida:

Example: Suppose a young family (3 people) consumes 30 yuan of medicine for children every year for 10 years.

                                              30 x 10 years = 300 yuan

If 100 million households nationwide are counted, then:

                               100 million ×10× year ×30 yuan = 30 billion yuan · year

If we can keep our customers satisfied and loyal, we can imagine...

    2. Market Values:

The market is the survival of Aidphar, mother like, children accept, is the only standard to test the success of our work.

The market is all about natural selection -- survival of the fittest.

Subsystems derived from market values:

  1. Marketing: market first, sales is a part of marketing;

  2. R & D: To develop products for market demand;

  3. Production: to provide quality products;

  4. Finance: the price is determined by the market and the budget is made according to the market;

  5. Human resources: Everyone has a marketing concept;

  6. Organizational structure: to establish a market-oriented organizational structure.

    3. Human Values:

  1. People are the company's most valuable asset (our machines will not come up with new ideas, will not seize opportunities, only people can solve);

  2. People are an important factor in various elements of productivity -- give play to people's subjective initiative.

  3. Standard: moral integrity and ability.The person who accords with the post function is the talented person of aid.

  4. Ability: Good performance + pragmatic spirit + innovative consciousness.

  5. Wanted: someone more capable than us.

  6. Talent is trained, not hired.Training and learning are the key to the growth of talents.

  7. Selection approach: start from the grassroots, encourage self-study, according to the performance of the company in proportion to the grass-roots allocation.

  8. Principle of choose and employ persons: people do their best, can do their duty, duty to do their salary, salary to do their reputation.

  9. Against: Overqualified, depressive personality;Small timber big use, dereliction of duty.

  10. Survival of the fittest: according to the corporate strategy, regular metabolism.

  11. Incentive and constraint: fairness, justice and openness;

                 Fair, reasonable and legal;

                  Merit must be rewarded, and vice punished.

    4, management view: management is productivity

    Scientific management mechanism can release infinite vitality;The old management mechanism can restrict employees' initiative.Establishing a set of incentive and constraint mechanism balance management system is a safe and efficient mechanism of the first feature.

    Formulate reasonable and effective incentive mechanism according to the strategy of Aidphar pharmaceutical and the condition of pharmaceutical industry.At the same time, the corresponding restraint mechanism must be established to adapt to the current and even the future competition.

    5. Decision-making View:

    Decision making is management.The establishment of an effective scientific decision-making mechanism is the most important for the rise and fall of enterprises.

    The pharmaceutical industry is a sunrise industry with high investment and high return. The enterprise also aims at children's medicine. Due to the particularity of the target population and numerous market variables, the enterprise has greater risk.

Here are a few principles to follow:

  1. Adhere to customer orientation - benefit customers.

  2. Adhere to the market-oriented, there is no investigation, there is no say (in view of the current quality of the market, should be qualitative, quantitative auxiliary principle).

  3. Adhere to the principles of economics.Products and markets must meet financial objectives.

  4. Those who look for the dry, found mistakes in time to correct.

  5. The operation of an enterprise is like a feedback device, which should be constantly corrected until success;

  6. Methods to avoid risks: budget, opportunity cost, consultant, establishment of enterprise early warning system, quantification of indicators.

  1. Quality concept:

    Quality is the lifeblood of an enterprise.

    7. Brand View:

Brands are the result of product competition.

The final result of market competition is that a few brands carve up the market.

The product is ours, the brand is ours.

Brand is the image of the product, the product is the image of the enterprise.

    Brand is our number one business card.

    Adhere to the road of brand, we must start from sales.No sales of the brand and no brand sales, are not desirable.

    Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty are the ultimate standards of brand inspection.

Brand equity is the ultimate in our pursuit.

    Brand equity = awareness + awareness + association + satisfaction + loyalty

    Science and technology: science and technology is the first productive force

Interest - driven becomes technology - driven and dominates the competition in today's society.

Setting up virtual scientific research institutions and increasing investment in science and technology is an important part of THE success of Ed.

  1. Concept of innovation: innovation -- undisputed virtues

  1. Innovation is the lifeline and the driving force of THE company.

  2. No innovation will be eliminated by the new rules of the game.

  3. Enterprise innovation includes management innovation, system innovation, market innovation and technology innovation.

Management innovation -- according to the development stage of the enterprise, carry on the idea innovation;

Institutional innovation -- design is productivity, and a good mechanism can make a bullet release the energy of an atomic bomb;

Technological innovation -- process innovation, equipment innovation, process innovation, cost innovation, thinking innovation;

Market innovation -- create market and guide demand.

  1. Innovation can be big or small: it can be a strategy, a tactic, a piece of advice, an idea, an idea, and there is only one criterion -- as long as it is innovative, as long as it is effective.

  2. Listening to the market is the beginning of success.

  3. The company encourages innovation, cultivates innovative consciousness, forms innovative thinking and casts a pair of innovative eyes.

  4. Innovation needs to learn, the development of modern society requires enterprises to gradually move towards learning organization, lifelong learning has become the main characteristics of knowledge economy - gan when primary school students, learn from customers, learn from peers, learn from the market.

10. Interest View:

Enterprise is a social system. Ed believes that:

The relationship between enterprises and dealers is not cooperation, but community of interests.

 We will gradually establish ERP and allocate resources reasonably so that contributors can get reasonable returns.

11. Competition:

  1. Market: "good wins the enemy, do not fight", do not fight -- innovation, is the virtue of do not fight.Innovation keeps our market a big pie.Innovation is to think what others do not think, do what others do not do;

  2. Customer interests: customer interests first (can not abandon the root);

  3. Product: product quality in line with GMP, relying on technology, scale, cost reduction, and maintain reasonable profits, at the expense of the interests of enterprises and customers to reduce prices is unfair competition;

  4. Service: service is first of all a part of the product, but also a means of competition;

  5. Order: fair competition, abide by professional ethics, integrity and career.

  6. Dealers: treat suppliers and dealers sincerely and form a strategic alliance. This is the market morality of AIde to treat people sincerely -- to make joint efforts to enter the world and go into the market together;

  7. Brand equity: protect brand equity, crack down on infringement and counterfeiting, and safeguard customers' interests;

  8. Competitors: learn from peers, do not slander, do not exclude, do not slander;

  9. Communication: seeking truth from facts - to move, to reason, do brand, is to be a man;

  10. The strongest competitor -- yourself.If you don't innovate, examine, and deny, you will fail yourself and no one else.

    12. Strategic Planning:

  1. Strategic planning is to establish the company in the future (a certain period of time) to build the form, and trying to master the future is not possible, planning is to predict trying to find out the way of the development of future events, at least is a relatively perfect probability range;

  2. Long-term planning is a guiding program, the implementation should have short-term planning, quarterly budget;

  3. Planning for the future is to equip managers with a vision for growth and prevent them from protecting the past;

  4. Planning does not involve decision making, but the future of present decision making.

  5. Planning process:

                      Systematic research (future)

                      Executive decisions

                                      Compare feedback to measure decisions

We think: planning is sacrifice, is to sacrifice some interests, but make public some interests.

13. Realistic view:

  1. The society is in the transition period of the old and new systems, and the speculative mentality, the style of abnegation, the disorder of order, and the incidents of cheating consumers occur from time to time, which lead to the inactivity of enterprise mechanism, poor team construction and poor cohesion.This is precisely what we are opposed to.

    Practicality, integrity and unity are our pursuit. We also firmly believe that: planning, planning or paper things, no effective implementation is nothing.

  1. No investigation, no right to speak, refrain from empty talk.

  2. Let the numbers speak for themselves.

  3. Step by step, every day.

  4. A calm mind + a sincere heart + a realistic spirit = pragmatic charity

  5. When others say no, we do what we say. This is pragmatism.

14. Cultural View:

  1. Corporate culture: it is a comprehensive reflection of the values, codes of conduct and aesthetic concepts observed and pursued by all staff formed in the process of long-term production and operation.Generally divided into three levels of spiritual culture, system culture and material culture, but also a whole culture of different levels, the three inseparable, mutual restriction, mutual penetration, mutual influence.

  2. Economy and culture are corresponding bodies, and the highest level of economic competition is cultural competition.Culture and economy are two wheels of the same car, both are indispensable.The connotation of consumption lies in culture, which drives consumption and is the root of consumption.

  3. Modern enterprise competition is the competition of science and technology, talent, in the final analysis is cultural competition, is the root of competition.

  4. Whether the culture of an enterprise is healthy or not directly affects the development, decision-making, management style and the rise and fall of the enterprise.

15. Profit View:

  1. Pursuing customer satisfaction is the ultimate goal;

  2. Earn a reasonable profit;To maintain the survival and development of enterprises.

  3. Terminal retail rate, prescription share and market share are very important;

  4. Maintaining a certain amount of cash flow is the key to modern enterprise management, especially when the moral order of market economy has not been formed and the credit crisis exists today.

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Strategy Docs Justin D. Lee Strategy Docs Justin D. Lee

Aidphar Brand identity strategic planning (2001)

Brand Identity - also known as Brand recognition, Brand Identity, "BI") is a relatively new concept, especially in this case the use of BI companies lower marketing campaigns to spread from the same source within the territory and is converted to a symbol, the information and the product itself, and can make consumers face more and more different Brand, will be affected by the different aspects of Brand Identity, in succession to recall - or products, or business, or logo, or enterprise standard color, or corporate image endorsement, even if it is advertising fragment and the enterprise publicity materials,And can influence and perpetuate that memory.

    2.The essence of brand identity is

  • What is the value of a brand?

  • What is the personality of the brand?

  • What is the long-term and ultimate goal of the brand?

  • How consistent is the brand?

  • What is the basic status of the brand?

  • What is the brand identification symbol?

    These six questions point to brand definition and constitute the connotation of brand. Brand identification can form the basis for brand communication and in-depth management of extension in a specific period……

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Strategy Docs Justin D. Lee Strategy Docs Justin D. Lee

Enterprise integrated communication strategic planning (2001)

Marketing is the art of delivering a product.Communication is a science of communication, and the ultimate purpose of enterprise communication is to make customers form a distinct cognition of the enterprise or product, and actively consume, and maintain the consistency and uniqueness of such consumption.

Communication is the collection of information diffusion, marketing is the general term of product promotion, the information spread includes product information, in this sense, communication is consistent with some focus of marketing.At the same time, both communication and marketing are derivatives of the need for communication and customer demand, so communication and marketing interweave into a magnificent enterprise behavior.

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Management Docs Justin D. Lee Management Docs Justin D. Lee

Aidphar HR Questionares (2001)

Job analysis interview method list of questions.

(1) What is the objective of the position?

     What is the ultimate outcome of this position?

     What is the significance of this position from the company's perspective?

     Why this position?

     What are the benefits of spending money on this work?

 (2) What is the meaning of work?

    Calculate the annual expenses for this position, such as operating budget, sales, and employee expenses.

    Can this supervisor achieve significant savings for the department or organization?And can it do so every year?

    Can the position supervisor create a good profit for the company?And can you maintain performance?

 (3) What is the position of the position in the organization?

     Who does he work for directly?

     Which positions are in the same department as him?

     What are his most frequent internal and external contacts?

     What committee does he serve on?

     Is he on business?Go to where?Because of the counting?

  (4) What assistants does he usually have?

      What work is he in charge of?

      Briefly explain the scope of each subordinate's work: size, scope, and why they exist.

      What types of employees do they report to: are they competent, experienced, etc.?

      How does he manage his subordinates?

      What information management system is used?

      Which subordinates do you often have direct contact with?

      Does he need to have the same professional or technical knowledge as his subordinates?Why?

      (5) What technical, management and interpersonal coordination skills are required?

       What are the basic requirements of the position?

       What is the technical, professional, and financial status of the supervisor's work environment?

       List the required expertise in order of importance.Ask him to give an example of his work in the order in which it happened.

      How to master technical knowledge, off-job training or on-the-job training?

      Does the company have other channels to provide similar technical knowledge?Does he have access to that knowledge?

      What is his effect on the morale of his subordinates?

      Do subordinates support his management and direction, and do they need his cooperation?

      Does he have much difficulty convincing others ----- of his rank or higher, -------, to accept his advice in this field or any other?

     How well does he work with his subordinates?

     Who can he turn to for help?

     How much autonomy does he have?

     What level of supervisor does he report to?

     What does he do most of the time?

     How important are interpersonal skills compared with technical knowledge in everyday work?

   (6) What are the key problems to be solved in the management work?What aspects are involved?

      What does he see as the biggest challenge in the job?

      What are your most and least satisfying aspects?

      What is the most concerned or cautious issue in your work?

      What is the basis for dealing with these difficult or important issues?

      In what way does his boss direct him?

      How often he asks for help from his boss;Or does the boss constantly check on or direct his work?

      What kind of issues does he have autonomy over?

     What kind of problems should he refer to his superiors?

     How does he rely on policy or precedent to solve problems?

      Are the problems different?What are the differences?

     To what extent is the outcome of the problem predictable?

     Is there any guidance or precedent for dealing with the problem?

     Is precedent the only way to solve the problem?

     Does he have a chance to take a fresh approach to the problem?

     Can he solve the problems that are given to him, or does he know how to solve them?

     Does he or his boss do the analysis of a problem before starting to solve it?

      Ask him to give examples of who and how the problem was solved?

   (7) How are his actions or decisions controlled?

     What principles, rules, precedents and personnel systems does he operate under?

     Does he see his boss often?

     What problem did he discuss with his boss?

     Did he change the structure of his department?

     Ask him to give an example of a major decision or action he has taken.

     What powers does he have in respect of:

     A. Hiring and firing employees

     B. Use of funds

     C. Decide on immediate expenses

     D. Determine the price

     E. Change the method

     F. Change job designs, policies and salaries.

   (8) What important results will the management ultimately achieve?

     Besides solving problems, what else is he directly responsible for?

     Is he specifically responsible for dealing with something or is he responsible for supervising others to deal with it?

     What is the measure of the outcome?

     Does he define the task or does he organize it?

     Is he decisive in the success or failure of the matter?

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Marketing Docs Justin D. Lee Marketing Docs Justin D. Lee

Aidphar Marketing Management System (2001)

Screen Shot 2021-09-07 at 9.25.16 AM.png

Responsibilities of Marketing Department

  1. Make annual marketing strategy according to Marketing Department's mission and market forecast;

  2. Develop annual marketing target and target decomposition;

  3. Develop annual marketing budget and budget breakdown;

  4. Determine internal organizational structure, design and staffing according to marketing plan;

  5. Organize and formulate the rules and regulations of the Marketing Department, report for approval and implement, supervise and inspect;

  6. Formulate sales policies and submit them for approval and implementation (price policies and incentive policies);

  7. Submit new product development plan for approval according to market demand and product planning;

  8. Organize and develop new market according to marketing strategy development plan;

  9. Develop product marketing plan, report for approval and organize implementation;

  10. Consolidate and improve the original market, develop new markets, improve brand image;

  11. Establish customer files and provide pre-sales and after-sales services;

12. Communicate with customers and deal with customer complaints;

  13. Develop and implement product promotion plans;

  14.  Investigation and operation of media according to promotion strategy;

  15. Daily business operations of ordering, delivering, receiving, returning and reconciling accounts;

  16. Coordinate and communicate with related departments on production and marketing, marketing research, planning and marketing;

17. Formulate and implement personnel training plans in the system;

18. Follow-up of adverse reactions.


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Management Docs Justin D. Lee Management Docs Justin D. Lee

Aidphar Pharmaceutical Human resource analysis and planning (2001)

Shanxi Aidphar pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is a young and new pharmaceutical enterprise. The standardized shareholding structure is the basis of scientific management and reasonable employment.In the early stage of the company's development, the human resource development follows the following modes: people-oriented, emphasizing team spirit and advocating internal cooperation, paying equal attention to short-term performance and long-term performance assessment;While paying attention to the cultivation of potential basic ability, we should give full play to the individual's obvious expertise;In the clear control of power, regulations bound, but also to attach importance to mutual trust;In order to ensure the benign development of the company, at the same time, to create certain environment and conditions for personal development.

As the company is a new enterprise, the basis of job planning is only determined by the company's business plan of the next year and the progress of new projects.After repeated research and decision by the board of shareholders of the company, the overall plan for next year is to go forward with the operation of general medicine and the new project.The basic idea is to invest a certain amount of money in the operation of generic medicine, in order to maintain the expenditure of various expenses, and lay a certain marketing foundation for the listing of Ederkang at the end of next year, and establish a small but fine marketing team.Eiderkang project will be started immediately. A new solid preparation workshop with fully closed GMP standard steel frame structure will be built in the development zone. Construction will start in March next year, and it will be officially put into production and listed in November next year.

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Marketing Docs Justin D. Lee Marketing Docs Justin D. Lee

Media Planing of New Drug Folide (2000)

Media planning is the process of strategizing and purchasing ad placements by determining the best combination of media to achieve marketing campaign goals.

Media planners are not only responsible for the initial media purchase, but also for the continued optimization of performance throughout the entire campaign lifecycle. They must consider the service and/or product being advertised, the ideal target audience and the marketing campaign goals.

Many times media planning will be outsourced to a media agency who is experienced in delivering ads across the best media platforms to the right people.

First Things First: What Are Your Goals?

The major driving force of a multi-channel campaign is your marketing goals and objectives.

Do you want to increase overall brand awareness? Do you want to drive conversion rates for form sign-ups on your website? Whatever your goal may be, make sure you are clear about how you will go about achieving it.

Your goals should be SMART – specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. For example, your campaign objective can be to increase credit card sign-ups at your local bank location by 30% within one month.

Setting clear goals helps the development of your media strategy in terms of drawing in new prospects, acquiring more customers or retargeting leads that slipped away the first time.

Who’s Your Best Audience?

There are endless reachable users available, but the key is knowing which ones are the best for your specific campaign. Understanding who to reach with your media plan starts with defining your target audience.

Before you can decide on the details of your media strategy, you must understand who your ideal consumers are and how you can best reach them.

Here are some things to consider when building the target audience for your campaign:

  • Type of campaign – Business to Business (B2B) or Business to Consumer (B2C)

  • Demographics – age, gender, ethnicity, income, occupation, etc.

  • Interests – intent to purchase, in-market

  • Media Habits – preferred media platforms to engage (desktop, mobile, native, etc.)

Once you have determined your ideal consumer, then you can build an accurate audience with the people who are in-market for the product or service you sell and are most likely to respond to your ads.

Typically, the Counts team will pull an audience segment based on consumers with the aligned intent to purchase, demographic, interests, etc. Certain criteria can be set across media channels to either open the campaign for a broad reach or narrow the selection more specifically to fit campaign requirements – such as residence within a radius from a retail location, age group or annual income.

A select number of people who fit the criteria are compiled to serve as an ideal target audience for your media campaign.

Campaign Details

Other campaign details that must be considered are:

  • The flight (or timeline) of the campaign

  • Budget allotted to the campaign, and

  • Media channels by which you will reach your target audience.

Based on your campaign goals (i.e. brand awareness or conversions) and your budget, a media planner will help coordinate the flight and channels of the campaign accordingly.

Whether it is through desktop, mobile, tablets, social media, etc., meet your target audience where they are engaging most by analyzing their media preferences.

Build Your Media Plan

Once all of the necessary target audience is created and counts are compiled, it’s time to build your media plan.

A media plan will include details such as specific media channels best for message delivery, the number of impressions, the cost per million clicks and creative development specifications.

Creative development specifications entail the actual images and message of the banner ads that will be delivered across different platforms and ensuring that they are engaging – to boost clicks and responses.

Media planning compiles all of the marketers’ desired goals, data compiled from targeting technologies, creative development specifications for the actual ads and accessibility to certain ad exchanges to determine the best way to deliver the message to target audiences.

Your campaign will span through a specific amount of time and can be delivered across desktop, native, mobile and email.

Measure Your Success

Once the campaign is deployed, the most important part of media planning actually begins.

Your media planner will analyze and achieve measurable goals by tracking engagement, such as click-through rates in delivered emails and form sign-ups on the website. This way, marketers can understand what works best and what drove the most engagement and revenue to optimize the existing campaign and maximize the success of future campaigns.

Valuable media delivery and the analysis of real-time engagement data ensures that your marketing dollars are being invested into real results, as opposed to wasted impressions sent to ad bots and unengaged strangers.

Media planning is essential to the success of your campaign, delivering the most relevant ads to the right people on their favorite devices.

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Marketing Docs Justin D. Lee Marketing Docs Justin D. Lee

New Drug Folide Distributors Recruiting Manual (2000)

The company put into production in 1997, injected 75 million yuan of capital, in strict accordance with the pharmaceutical GMP standards, the implementation of fully closed professional production, the existing staff of more than 200 people.

At the beginning of production, the company decided to take "Fo li" series products as the main brand, because of its good curative effect, effective promotion, safe public relations, nearly three years of marketing, the company has a formed network, and on this basis to establish the brand image of the enterprise and the product, in a certain area rapidly formed word-of-mouth effect.

It is because of strict production and effective sales that the company has become a rising star in the pharmaceutical industry in southeast Shanxi Province, so it has been rewarded and supported by the relevant medical authorities."Western development" of the implementation, seven Foshan is also trying to conduct other business mode.

As the RXIn the classified management of drugs and OTC drugs, the strong market operation advantages of OTC drugs begin to glow with vitality. In order to adapt to the rapid development of the company and seize the market opportunities, we are specially open for investment from the whole country. We hope that you will join us in dedicating to the medical cause, sharing the benefits and creating a brilliant life together.

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Life Science Docs Justin D. Lee Life Science Docs Justin D. Lee

A brief introduction to the Folide Project (1999)

I. Project name, construction unit and location: 6

1. Project name: Folide

2. Construction unit: Shanxi Qifanshan Pharmaceutical Co., LTD

3. Construction site: 1 Xinhua Street, Gaoping City, Shanxi Province

Ii. Market Situation:

1. Main uses and application fields of the product:

1. The main use of Freid tablets: antitussive and expectorant.

2. Applicable scope: acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, pharyngitis and cough and expectoration caused by cold, facing a broad consumer group of all ages and all income levels.

2. Comparison of like products:

① Compared with Traditional Chinese medicine: symptomatic treatment, accurate efficacy, accurate dose and wide application.

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Life Science Docs Justin D. Lee Life Science Docs Justin D. Lee

Introduction of Shanxi Qifanshan Pharmaceutical Co., LTD (1999)

Shanxi Seven Foshan pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is a set of production, development, marketing as one of the modern new pharmaceutical enterprises, is located in the southeast of Shanxi Province. In history, the famous "Changping Battle" in Gaoping city, the ancestors of the Chinese nation - Yandi, Yandi ling is 10 kilometers away from the city. (According to the research is earlier than the Yandi Mausoleum in Hunan province, central Radio 2 reported). Only two hours away from Zhengzhou International Airport, convenient transportation, advantageous geographical location. Gaoping city is one of the key coal-producing city in China, known as the "coal and smelting of the township" reputation, coal smelting industry has always been the city's main economic pillar, along with our country's reform and opening- up and the establishment of the socialist market economy, the single product structure, low content of science and technology, single industrial structure of resource-based economy too influenced by the market, more and more not adapt to the request of the construction of economic city. In 1996, the municipal party Committee and the municipal government made a strategic decision to adjust the industrial structure and set up seven Foshan Pharmaceutical Co., LTD.

Since the establishment, leaders of governments at all levels give high attention and key support. Wu Jieping, vice chairman of the National People's Congress, inscribed the name of the company; Zhang Wenkang, minister of the Ministry of Health, who is busy with his work, gave encouragement with the inscription "serve the people's health and serve the modernization construction". Provincial party committee and provincial government leaders visited the company for many times. The leadership's concern and support greatly encouraged all the staff.

At present, the first phase of solid preparation workshop of Foshan Pharmaceutical Company has been put into operation in December 1998. The workshop is designed and built according to the national GMP standard, with an annual production capacity of one billion tablets. The liquid preparation workshop will be purified and put into operation in 2000. The company has 143 employees, 30% of whom have college education or above, and 100% of the greening and hardening area of the factory.

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Life Science Docs Justin D. Lee Life Science Docs Justin D. Lee

Folide Integrated Marketing Promotion Strategy (1999)

I. Strategic issues and opportunities:1. Marketing environmentProblem point: western medicine cough more without a high brand name;National drug classification management affects channel selection and poor brand image.Opportunity point: Facing the coming OTC market consumption, it provides an opportunity to establish the Folide brand. 2. Buyer status Problem: Folide is a new drug on the market and the market has just started. Consumers are not aware of the harm of addiction and are not familiar with the concept of codeine, so the purchase rate is low. Opportunity point: The efficacy of Folide is small (special formula), safe and convenient, to meet the needs of consumers. 3. Product statusProblem point: high degree of homogeneity Opportunity: Formula features: cough and expectorant, good synergis-tic effect, codeine-free, no addiction, small side effects, safe and conve-nient (OTC). 4. Competitive situationProblem: Lizhu carle, can dimei positioning, slightly stronger function, Shanghai Meiyu capsule, product growth will face the resistance of traditional Chinese medicine and the above three drugs. Opportunities: poor brand image, not outstanding and not containing codeine, provides opportunities for Friede brand positioning. 5. Propagation conditionsProblem points: Kangbei kexing film's perceptual guidance rational appeal, new features;Juzhi syrup highlights four major functions, which affect the spread (surface) of Frede to a certain extent.Opportunities: Strive for innovation and integrated communication. TV ads only make functional appeals;Brand image advertising. SP strengthens terminal promotion and strengthens thrust……

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Life Science Docs Justin D. Lee Life Science Docs Justin D. Lee

Long-Term Development Strategy of Qifoshan Pharmaceutical (1999)

The development strategy is a programmatic document that guides the development of the company. To formulate it, you must be familiar withthe international and domestic macroeconomic situation; you must understand the national industry guidance policy; and it must be based on a fullinvestigation of the market. Especially for my country's pharmaceutical industry market, the policy is relatively familiar. Seven Foshan Pharmaceutical'sPlanning Department has been conducting a survey of second-hand data since March 1998, and has looked up a lot of valuable data. At the same time, I visited the company's advisory committee, combined with the market research conducted in recent months, and considered the company's developmentneeds. A preliminary development strategy report was prepared and submitted to the company’s board of directors for review and recommendations.

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